Future of work in public health

Future of Work in Public Health

Whether working in a public health agency or health care organization, all major businesses are engaged in partnerships to address public health issues.

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  • Which public health issue has piqued your interest as a future public health professional?
  • Which public health agencies would you consider as potential employers to influence this public health issue?
  • How would you learn more about the public health issue and develop initiatives to engage community stakeholders?


  • If you have had additional contact with your interviewee, share any feedback or response received to date.

Response Guidelines

Refer to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. Please choose posts that have had few responses thus far and respond with all of the following:

  • Engage your peers. Tell them specifically why you chose to respond to their posts.
  • Seek clarification. Talk about what is unclear. Ask questions. Offer suggestions.
  • Make it real. Include personal examples or work experiences that add perspective to your reply.
  • Be a practitioner/scholar. In addition to your personal or work experience, include one academic reference in each reply. Use APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Describe goals of public health professionals and how to achieve them.
  • Discuss how public health goals are determined.


  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
  • Capella University Library.
  • Finding Articles for Your Discussion Post.
  • Public Health Undergraduate Library Research Guide.
  • APA Module.

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