Form 1120 Tax Return preparation

 Please prepare 1120 and all 2019 U.S. tax forms applicable to the referenced file. 

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Problem 3—C Corporation (FORM 1120)

On November 1, 2005, Janet Morton and Kim Wong formed Pet Kingdom, Inc., to sell pets and pet supplies. Pertinent information regarding Pet Kingdom is summarized as follows:

· Pet Kingdom’s business address is 1010 Northwest Parkway, Dallas, TX 75225; its telephone number is (214) 555-2211; and its e-mail address is

· The employer identification number is 11-1111111, and the principal business activity code is 453910.

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· Janet and Kim each own 50% of the common stock; Janet is president and Kim is vice president of the company. No other class of stock is authorized.

· Both Janet and Kim are full-time employees of Pet Kingdom. Janet’s Social Security number is 123-45-6789, and Kim’s Social Security number is 987-65-4321.

· Pet Kingdom is an accrual method, calendar year taxpayer. Inventories are determined using FIFO and the lower of cost or market method. Pet Kingdom uses the straight-line method of depreciation for book purposes and accelerated depreciation (MACRS) for tax purposes.

· During 2018, the corporation distributed cash dividends of $306,495.

Pet Kingdom’s financial statements for 2019 are shown below.

Income Statement


Gross Sales $4,600,000

Sales returns and allowances (160,000)

Net Sales $4,440,000

Cost of goods sold (1,840,000)

Gross Profit $2,600,000

Dividends received from stock Investments

in less-than-20%-owned U.S. corporations 35,000

Interest Income:

State bonds $12,000

Certificates of deposit 16,000 28,000

Total income $2,663,000



Janet Morton $210,000

Kim Wong 210,000 $420,000

Salaries-clerical and sales 580,000

Taxes (state, local, and payroll) 190,000

Repairs and maintenance 112,000

Interest Expense:

Loan to purchase state bonds $ 7,000

Other business loans 174,000 181,000

Advertising 46,000

Rental expense 86,000

Depreciation* 80,000

Charitable contributions 30,000

Employee benefit programs 48,000

Premiums on term life insurance policies

on lives of Janet and Kim; Pet Kingdom

is the designated beneficiary 32,000

Total expenses (1,805,000)

Net Income before taxes $858,000

Federal income tax (175,875)

Net income per books $682,125

*Depreciation for tax purposes is $110,000. You are not provided enough detailed data to complete a Form 4562 (depreciation). If you solve this problem using H&R Block Tax Software, enter the amount of depreciation on line 20 of Form 1120.

Balance Sheet

Assets January 1, 2019 December 31, 2019

Cash $ 960,000 $ 680,000

Trade notes and accounts receivable 1,650,000 1,838,000

Inventories 2,200,000 2,424,000

Stock Investment 900,000 900,000

State bonds 300,000 300,000

Certificates of deposit 350,000 350,000

Prepaid Federal Tax -0- 3,630

Buildings and other depreciable assets 4,365,000 4,365,000

Accumulated depreciation (485,000) (565,000)

Land 650,000 650,000

Other assets 112,000 102,800

Total assets $11,002,000 $11,048,430

Liabilities and Equity January 1,2019 December 31, 2019

Accounts Payable $ 1,850,000 $ 1,579,800

Other current liabilities 142,000 123,000

Mortgages 3,700,000 3,660,000

Capital stock 2,000,000 2,000,000

Retained earnings 3,310,000 3,685,630

Total liabilities and equity $11,002,000 $ 11,048,430

During 2018, Pet Kingdom made estimated tax payments of $44,876.25 each quarter to the IRS. Prepare a Form 1120 for Pet Kingdom for tax year 2019. Suggested software: H&R BLOCK Tax Software.

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