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This paper is the first of three, leading to your final exam. One paper will build upon another, so it is important to think the assignment through as much as possible before you begin. You will choose a problem that is important to you and attempt to persuade an audience of your choosing that you have the credibility and the information necessary to solve that problem. The first step in that process will be essay #3, the causal analysis essay. This paper will allow you to uncover the causes of the issue on which you will focus. When did this issue first arise? Why? Why does the issue continue to be problematic?

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Adequately examining the cause of a phenomenon will begin to suggest to you new ways of seeing the issue at hand and will help you to avoid simplistic solutions., (In this paper you will not address solutions to the problem; those will form the focus of paper #4.)

Think about the problem you have selected. Research it on the internet, in local newspapers, interview experts, examine library materials. In order to analyze the cause(s) of the problem, you may find it helpful to think back to when the problem began. What changes took place that influenced the development of the problem?

Write an academic essay of four to five pages in which you:

Outline the background and history of the problem.

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Provide evidence that the problem exists and present its major characteristics.

Explore the possible causes of the problem, persuading the reader that the causes you identify are, indeed, the significant and relevant sources of the problem.

Using a reasonable and authoritative tone, show why one of these causes is the best available explanation for the issue and why other potential causes are more secondary.

Use at least three outside research sources to support your causal argument.


Following MLA citation guidelines, include a Works Cited page in which you list the sources that you’ve used in your paper.

Audience: Your audience consists of the readers to whom your final proposal will be directed. To choose your audience, think about who has both the power and the potential willingness to enact the solutions you will describe in paper #4.

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