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Problem Solving Ideas That Work

on problem-solving strategies. Then, pick one of the following scenarios:                  

             1. You want throw a party for a special occasion: birthday, anniversary, bridal shower, etc.        

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             2,Your elderly neighbor has asked that you do their weekly grocery shopping this month.

             3. You decide to take up gardening, but you don’t want to use all of your yard.4

             4. Your lease is up and you are going to move to a new location.

In your initial post, consider which problem-solving strategies you would choose, and detail how you would use them to break down the problem.

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Before moving on to the next assignment, review the following job offers:


  • Assistant Teacher PDF
  • Curatorial Assistant PDF
  • Tutor PDF


  • Technical Writer PDF
  • Social Media Content Creator PDF
  • Journalist PDF


  • Concept Artist PDF
  • Graphic Designer PDF
  • Web Designer PDF


In your journal, reflect on the following questions:

  1. State which job track you have selected (Humanities, Communications, or Design).
  2. What was your initial reaction to each of the three different jobs in your chosen track? List the three options in order of preference. Did you have a strong “gut” feeling, positive or negative, about any of the offers?
  3. Which past experiences may have contributed to your preferences? Do you utilize mathematics?
  4. Why did you choose that track?

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