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Which school of psychology from Chapter 1 was most influential, in your opinion? Explain your choice as well as providing insight on any schools you almost chose but decided were not influential. You are only responsible for detailing information on one school of psychology.

Cite any sources you used to support your answers to the question. Your initial post must include appropriate APA references at the end.

Dis 3

How do different parts of the brain influence our behavior? How do central nervous system depressants, such as alcohol, affect our behavior?

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Dis 4

 Psychologists recognize that, in most cases, nature (genes) and nurture (environment) jointly affect human behavior and development. Please choose an aspect of child development and discuss the relative contributions of nature and nurture, supported by specific findings and theories you found in the assigned readings. 

DIs 5

 Sensation refers to an actual event; perception refers to how we interpret the event. What are some cultural differences that might affect responses to particular stimuli, particularly in taste and pain? Post your discussion using information from the text to support your views. 

Dis 6

 Most of us feel like we never get enough sleep. What are the stages of sleep and what is the importance of sleep? What are some common sleep disorders and treatments? Support your post with material from the assigned reading. 

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