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Advance Sales

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RPS 4500 Fall 2020


Asante’ Ward

RPS 4500 Fall 2020

Professor Healy

November 10, 2020

Executive Summary

Revenue growth is a fundamental corporate start that influences sales, assets, net profits, and forging a curve to accommodate production cost reduction and competitive advantage achievements. An indicator in revenue growth accommodates notable classification into business outcomes, outputs, capabilities, and qualitative indicators acclaiming strategy application towards company revenue growth (Absanto and Nnko, 2013). By accommodating significant aspects of sales representation at Apple Inc., products and marketing posit significant and possible development to achieve venue growth from advanced sales and strategic business growth and performance, accommodating stakeholders and customers as integral players in business strategy and plans. Similarly, trends in advanced marketing require a pragmatic solution for Apple Inc. to achieve competitive advantages in marketing strategies, facilitating revenue growth, and profitable business return on the production, distribution, and marketing procedures.

Purposefully, strategies such as need digital marketing strategies, digital transformation marketing effect, partnership formation with Qualcomm a semiconductor manufacturer, and firm’s performance accommodate internal and external analysis for data-driven decisions towards revenue growth. Notably, accommodating aspects such as market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification as fundamental business development strategies in sales representative roles within Apple Inc. provides evidence-based marketing and sales growth, embracing the company operations and performance to achieve competitive advantages (Durmaz and Ilhan, 2015). Market penetration growth accommodates fundamental Stakeholder needs such as integrity, privacy, partnership with Qualcomm, reduction marketing, and sales management costs to facilitate new customer loyalty and satisfaction. Consequently, embracing intensive market development as a business strategy aims to provide realistic, measurable, and specific, and attainable new market division for the organization’s current financial services. Admittedly, the Apple Inc. development of new products and devolvement from a general to specific customer-oriented and stakeholder-centric post is a possible outcome in the organization’s growth towards revenue growth from sales representatives’ perspectives. Finally, the Apple Inc. company presents a significant opportunity to offer effective services and products such as designs manufactures, communication and media devices, networks solution, hardware and software applications accommodating diversification and business development strategy accommodates stakeholders and customers trends and expectations on digital financial transfers for possible revenue growth in the Apple Inc. Company. Specifically, accommodating Qualcomm to provide semiconductors and 5G networking solutions accommodates the concept of products and service development and diversification for pragmatic business development strategies.

To understand business development towards revenue growth, articulation on realistic, measurable time-bound and specificity goals as sales representatives positively contribute to the organization and stakeholder needs. Significantly, appreciating research-based recommendations such as strategic management and operation, business development strategies, and stakeholder and consumer-centric approaches in sales and marketing strategies offer a pragmatic solution to challenges in marketing trends such as design of goods and devices, quality management, layout design and strategy, process and capacity management supply, inventory and scheduling management (Rowland, 2019). Finally, I include strategic and practical recommendations for the Apple Inc. executive considerations for mitigation and strategic use.


Marketing and sales strategies pose significant articulation on the organization’s management of competitive advantages and indication in revenue growth. Accommodating strategic business development in sales management provides a possible solution to Apple Inc.’s performance and operations to manage fundamental threats such as aggressive competition, imitation, tax scandals, reduced innovations, and rising labor costs (Aljafari, 2016). Purposefully, the Sales representative management accommodates the Apple Inc. operations and performance factors’ internal and external analysis to acknowledge stakeholders, customers’ loathly, and satisfaction with revenue growth, employing specific marketing strategies in business development approaches. Qualcomm offers a robust 5g network and semiconductors (Prabhu and Prasad, 2019) .Apple Inc. presents opportunities as network distribution expansion, increasing demand for smartphones and tablets, creating new product lines, forming strategic partnerships, and accessory potential that accommodates a need for growth and strategic business development (Aljafari, 2016). Accommodating opportunity information of strategic partnership with Qualcomm Company for leveraged networking and semiconductors distribution provide a platform for performance and profitability, leveraging revenue growth in the Apple Inc. business growth strategies.

The purpose manages digital marketing and sales in the organization accommodate the organization, stakeholders, and customers. Notably, customer-centric approaches appreciate trending customer behaviors in electronic devices, hardware and software applications, networking solutions, manufacturers, and design industries. Consequently, revenue growth accommodates stakeholders’ needs to underscore and inclusive business development and strategic marketing and sales representatives in Apple Inc. As the sales representative and management, accommodate PESTLE, SWOT, and internal and external analyses of the Apple Inc. offer data-driven decision-making on market penetration, development, product development, and diversification to offer realistic solutions to problems (VanMiddendorp, n.d). Strategic planning in sales management offers stepwise articulations that translate as aggressive competition, imitation, tax scandals, reduced innovations, and raising labor in marketing and customer services as opportunities costs (Aljafari, 2016). Diversification, as fundamental business strategies, provides a dynamic environment to accommodate opportunities and challenges through modifications, enabling strategic partnership with Qualcomm and new product line development at Apple Inc. business development. Therefore, proposition provides an outlined background to acknowledge problems in the digital market and strategic business development opportunities, embracing customers and stakeholders as central players in business development and revenue growth goals in the Apple Inc. strategic operation and performance for revenue growth.

Initiatives, Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships Description

As the sales management team, accommodating fundamental aspects such as attaining growth through sales team management, designing and implementing sales strategies, and managing, evaluating, and monitoring the sales representative team for Apple Inc. are underpinning considerations. Ability to peruse and established a strategic partnership with Qualcomm for networking and semiconductor resonate with my experience in corporate partnership and costs management. Notably, the skills and knowledge provide a platform for significant business development in sales and marketing, such as diversification, product development, market development, and market penetration in the sales team representatives’ operations. The approaches resonate with Apple Inc.pervasive performance and strengths such as market share, robust R&D, substantial brand equity, high-profit margins, consumer loyalty, great marketing, design consistency, and software and operating systems. For example, the Apple Inc. marketing share translates to 13.9% among similar companies, indicating a possible new market penetration, development, and diversification strategies (Aljafari, 2016). Therefore, the Sales representative roles and responsibilities resonate with the JPMC experience, accommodating strength and opportunities s for continued revenue growth.

Quantify Opportunity, Impact, Budget

As a prospect sales representative for Apple Inc., accommodating market penetration, market development, product development, diversification business, and strategic partnership with Qualcomm are strategies are initiatives and value-based that facilitate revenue growth. Acknowledging market penetration ensures specific attention to a more significant market share with the stock products to leverage revenue due to scales’ economies and cost-sharing, hence competitive advantage over rivalries like Samsung. Significantly, market development appreciates the systematic development of new divisions such as new products like and strategic partnership formation, increase market coverage, and revenue growth within measurable and specific goals in customer and stakeholder satisfaction. Notably, product and services development systems accommodate customer trending behaviors to accommodate technological opportunities and manage strategic development and revenue increment threats. Finally, diversification crates attention to new external factors such as PESTLE for new markets with new products to ensure a good return on capital for the organization, stakeholder, and customer considerations. Sales representative management provides communication, implementation, education, and initiatives on strategic partnership with Qualcomm for competitive advantage and subsequent revenue growth in Apple Inc.

Qualification for Project Lead

As a Sales representative, successful complementation of business administration at degree level offers theatrical and practical articulation to manage the Sales representative team. Significantly quality, such as experience and expertise in a sales representative, effective communication, ability to drive sales process, robust business sense and industry expertise and excellent ability monitoring, training, and providing implementation initiatives meet the qualification requirement in project management. Finally, significant experience with stakeholders and a customer-centric approach offers a time-bound approach to achieve revenue growth in Apple Inc.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Precisely, the executive members should acknowledge a need for a strategic partnership with Qualcomm, new product line, product development, and market penetrations and development for revenue growth in Apple Inc. towards revenue growth. Specifically, the Sales representative should accommodate strengths such market share, robust R&D, substantial brand equity, high-profit margins, consumer loyalty, great marketing, design consistency, and software and operating systems to embrace business development strategies such as product development, diversification, market penetration, and development and strategic partnership. Accordingly, managing diversification with a new product and market requires capital in Apple Inc. , $900,000 million and a one-year timeframe new product line for customer experience and services for a good return on capital expenditure, accommodating stakeholder needs and expectations. Finally, in Sales representative, the executive should embrace PESTLE factors, internal and external analysis for measurable and attainable business development, and revue growth.


Absanto, G., and Nnko, E. (2013). Analysis of Business Growth Strategies and Their Contribution to Business Growth: A Tanzania Case Study. International Journal of Economics, Commerce, and Management, Vol. I, Issue 1, Pp. 1-14

Aljafari, A. (2016). Apple Inc. Industry Analysis Business Policy and Strategy. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. (7)3.

Durmaz, Y., and Ilhan, A. (2015). Growth Strategies in Busınesses and a Theoretical Approach. International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 10, No. 4; Pp.210-214

Prabhu, S., and Prasad, K. (2019). Wireless Technology Leading Innovator- A Case Study of Qualcomm. International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education Vol. 3, No. 2,

Rowland, C. (2019). Apple Inc. Operations Management: 10 Decisions: Productivity. Panmure Institute.





Sales Management

RPS 4000 Fall 2020


Asante’ Ward

RPS 4000 Fall 2020

Professor Healy

November 10, 2020

Executive Summary

Revenue growth is a fundamental corporate start that influences sales, assets, net profits, and forging a curve to accommodate production cost reduction and competitive advantage achievements. An indicator in revenue growth accommodates notable classification into business outcomes, outputs, capabilities, and qualitative indicators acclaiming strategy application towards company revenue growth (Absanto and Nnko, 2013). By accommodating significant aspects of sales representation at the JPMC, products, and marketing posit significant and possible development to achieve venue growth from advanced sales and strategic business growth and performance, accommodating stakeholders and customers as integral players in business strategy and plans. Similarly, trends in advanced marketing require a pragmatic solution for the JMPC financial institution to achieve competitive advantages in marketing strategies, facilitating revenue growth and profitable business return on the production, distribution, and marketing procedures.

Purposefully, strategies such as digital marketing strategies, digital transformation marketing effect, and firm’s performance accommodate internal and external analysis for data-driven decisions towards revenue growth. Assigning the sales department towards attaining this potential growth will be the first step. Market penetration growth accommodates fundamental Stakeholder needs such as integrity, privacy, and information to facilitate new customer loyalty and satisfaction. Consequently, embracing intensive market development as a business strategy aims to provide realistic, measurable, and specific, and attainable new market division for the organization’s current financial services. The JPMC development of new products and devolvement from a general to specific customer-oriented and stakeholder-centric post is a possible outcome in the organization’s growth towards revenue growth from sales representatives’ perspectives. Finally, the JMPC company presents a significant opportunity in mobile banking, mobile apps, and smart grid payment systems, accommodating blockchain technology for online transaction and payments, accommodating diversification and business development strategy accommodates stakeholders and customers trends and expectations on digital financial transfers for possible revenue growth in the JMPC Company.

To understand business development towards revenue growth, articulation on realistic, measurable time-bound and specificity goals as sales representatives positively contribute to the organization and stakeholder needs. Significantly, appreciating research-based recommendations such as strategic management and operation, business development strategies, and stakeholder and consumer-centric approaches in sales and marketing strategies offer a pragmatic solution to challenges in marketing trends such as digital financial payments and digital marketing within the financial industries. Finally, I include strategic and practical recommendations for the JPMC executive considerations for strategic use.


Marketing and sales strategies pose significant articulation on the organization’s management of competitive advantages and indication in revenue growth. Accommodating strategic business development in sales management provides a possible solution to the JPMC performance and operations to manage fundamental threats such as uncertainties in economic growth in the USA that posts a possible loss in business opportunities if the economic growth occurs at slow rates. Purposefully, the Sales representative management accommodates the JPMC operations and performance factors’ internal and external analysis to acknowledge stakeholders, customers’ loathly, and satisfaction with revenue growth, employing specific marketing strategies in business development approaches. The JPMC presents opportunities as external strategic factors, including low inflation rates, new market penetration, technological growth, market development, new environmental policies, and new trends in the consumer behaviors that accommodate a need for growth and strategic business development.

The purpose manages digital marketing and sales in the organization accommodate the organization, stakeholders, and customers. Notably, customer-centric approaches appreciate trending customer behaviors in financial industries. Consequently, revenue growth accommodates stakeholders’ needs to underscore and inclusive business development and strategic marketing and sales representatives in the JPMC. As the sales representative and management, accommodate PESTLE, SWOT, and internal and external analyses of the JPMC offer data-driven decision-making on market penetration, development, product development, and diversification to offer realistic solutions on problems (VanMiddendorp, n.d). Strategic planning in sales management offers stepwise articulations that translate threats such as liability laws and emerging technology in marketing and customer services as opportunities. Diversification, as fundamental business strategies, provides a dynamic environment to accommodate opportunities and challenges through modifications. (Durmaz and Ilhan, 2015). Therefore, proposition provides an outlined background to acknowledge problems in the digital market and strategic business development opportunities, embracing customers and stakeholders as central players in business development and revenue growth goals in the JPMC strategic operation and performance for revenue growth.

Initiatives, Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships Description

As the sales management team, accommodating fundamental aspects such as attaining growth through sales team management, designing and implementing sales strategies, and managing, evaluating and monitoring the sales representative team for the JMPC are underpinning considerations. Notably, the skills and knowledge provide a platform for significant business development in sales and marketing, such as diversification, product development, market development, and market penetration in the sales team representatives’ operations. The approaches resonate with the JMPC pervasive performance and strengths such as good return on capital expenditure, robust dealer community, strong free-cash-flow, high-level customer satisfaction, product innovation, automation, and a robust distribution network. For instance, according to the financial highlights, the JPCM total revue growth indicated $109,029 in 2018 from $ 96,569 in 2016, indicating a positive return on capital expenditure and revenue growth (JP Morgan Chase & Co. 2018). Therefore, the Sales representative roles and responsibilities resonate with the JPMC experience, accommodating strength and opportunities s for continued revenue growth.

Quantify Opportunity, Impact, Budget

As a prospect sales representative for the JPMC, accommodating market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification business strategies are initiatives and value-based that facilitate revenue growth. Acknowledging market penetration ensures specific attention to a more significant market share with the stock products to leverage revenue due to scales’ economies. Significantly, market development appreciates the systematic development of new divisions such as online banking and transition to increase market coverage and revenue growth within measurable and specific goals in customer and stakeholder satisfaction. Notably, product and services development systems accommodate customer trending behaviors to accommodate technological opportunities and manage strategic development and revenue increment threats. Finally, diversification crates attention to new external factors such as PESTLE for new markets with new products to ensure a good return on capital for the organization, stakeholder, and customer considerations. Sales representative management provides communication, implementation, education, and initiatives for possible revenue growth.

Qualification for Project Lead

As a Sales representative, successful complementation of business administration at degree level offers theatrical and practical articulation to manage the Sales representative team. Significantly quality, such as experience and expertise in a sales representative, effective communication, ability to drive sales process, robust business sense and industry expertise and excellent ability monitoring, training, and providing implementation initiatives meet the qualification requirement in project management. Finally, significant experience with stakeholders and a customer-centric approach offers a time-bound approach to achieve revenue growth in the JPMC.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Precisely, the executive members should acknowledge a need for digital marketing and financial transactions in the JPMC towards revenue growth. Specifically, the Sales representative should accommodate strengths such as technical advancement, customer satisfaction, and good return on expenditure to embrace business development strategies such as product development, diversification, market penetration, and development. Accordingly, managing diversification with a new product and market requires capital, $650,000, and six months’ timeframe in digital transformation in marketing and customer experience and services for a good return on capital expenditure, accommodating stakeholder needs and expectations. Finally, in Sales representative, the executive should embrace PESTLE factors, internal and external analysis for measurable and attainable business development, and revue growth.


Absanto, G., and Nnko, E. (2013). Analysis of Business Growth Strategies and Their Contribution to Business Growth: A Tanzania Case Study. International Journal of Economics, Commerce, and Management, Vol. I, Issue 1, Pp. 1-14

Durmaz, Y., and Ilhan, A. (2015). Growth Strategies in Busınesses and a Theoretical Approach. International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 10, No. 4; Pp.210-214

JP Morgan Chase & Co. (2018). JPCM Annual Report 20118.

VanMiddendorp, B. (n.d). Company Analysis: JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Proposed By:

Strategic Plan

Six Month Strategic Plan
To Hire and Train
To Increase Sales Revenue
To Improve Client Satisfaction
Improve Employee Retention

First Week:
Introductions and Transition
First Month:
Recruiting and Selection
Second and Third Month:
Fourth, Fifth, and Six Month:
Coaching and Team Building

Introducing myself to my team
Building initial rapport and setting expectations
Transitioning into my new position
Meeting employees
Understanding team dynamics

Networking Events
Recruiting Firms
Strategic College Partnerships
College Fairs

Interview Process
Punctual Follow-Up
Realistic Expectations

Formal Training
Best Practices
Skill Acquisition Model

Four Sales Development Strategy
Increase New Clients
Increase Amount of First Time Revenue
Increase Number of Products Sold
Increase Mutual Relationship Profitability
Increase Sales Revenue
Improve Employee Retention


Wilson Social Styles
Ethical Dilemmas
Setting Expectations
Monitoring Performance


Friendly Work Environment
Social Events
Team Building Exercises

Team Building

Completed within first month
Using recruiting and selection strategies
Adding six additional employees
Final team size of 12

Increase Sales Revenue:


Customer Satisfaction:
More knowledgeable staff
Focus on client-centric approach
Better mutual relationship profitability

Employee Retention:
Managing Effectively
Goals Discovery
Employee Engagement
Improved Selection


Sales Management

Managing the Sales Team

April 28,

Stryker Overview
First 6 Months
Recruiting Process
Selection Process
Training and Coaching
Clientele Approach
Increasing Revenue

Stryker Overview
-Leader in Medical Technology
-Direct Sales
-30 Manufacturing Facilities
-Surgical Products
-Reconstruction Division
-Neurotechnology and Spine Unit
-Specialized Representatives

First 6 Months
Recruiting – May 1-May 15, 2015
Selection – May 18-22, 2015
Training – May 25-June 5, 2015
Coaching – Once a month through August 2015
Approaching Clients – Begins June 8, 2015
Increase in Revenue – Seen as early as August, 2015
Reports – Completed monthly
Substantial Quota Increase – September, 2015

Recruiting the Team
-Post on Career Builder, Monster, etc → “Ideal” Candidate
-Narrow resumes down with phone interview
-May 12-13, 2015
-Hold all in-person interviews
-May 14-15, 2015
-Include another Sales Manager in interviews
-Second opinions
-Ask the right questions!

What motivates you? How do you research prospects before a call or meeting? If you were hired for this position, what would you do in your first month? What are some of your professional goals? What are some of your personal goals? Tell me about a sales experience you’ve had in the past, positive or negative.

Selecting the Team
“Together with our customers,
we are driven to make healthcare better.”
-2+ years experience
-Medical/healthcare background/passion preferred
-Emphasis on responses to interview questions
-High confidence and motivation
-Goal oriented
-Quality self presentation

Training & Coaching
-2 weeks group training after hire
-In classroom learning → product knowledge
-Role plays
-Close moderation of quota and goals of each team member
-Weekly motivational team phone calls
→ Monday mornings (typically around 1 hour)
-Monthly ride-alongs with reps
-Initiate one-on-one coaching when necessary

-Prepare necessary questions
-Initiate goals of session
-Questioning to clarify performance improvement areas
-Give time to listen to team member
-Provide proper feedback
-Resolve any and all present issues with team member
-Find an agreed upon solution
-Develope strategic plan

Approaching Clients
-Narrow down best leads
-Have good sales pitch
-Know goals
-There to HELP and SERVICE clients
-Follow up regularly
-Log all calls and results!!

Increasing Revenue
Increase number of new clients
Increase amount of initial service
Increase range of products
Increase relationship profitability for each client

Targeting Mayo Clinic
Increasing Number of New Clients
-Focus on main hospital first
-Rochester Minnesota
-Largest access to patients being treated
-Introduce most needed equipment first

Targeting Mayo Clinic
Increase Amount of Initial Service
-Introduce more needed equipment in Rochester
-Cover all medical device and equipment needs
-Guide in training of all equipment
-Communication and access to representative 24/7

Targeting Mayo Clinic
Increase Range of Products
-Introduce products in more locations
-Rochester and other hospital testimonials
-Introduce more devices and equipment for all medical needs
-Guarantee access to representative at all times!

Targeting Mayo Clinic
Increase Relationship Profitability
-Keep consistent communication
-Quarterly meetings and reports
-Increased hospital clients/product use will allow for discounts
-Build reputable relationship for both parties
-Provide Mayo Clinic with global manufacture possibilities
to encourage expansion

What this means…
-Take the time to hire the right candidate
-Train each and every hire before tackling sales
-Conduct regular team calls and ride-alongs
-Coach all necessary team members
-Monitor performance and quota regularly
-Implement 4 business strategies
-Observe increase in revenue


Laird Plastics Six Month Management Plan


RPS 4000 / Fall

Recruiting strategies
Selection process
Performance measurement
Decision making
Coaching / Training – Retaining hires
Four Business Strategies

Executive Summary
In 2015 I plan to…
Bring on 6 new hires that are qualified to make up a strong sales force
Training each employee to develop skills needed to succeed
Coaching them the Four Business Development Strategies to expand the business in each quadrant
Lower the rate of turnover to improve overall performance

Recruiting / Staffing Strategies
Networking through job fairs and social events
Attend Social Events geared towards professional individuals looking for careers
Using websites like –,, to find candidates
Recruiting out of colleges for students in sales programs
Word of mouth

Selection Process
Qualifying each individual…
Making sure we screen every resume to cut out the unqualified
Qualifications should include – BA/BS college degree and one-year experience
Making sure that the interview process is time well spent – Round one will be over the phone, round two will be in person

Selection Process
Evaluate all candidates with the same criteria
Ask pointed and relative questions
If passed the interview process then have to take a pre-employment test and all will be drug tested and background checked

Job Description
Job Description: This position requires someone that can think on their feet, and thrive on being empowered to make their own decisions.  No one is going to “hold your hand” and micromanage; your results will speak for themselves. Laird Plastics functions in a strong team environment and we expect all to “carry their own weight.“
-Laird Plastics

Performance Measurement
Review evaluation every 6-months
Forecast meetings once a week to see what got done that current week and what they have planned for the upcoming week
Make sure every employee has long-term and short-term goals to work towards

Decision Making
Making ethical decisions guidelines: (7-step path)
Stop and think
clarify goals
Determine facts
Develop options
Consider consequences
Make the decision
Monitor and modify

Coaching / Training
Group and Individual training
Team building
Training them upfront (before they start)
Sessions include: initiate, focus on behavior, give suggestions and benefits, resolve concerns (QERC), confirm commitments

Coaching / Training

Retaining Hires
Career development opportunities and chances to grow
Regulate feedback
A chance to contribute to the company
Training and development
Performance evaluations
Pay and Benefits

Four Business Development Strategies
Quadrant 1: Increase number of new clients
Build Lasting Relationships

Four Business Development Strategies
Quadrant 2: Increase amount of initial service
Understand all customer’s needs
Always reinforce new ideas
Gain trust from customer

Four Business Development Strategies
Quadrant 3: Increase range of products/service sold per client
Discover needs
Bundled packages

Four Business Development Strategies
Quadrant 4: Increase mutual relationship value
Allow feedback
Give more than you receive
Be proactive
Create opportunities
Stay connected

-Go on five calls a week
-Cold call twice a week all afternoon
-Follow-up to every call
-Reinforce new ideas
-Gain trust
-Discover needs
-Be proactive
-create opportunities
-Follow through
-Efficiency is key

Increase the amount of productivity
Bring the team up to speed where it needs to be
Reduce turnover and increase retention
Fix all issues regarding hiring and motivation
Coach and train and successfully measure performance

Thank you!

Sales Management RPS 4000

Fall 2020 Dr. Healy

Case Study: Final Paper & Power Point Presentation—

Due: November 17, 2020

In classes, handout materials some of the topics and issues for Sales Managers include:

A. Sales Leadership issues, group process dynamics and team building options / processes

B. Learned and considered the trade-offs of Sales Management vs. Sales Positions

C. Recruiting, sourcing, and selection strategies to fill open positions on your team

D. Behavior-based questions for use in interviews (that are relevant, information rich, legal, and use SAR format – situation, action, result)

E. Identified several types of sales performance problems (Ability / motivation…)

F. Team Building and taking over an existing team and building a team (printed handouts)

G. Understanding the impact of personal style on management responsibilities including sales, behavioral interviewing, coaching, negotiating, etc.

H. Coaching process and model to help manage a sales representative’s specific performance issue following, guidelines and sales management coaching skills

I. Identifying specific tactics for revenue development using the Four Business Development Strategies

Sales Management — Final case study & written action plan:

Sales Management Situation

Congratulations — you managed to “sell yourself” into a Sales Management Position, with a “company and industry” in which you have a career interest. Choose one you like!

· Select an industry and specific large company with a sizable sales force – 200 or more. 

· Company is likely to have 10 – 20 additional Sales Managers with whom you would likely work – and compete with – in your new job.  

a. Provide a brief description of the company (industry, services / products, why you selected this company, hopefully it is one you have an interest in.

· Use Hoovers database, company / industry web sites, google, …

· Your company selection should be based on career interests: company / industry

b. Based on your successful track record as a sales representative with a competitor, you applied for and have just been hired as a sales manager to help the company (the one you selected / described above) grow and improve the quality of their sales force:

They were impressed with your sales track record.

They had some concerns about your lack of management experience

They liked your style and enthusiasm toward moving into sales management.

They are looking forward to your new ideas, insight and strategic approach

You are in your third week on the job
and you just met with your Sr. Vice President of Sales who hired you and informed you that:.

“As a part of the company’s annual business review & sales planning process for Sales Managers, your company’s executive management team expects you and each sales manager to prepare and present your 6-month plan to your Sr. Vice President of Sales and his / her Executive Committee.”

Six Month Sales Management Plan for January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021 (First Half of 2020)

The situation is as follows:

· In your new sales group of


direct sales representatives who will be reporting to you, there is a focus is on the fact that there are
6 openings to be filled – ASAP

· 6 are currently on your team and 6 need to be recruited.

· 4 openings are based on 4 recent terminations during past 6 months

· 2 self / voluntary resignations

· 2 employer-initiated terminations

· 2 new positions to capture additional revenue and growth expectations.

· The 6 current / remaining sales reps are mostly doing “ok” but management feels they could all be more productive with good leadership!

· Total staff of 12 sales personnel will report to you when fully staffed

· There is also concern about your predecessor who resigned 2 months ago:

· Not clear what happened – seems to have just left for “another position”.

· Management is concerned for strong leadership to take over and build / manage this sales team. May have been some concerns about management style of previous manager.

· They want to know how you will grow revenue and make a difference.

· They recognize the cost / investment in you and this team

· There is some recent history of having difficulty finding “qualified” sales candidates.

· There are some recognized issues concerning retention / turn-over in the sales force;

· they hired you hoping you could help improve the overall performance among the sales force and build a winning sales team

· they are increasingly aware and concerned about cost of turnover – but have not really costed out the problem or solutions

You have just been asked for a detailed plan of action and the steps / process you will follow to be successful in your new Sales Management role.

· Essentially answer – “What is your plan of action?”

· You are aware of the sizeable budget you manage (12 reps x $60,000 plus overhead for office support, travel, benefits, recruiting, etc. is approximately $1.5 million)

Reports should include and detail your
Strategic Business Development Plan
for increasing sales in each of the four sectors.

Focus on Your Four Business Development Strategies for January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021

Provide a clear direction / plan for your sales team for the coming year. Consider elements covered in class:

· Recruiting (Sources, networking, cost effectiveness…)

· Selection (Process, Resume screening, criteria, interview, Job description, qualifications…

· Training (Ability: Sales skills, style and motivation…)

· Coaching: How you will coach your team (using the 8-step coaching process)

· How you will take over and manage current sales team of 6 (when, where, why / what to coach…) – First 6 months

· How will you manage and assimilate your 6 new hires as they come on board?

· How will you approach / manage / use: Situation Analysis, Problem Solving, Decision Making and Planning Models / processes?

· Team Building – how will you “build your team” (all 12 salespeople)

· What Team Building initiatives might you employ

· Meeting your new team: Group / Individual meetings, identifying / resolving team and individual issues, dealing with individual needs / differences…

· Managing / coaching your team on an ongoing basis: Coaching culture

· Sales Strategies and tactics: How you will apply / coach your sales force using the Four Business Development Strategies

Sales Management Planning is an important aspect of every sales management position and is a responsibility both your senior management and sales representatives look to you to provide.

You should create / present your 6-month plan for
January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021
for your new sales management position using:

· Class notes,

· The numerous emails / handouts / models…

· Use of additional sources in encouraged

· Class discussions

· Previous assignments you prepared

Specifically, you should describe your plan of attack, critical sequence / timeline in your reports:

· To senior sales management

· To your existing sales team

FINAL written REPORTS and Power Point Presentation BOTH —– Due on Tuesday November 17, 2020

2 components

1. Written Report to Management — Due on Nov. 17, 2020, before 2:00 class

2. Power Point Presentation — Due on Nov 17, before 2:00 class

a. highlighting your presentation to management

b. This will be a prepared PPT –
but will NOT to be presented / recorded

3. I will select and highlight selections from submissions in class on 11/17

Class Deliverables are as follows:

Written Report and Power Point

· Word Document and Power Point formats only

· Minimum / maximum of 5 / 7 typed (full) pages.

· Executive Summary Format – see handout provided

· Focus on facts / specifics of what and how you will grow the:


—Sales force

Use bullet points vs. prose

· Executive level format (grammar, wording, spelling, etc. – all count!)

Email copies of —

1. Written Report and by November 17, 2020

2. Power Point slides by November 17, 2020

These reports must be submitted by Email

· Your 5 – 7 page Executive Summary & Sales Plan

· Your Power Point Slides as you would present to Management Committee

Subject Line must read: “
Sales Management RPS 4000 Fall 2020 Final”

Time stamp will reflect “on time” submission.

ii. Make certain to use subject line:

“Sales Management RPS 4000 Spring 2020 Final”

iii. Make certain YOUR NAME is on both documents

Submit BOTH Reports in one email with both attachments

· In both your written reports and Power Point presentation, your goal is to: “
Convince Management they have made a great decision placing you in charge of one of their sales teams”.

Focus on your strengths:

Your knowledge of your selected Employer’s industry and company

Your Skills, Style, Strategic approach and ability in Sales Management critical performance areas (Recruiting, selection, interviewing, coaching, retention, strategic initiatives and direction for your sales team…)

The 4 Business Development Strategies for growing Sales Revenue

· You want to convince them you understand the industry, sales / business development opportunities and specific challenges of your sales management position

· You understand your industry and company issues

· You will be able to recruit, select and manage a successful sales team

· You understand performance management issues and how to coach sales performance

· You will show them you have many possible initiatives you could consider (Initiatives in each of the Four Business Development Strategies)

Grades for both Written Report and Power Point documents will be based on:

· Convincing and instilling confidence in management, they made the right choice in hiring you!

· demonstrating understanding of Sales Management responsibilities,

· viability of initiatives, approach / solutions / tactics proposed,

· comprehensive presentation of sales management challenges in recruiting, selection training / coaching sales performance, retention…

· realistic goals and timeline

· written report / format / professionalism

· professionalism of Power Points, graphics, text / content, logical flow

As resources, you should refer to and reference at least:

A. Materials / approaches discussed in class,

B. Power Point and other handouts from class,

C. Individual internet research

D. Your selected company’s web site or additional company information

E. Demonstrating expertise in Strategic Sales – Revenue generating thinking and planning

· Strategic models reviewed in class including the
The Four Business Development Strategies:

· Specifically – how are you and your sales team going to increase revenue for each of the
Four Business Development Strategies

Some written report and Power Point Guidelines:

Approximately 15 – 20 Power Point Slides (25 MAX.) should be sufficient, assuming slides prepared approximately along the following (suggested) lines:

· 1. Title Slide (include your name, course, company, date…)

· 2. Executive Summary: Overview (of presentation that follows – what you are going to cover / do the coming year –
January 1 – June 30,2021

· 1. Recruiting / Staffing Strategies – initiatives / criteria / sources…

· 1. Selection / Interview issues, strategy, interview process / questions

· 1. Performance Management: Coaching / Training

· 1. Retention: Team Building / Conflict Management

· 2. Leadership: Situation Analysis, Problem Solving, Decision Making & Planning

· 4. Sales Planning: Four Business Development Strategies

· Identify several possible sales initiatives for each of the 4BDS you will focus your new group on. (at least two for each for each of the Four Business Development Strategies)

1. Summary / Conclusion: Your Leadership Strengths

14 – 25 total

Consider, at a minimum, company / industry resources such as:

· Your selected Company’s Website

· Industry information sources

· HOOVERS Online and other databases (available through WPU Library – see instruction sheet)

· Competitor websites

· Google searches for

· news about your company

· industry information

· business trends

· press releases

· Personal experience / contact with industry / company

Use samples sent by email as guides

Email a copy of your written report and Power Point as follows:

Email copies of —

1. Written Report and by November 17, 2020

2. Power Point slides by November 17, 2020

USE the information and Power Point slides / models provided and discussed throughout the semester as appropriate (just a few reminders are below)

Additional sample presentations will be provided

Be creative and impactful. Prepare and present as though your initial perception by the Executive Committee and future in management were on the line.

You want management to feel confident about hiring you and entrusting you with a team of 12 salespeople and related budget, expenses…

For 1st 6 months

For 1st 6 months

For 6 months


Sales Management RPS 4000

Fall 2020 Dr. Healy

Case Study: Final Paper & Power Point Presentation—

Due: November


7, 2020

In classes, handout materials some of the topics and issues for Sales Managers include:

A. Sales Leadership issues, group process dynamics and team building options / processes

B. Learned and considered the trade-offs of Sales Management vs. Sales Positions

C. Recruiting, sourcing, and selection strategies to fill open positions on your team

D. Behavior-based questions for use in interviews (that are relevant, information rich, legal, and use SAR format – situation, action, result)

E. Identified several types of sales performance problems (Ability / motivation…)

F. Team Building and taking over an existing team and building a team (printed handouts)

G. Understanding the impact of personal style on management responsibilities including sales, behavioral interviewing, coaching, negotiating, etc.

H. Coaching process and model to help manage a sales representative’s specific performance issue following, guidelines and sales management coaching skills

I. Identifying specific tactics for revenue development using the Four Business Development Strategies

Sales Management — Final case study & written action plan:

Sales Management Situation

Congratulations — you managed to “sell yourself” into a Sales Management Position, with a “company and industry” in which you have a career interest. Choose one you like!

· Select an industry and specific large company with a sizable sales force – 200 or more. 

· Company is likely to have 10 – 20 additional Sales Managers with whom you would likely work – and compete with – in your new job.  

a. Provide a brief description of the company (industry, services / products, why you selected this company, hopefully it is one you have an interest in.

· Use Hoovers database, company / industry web sites, google, …

· Your company selection should be based on career interests: company / industry

b. Based on your successful track record as a sales representative with a competitor, you applied for and have just been hired as a sales manager to help the company (the one you selected / described above) grow and improve the quality of their sales force:

They were impressed with your sales track record.

They had some concerns about your lack of management experience

They liked your style and enthusiasm toward moving into sales management.

They are looking forward to your new ideas, insight and strategic approach

You are in your third week on the job
and you just met with your Sr. Vice President of Sales who hired you and informed you that:.

“As a part of the company’s annual business review & sales planning process for Sales Managers, your company’s executive management team expects you and each sales manager to prepare and present your 6-month plan to your Sr. Vice President of Sales and his / her Executive Committee.”

Six Month Sales Management Plan for January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021 (First Half of 2020)

The situation is as follows:

· In your new sales group of 12 direct sales representatives who will be reporting to you, there is a focus is on the fact that there are
6 openings to be filled – ASAP

· 6 are currently on your team and 6 need to be recruited.

· 4 openings are based on 4 recent terminations during past 6 months

· 2 self / voluntary resignations

· 2 employer-initiated terminations

· 2 new positions to capture additional revenue and growth expectations.

· The 6 current / remaining sales reps are mostly doing “ok” but management feels they could all be more productive with good leadership!

· Total staff of 12 sales personnel will report to you when fully staffed

· There is also concern about your predecessor who resigned 2 months ago:

· Not clear what happened – seems to have just left for “another position”.

· Management is concerned for strong leadership to take over and build / manage this sales team. May have been some concerns about management style of previous manager.

· They want to know how you will grow revenue and make a difference.

· They recognize the cost / investment in you and this team

· There is some recent history of having difficulty finding “qualified” sales candidates.

· There are some recognized issues concerning retention / turn-over in the sales force;

· they hired you hoping you could help improve the overall performance among the sales force and build a winning sales team

· they are increasingly aware and concerned about cost of turnover – but have not really costed out the problem or solutions

You have just been asked for a detailed plan of action and the steps / process you will follow to be successful in your new Sales Management role.

· Essentially answer – “What is your plan of action?”

· You are aware of the sizeable budget you manage (12 reps x $60,000 plus overhead for office support, travel, benefits, recruiting, etc. is approximately $1.5 million)

Reports should include and detail your
Strategic Business Development Plan
for increasing sales in each of the four sectors.

Focus on Your Four Business Development Strategies for January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021

Provide a clear direction / plan for your sales team for the coming year. Consider elements covered in class:

· Recruiting (Sources, networking, cost effectiveness…)

· Selection (Process, Resume screening, criteria, interview, Job description, qualifications…

· Training (Ability: Sales skills, style and motivation…)

· Coaching: How you will coach your team (using the 8-step coaching process)

· How you will take over and manage current sales team of 6 (when, where, why / what to coach…) – First 6 months

· How will you manage and assimilate your 6 new hires as they come on board?

· How will you approach / manage / use: Situation Analysis, Problem Solving, Decision Making and Planning Models / processes?

· Team Building – how will you “build your team” (all 12 salespeople)

· What Team Building initiatives might you employ

· Meeting your new team: Group / Individual meetings, identifying / resolving team and individual issues, dealing with individual needs / differences…

· Managing / coaching your team on an ongoing basis: Coaching culture

· Sales Strategies and tactics: How you will apply / coach your sales force using the Four Business Development Strategies

Sales Management Planning is an important aspect of every sales management position and is a responsibility both your senior management and sales representatives look to you to provide.

You should create / present your 6-month plan for
January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021
for your new sales management position using:

· Class notes,

· The numerous emails / handouts / models…

· Use of additional sources in encouraged

· Class discussions

· Previous assignments you prepared

Specifically, you should describe your plan of attack, critical sequence / timeline in your reports:

· To senior sales management

· To your existing sales team

FINAL written REPORTS and Power Point Presentation BOTH —– Due on Tuesday November 17, 2020

2 components

1. Written Report to Management — Due on Nov. 17, 2020, before 2:00 class

2. Power Point Presentation — Due on Nov 17, before 2:00 class

a. highlighting your presentation to management

b. This will be a prepared PPT –
but will NOT to be presented / recorded

3. I will select and highlight selections from submissions in class on 11/17

Class Deliverables are as follows:

Written Report and Power Point

· Word Document and Power Point formats only

· Minimum / maximum of 5 / 7 typed (full) pages.

· Executive Summary Format – see handout provided

· Focus on facts / specifics of what and how you will grow the:


—Sales force

Use bullet points vs. prose

· Executive level format (grammar, wording, spelling, etc. – all count!)

Email copies of —

1. Written Report and by November 17, 2020

2. Power Point slides by November 17, 2020

These reports must be submitted by Email

· Your 5 – 7 page Executive Summary & Sales Plan

· Your Power Point Slides as you would present to Management Committee

Subject Line must read: “
Sales Management RPS 4000 Fall 2020 Final”

Time stamp will reflect “on time” submission.

ii. Make certain to use subject line:

“Sales Management RPS 4000 Spring 2020 Final”

iii. Make certain YOUR NAME is on both documents

Submit BOTH Reports in one email with both attachments

· In both your written reports and Power Point presentation, your goal is to: “
Convince Management they have made a great decision placing you in charge of one of their sales teams”.

Focus on your strengths:

Your knowledge of your selected Employer’s industry and company

Your Skills, Style, Strategic approach and ability in Sales Management critical performance areas (Recruiting, selection, interviewing, coaching, retention, strategic initiatives and direction for your sales team…)

The 4 Business Development Strategies for growing Sales Revenue

· You want to convince them you understand the industry, sales / business development opportunities and specific challenges of your sales management position

· You understand your industry and company issues

· You will be able to recruit, select and manage a successful sales team

· You understand performance management issues and how to coach sales performance

· You will show them you have many possible initiatives you could consider (Initiatives in each of the Four Business Development Strategies)

Grades for both Written Report and Power Point documents will be based on:

· Convincing and instilling confidence in management, they made the right choice in hiring you!

· demonstrating understanding of Sales Management responsibilities,

· viability of initiatives, approach / solutions / tactics proposed,

· comprehensive presentation of sales management challenges in recruiting, selection training / coaching sales performance, retention…

· realistic goals and timeline

· written report / format / professionalism

· professionalism of Power Points, graphics, text / content, logical flow

As resources, you should refer to and reference at least:

A. Materials / approaches discussed in class,

B. Power Point and other handouts from class,

C. Individual internet research

D. Your selected company’s web site or additional company information

E. Demonstrating expertise in Strategic Sales – Revenue generating thinking and planning

· Strategic models reviewed in class including the
The Four Business Development Strategies:

· Specifically – how are you and your sales team going to increase revenue for each of the
Four Business Development Strategies

Some written report and Power Point Guidelines:

Approximately 15 – 20 Power Point Slides (25 MAX.) should be sufficient, assuming slides prepared approximately along the following (suggested) lines:

· 1. Title Slide (include your name, course, company, date…)

· 2. Executive Summary: Overview (of presentation that follows – what you are going to cover / do the coming year –
January 1 – June 30,2021

· 1. Recruiting / Staffing Strategies – initiatives / criteria / sources…

· 1. Selection / Interview issues, strategy, interview process / questions

· 1. Performance Management: Coaching / Training

· 1. Retention: Team Building / Conflict Management

· 2. Leadership: Situation Analysis, Problem Solving, Decision Making & Planning

· 4. Sales Planning: Four Business Development Strategies

· Identify several possible sales initiatives for each of the 4BDS you will focus your new group on. (at least two for each for each of the Four Business Development Strategies)

1. Summary / Conclusion: Your Leadership Strengths

14 – 25 total

Consider, at a minimum, company / industry resources such as:

· Your selected Company’s Website

· Industry information sources

· HOOVERS Online and other databases (available through WPU Library – see instruction sheet)

· Competitor websites

· Google searches for

· news about your company

· industry information

· business trends

· press releases

· Personal experience / contact with industry / company

Use samples sent by email as guides

Email a copy of your written report and Power Point as follows:

Email copies of —

1. Written Report and by November 17, 2020

2. Power Point slides by November 17, 2020

USE the information and Power Point slides / models provided and discussed throughout the semester as appropriate (just a few reminders are below)

Additional sample presentations will be provided

Be creative and impactful. Prepare and present as though your initial perception by the Executive Committee and future in management were on the line.

You want management to feel confident about hiring you and entrusting you with a team of 12 salespeople and related budget, expenses…

For 1st 6 months

For 1st 6 months

For 6 months


RPS 4500-060

Asante’ Ward

Company Overview

• Semiconductors, intellectual properties, services related to wireless

• Competitors: Nokia, HTC, Samsung in mobile technology and MediaTek &
Intel in semiconductor market.

• Offices in over 30 countries world wide.

Five Forces: Threat of Substitute Products

• Intel’s 65nm technology

• AMD’sZen 2-based Ryzen & Ryzen PRO 4000G Processor Series

Five Forces: Threat of New Entrants

• Fairly Low; Semiconductors market is difficult to enter

• Threat of Competitors is very high; multiple well-established companies
leading in 5G patents.

Five Forces: Bargaining Power of Customers

• High
• The Competition has certain patents that are used more often
• Substitute products can easily be searched for

Five Forces: Bargaining Power of Suppliers

• The suppliers also supply the competitors
• Low
• Low Cost to construct

Five Forces: Competitive Rivalry in Industry

• Very High
• IBM, Skyworks, Intel are power houses in the same field
• Important 5G patents and services

PESTLE Analysis: Political

• Trump blocked Broadcom-Qualcomm Deal

PESTLE Analysis: Economic

• Market cap as of Octoeber 9th, 2020 = $140.9 B

• Revenue of 3rd quarter = $4.9 B

PESTLE Analysis: Sociological

• Enriching lives through sustainability

PESTLE Analysis: Technological

• Moore’s Law

• Quantum computing

• Core processors and semi conductors are becoming more efficient and

PESTLE Analysis: Legal

• Anti-trust Lawsuit with Apple in 2020

• Won the lawsuit; Court overturns ‘No license, no chips” anti trust law

PESTLE Analysis: Environmental

• Emphasis on reducing emissions

• Leaving virtually no foot print

• ISO14001-certified environmental management system

PRISSM: Product

• Competitive Product: High quality products with competitive prices.

• Reputation: A leader in 5G technology

• B2B

PRISSM: Resources

• State of the Art Technology: Up to date on 5G technology advances

• Access to resources: Large area of access due to large amount of earnings in
the past year.

PRISSM: Innovation

• Snapdragon 720G, 662, 460 accessible to 4G Smartphones
• Snapdragon 865 processor (Plus)

• Enables and enhances user experience to connect , to play games, and for


• Target Market is worldwide. Technology is ever evolving
• Global presence

• Fiscal Year 2019 = $24.27 B

PRISSM: Support Systems

• Logistics in the supply chain are efficient.

• Over 20 distribution channels for use

PRISSM: Management

• Glassdoor review: 4 star rating with over 6,300 votes

• Indeed review: 4.1 star rating with over 1,500 votes

• Earned $2 Billion more than in 2019 than 2018

SWOT: Strength

• Product Efficiency

• Ingenuity of the product engineers

• Worldwide recognition

SWOT: Weakness

• Limited success outside of core business model

• Outdated stores that need remodeling

• Brand recall is low; not a lot of marketing globally

SWOT: Opportunities

• Growi

SWOT: Threats

• Patent Litigations

• Varying Global Economic conditions

• Technology developments by competitors

Advanced Sales “FINAL” Report & Presentation

There are two parts to the Advanced Sales “Final Report & Presentation”

Part 1 – is a written proposal

Part 2 – is a video recorded presentation to your Company’s Executive Committee


Part 1.

Written Report to your Executive Committee.

Due On – Tuesday
November 10 / 2020

This is your written “case” / recommendation for management to:

Act on your recommendation to pursue / be appointed as a senior sales representative to grow revenue with your selected targeted industry / company

Appoint you to the position

Report is to be minimum of 5 and maximum of 7 typed pages. (12 pt. font / 1 inch margins)

· Information presented must be
factual, clear, supported and compelling

· Use the Executive Summary format provided as a guide

Prepare a
(word document)
“Target Account – Executive Summary & Recommendation”
based on:

· Your “state of the industry” research previously prepared (work you have prepared – PESTLE, PRISSM, FIVE FORCES, SWOT and FOUR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES

· Your individual research, previous class reports / presentations and readings

· Class discussion and handouts

· Your “Four Business Development Strategies” and initiatives

· 1 SMART Goal for each of the Four Business Development Strategies.

Report should be written:

from you
as the
person who wants to pursue this targeted company

to your employer’s executive committee (Am Exp. / Fed Exp., J&J, Google, JPMC, etc.).

· Purpose of this report is to:

Explain in detail
– justify — why your selected Target industry company

should be appointed the senior sales representative for this account based on

Your Knowledge of the Industry & Target Company, etc.

your knowledge of your target company and their industry!

Guidelines / Criteria for written report (and PPT Presentations)

Compelling Arguments
supporting your recommendation for your selected industry and company

2. Use of Class Notes, Graphics, Industry facts, figures, trends, etc.


Relevant facts, figures, trends, graphics
etc. in support of your recommendation

is to your company’s Senior Executive / Operating Committee (e. g. Fed Exp. / Am Exp., Enterprise…) making the case for: 1. “Why your target company should be focused on for revenue for your employer ”.

2. “Why you should be designated as the Senior Sales Representative”

5. Use class handouts previously provided as well as your previously prepared presentations.

6. Base recommendation on
facts, trends, statistics, and opportunity for revenue growth in each of The 4 Business Development Strategies.
(focus on relevant impactful information – not just data dump).

7. Incorporate graphics, charts, illustrations…

8. Make your most convincing argument! This is YOUR account- potentially!

10. Goal is to convince the audience (of your company’s Executives) that:

— Your target company should be focused on for revenue AND

— You should be the senior sales person to lead the revenue goals – based on your knowledge of the company and industry!

— How you will specifically generate incremental revenue for your company from the Target Company – using the Four Business Strategies and SMART Goals

Prepare your report / recommendation and presentation as if you really want this opportunity!

Follow guidelines provided for an Executive Summary / Report

Part 2. Video recorded presentation to your Company’s Executive Committee

Due on and presentations on– Tuesday November 17

Presentations will be recorded

Presentations will be scheduled from 3:00PM to 7:30PM and scheduled individually in advance.

· All presentations must be completed On – Tuesday November 17

a. 30 PPT slide

(see recommended sequence and number of slides)

12 minute max. limit. (Hard stop – recording stops at 12 minutes –

practice your timing!

· Quality of content, text, graphics, readability and factual support will be evaluated.

· Use / follow good Power Point guidelines previously provided and reviewed in class.

· Presentations must include specific metrics (value propositions), projections and expected results – based on reasonable assumptions and projections.

· Make your best case in time allowed!

· Use the provided template as a starting point, but be creative / convincing.

· Be on time and prepared to present as scheduled.

All Individual Executive Committee Presentations will be video recorded

· All presentations must be completed:

On – Tuesday November 17


Plan your schedule.

· Be on time and prepared.

EMAIL a copy of your written report by Tuesday Nov. 10 by 5:00 PM

EMAIL a copy of your Power Point presentation by Tuesday Nov. 17 by 2:00 PM

· Subject line must read:
“Advanced Sales FINAL Fall 2020”



Advanced Sales “FINAL” Report & Presentation

There are two parts to


Advanced Sales “

Report & Presentation”

Part 1

is a written proposal

Part 2

is a video recorded presentation to your Company’s Executive Committee


Part 1.

Written Report



Executive Committee.

Due On

November 10

/ 2020

This is your written “case” / recommendation for management to:


Act on your recommendation
to pursue / be appointed as a senior sales representative to grow
revenue with your selected targeted industry / company


Appoint you to the position

Report is to be minimum of 5 and maximum of
typed pages. (12 pt. font / 1
inch margins)


Information presented must be
factual, clear, supported and compelling


Use the Executive Summary format provided as a guide

Prepare a

(word document)



Executive Summary &

based on:


“state of the

industry” research previously prepared

(work you have prepared



Your individual

research, previous class reports / presentations and readings


Class discussion and handouts



“Four Business Development Strategies”

and initiatives


1 SMART Goal

of the

Four Business Development Strategies

Report should be written:


from you

as the
person who wants to pursue this targeted company


to your employer’s

executive committee

(Am Exp. / Fed Exp., J&J,
Google, JPMC,


Purpose of this report is to:


Explain in detail


your selected





should be appointed the
senior sales representative
for this accou

based on


Advanced Sales “FINAL” Report & Presentation

There are two parts to the Advanced Sales “Final Report & Presentation”

Part 1 – is a written proposal

Part 2 – is a video recorded presentation to your Company’s Executive Committee


Part 1.

Written Report to your Executive Committee.

Due On – Tuesday November 10 / 2020

This is your written “case” / recommendation for management to:
 Act on your recommendation to pursue / be appointed as a senior sales representative to grow
revenue with your selected targeted industry / company
 Appoint you to the position

Report is to be minimum of 5 and maximum of 7 typed pages. (12 pt. font / 1 inch margins)
 Information presented must be factual, clear, supported and compelling.
 Use the Executive Summary format provided as a guide

Prepare a written (word document) “Target Account – Executive Summary & Recommendation” based on:
 Your “state of the industry” research previously prepared (work you have prepared – PESTLE, PRISSM, FIVE
 Your individual research, previous class reports / presentations and readings
 Class discussion and handouts
 Your “Four Business Development Strategies” and initiatives
 1 SMART Goal for each of the Four Business Development Strategies.

Report should be written:
 from you as the person who wants to pursue this targeted company
 to your employer’s executive committee (Am Exp. / Fed Exp., J&J, Google, JPMC, etc.).

 Purpose of this report is to:
 Explain in detail – justify — why your selected Target industry company
 Justify why you should be appointed the senior sales representative for this account based on

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