Foundations of Management


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Written Assignment #2: Ethics and Social Responsibility in Organizations

Instructions:  Using the company that you have chosen to study in the course, select an ethical issue/dilemma that your company is currently facing and complete the steps outlined below. Your assignment should be a 3-page paper using APA 6th edition + References

Step I. Describe the facts of the case.

 What are the issues of the various stakeholders in this ethical dilemma?

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  1. Who are the stakeholders?
  2. What is the position and obligation to each stakeholder?

Step II. Based on the theories/concepts presented in the text:

  1. How would you explain/describe/or categorize the ethical dilemma?
  2. What conflicting and competing values make this an ethical dilemma for the company?
  3. What standards did you use to determine that the issue was one of ethics and presented an ethical dilemma for the company?
  4. At what points or stages in the life cycle of the dilemma did the situation become one of ethics?

Step III. What is the right thing for the company to do in this case?

Has your company decided to do the right thing? If so, what difficulty will the company experience in solving the dilemma?

 What makes it so difficult for your company to decide what is right to do?

  1. What moral obligations does the company have to its stakeholders:
  2. How can the company demonstrate that it is a socially responsive and responsible company?
  3. Ultimately, what is the company’s corporate social responsibility and how is it demonstrated (or not demonstrated) in the case?
  4.  Is it possible in this situation for the company to ever achieve a corporate social responsibility ideal?

Runninghead: CASE STUDY


Case Study

Major Challenges Sigma Foundries Facing in Global Market

Foundations of Management


Case Study
Major Challenges Sigma Foundries Facing in Global Market

Sigma foundries is a well-known company generally established years ago. It is the

main aim of the company to develop a good market reputation for metalworking. The company

manufactures different parts and equipment used in machinery for sugar mills, rice mills, and

brother general machineries like generators, compressors, and air conditioners. It is considered

that the company is working fine with the best efforts of employees and staff. The

organizational structure of the firm is based on all the required standards which are necessary.

However, this company is facing issues involving management and marketing. These include:

1. Less leadership among the employees.

2. Limited resources for performing a job.

3. Poor inventory management.

4. Lack of Human resource policies.

5. No international exposure.

6. Quality control

These are challenges that the company needs to address in terms of progress. The annual

report says that the revenue generated nationally is enough for the company to withstand

current situations, but there will not be any future of it when the company does not focus on

exporting its goods or services out of the country.

It is noted that these challenges are very considerable in any company, and the way to

execute things within it is quite important. Every employee must have a motivation that could

only be possible with the leadership of managers and the CEO. Overall, organizational culture


is making things at break-even, but the progress could be promising when the company works

on these specific issues (Hirschi, 2018).

In a global market, the competition is cut-throat may not allow an edge to such

companies to have a place. According to the business field’s rules and standards, it is always

promising for a company to take care of even small aspects so that the clients may come in

contact without any hesitation. Sigma foundries need to address its issues to develop a good

market reputation globally.

Proposed Solutions


First of all, the important aspect of leadership must be considered by the company to lead

a good team of employees within the company. All the workers, supervisors, and managers

must be led by a strategy to ensure promising progress. If employees are motivated, then they

will exert their maximum effort and not only consider the advantages. They must be paid well

to entrust their loyalty.

Improvement of Resources

All the tools and equipment being used in the company are getting old that needs to be

replaced to improve efficiency and accuracy. Computerized control machines and manual

machines must be repaired or replaced with proper planning to prevent any failures in the

manufacturing processes. It is mandatory for the supervisors to take care of all the machinery.

Inventory Management

As the raw metal is a compulsory inventory for a foundry, it should be managed in order

to avoid any worries in the future. A team should be assigned to ensure productivity


and progress. A computerized record of all the things in or out must be noted to calculate how

much exactly the inventory is left and how much is used within the processes. It would be very

helpful for the company to assess the future demand for their raw materials.

Recruitment Process

Employee satisfaction is necessary, but the most important thing to consider in any

company’s organizational culture is the recruitment process to find the right employees fit for

them. A digital system should be developed for newcomers so that they can have a proper

assessment of them. It is noted that the company is working fine within the nation, but quality

control should not be overlooked. Globally, it can be said that the right employees are assists in

good reputation of the company. Selling goods outside of the country is no less than a

challenge. In this way, the company should hire marketing teams having good communication

skills and tactics (Patel, 2019).

International Exposure

Moreover, the company has never worked internationally because of its limitations.

Now is the time to work with international clients to set their place in the market globally. This

challenge ultimately affects the company. This factor can make the company dull in the

international market. It may not help enter the stock market, and the economy may get

demolished because of limited sales of goods and services.

Quality Control Improvement

The last one is quality control, which the company takes seriously. It cannot let international

clients entrust them because of low-quality products. Sigma foundries must need to focus on


having a team with good quality control skills. Otherwise, the global market will kick it out

(Raut, 2019).


It can be concluded that the company needs to adopt solutions to avoid the worst scenario in

the future. In this situation, the company’s management must work in hiring the best team with

good communication skills and marketing tactics. Globally, the quality is very concerned with

the fluctuations in prices. In this way, the company’s reputation would be a very impressive

informant to international clients. The organizational culture must be better to calculate the

exact progress. The international exposure can come with a blessing in disguise when the

company uses accurate tolls and machinery and quality control techniques.



Hirschi, A. (2018). The fourth industrial revolution: Issues and implications for career research

and practice. The career development quarterly, 66(3), 192-204.

Patel, P. P. (2019). Methodology to Qualify and Monitor a Chemically Bonded Sand System

used in Foundries.

Raut, M. T. (2019). Quality and Productivity Improvement in Gear Manufacturing Process by

using Quality Control Chart and Capability Analysis Including Sampling.

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