Forest and oceans

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Intro to Environmental Science – Week 4 Assignment

Forests and Oceans

Design a three-part, two-sided brochure to share with the general public about the importance of
forests and oceans. This should be an original work consisting of:

1. An overall theme
2. Pictures
3. Text
4. One side about forests

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a. Why are forests important?
b. Describe three actions which contribute to deforestation.
c. Describe three ways in which you could diminish the deforestation actions.

5. One side about oceans
a. Why are oceans important?
b. Describe three actions which contribute to ocean pollution.
c. Describe three ways in which you could diminish the polluting actions.

Be sure to cite any references used in the creation of your brochure, including providing credit for
any images used.
Review this website for assistance formatting your brochure using Microsoft Word.
Use this brochure template for this assignment.
View your assignment rubric.

2/6/21, 10:38 AM
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Type a caption for your photo


Why are oceans important?

Ocean Issues and Solutions
Three actions which contribute to ocean pollution

Three ways in which you could diminish the polluting actions.

Name: ____________________________
Week 4
Date: _____________________________

Name: _________________

Type a caption for your photo

Forests and Oceans

Type a caption for your photo
Why are forests important?
Three actions which contribute to deforestation.

Three ways in which you could diminish the deforestation action

Type a caption for your photo

Final thoughts


Withgott, J., & Laposata, M. (2019). Essential environment: The science behind the stories. NY, NY: Pearson.

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