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Week 3: Advocacy in Case Management

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
–Theodore Roosevelt

Close your eyes and picture the community that you live in. Try not to focus on just the area where your house or favorite store might be, but also the neighborhoods that surround it. How does each region in your community differ, and how might those differences correspond to the needs of those living in that area?

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When thinking of their communities, many people tend to focus solely on their lives, imagining the restaurants they go to, the schools they attend, and the shops they patronize. Communities encompass more than the experience of one individual, though. Many of today’s communities face challenges such as gang presence, poverty, domestic or school violence, lack of care for the elderly, and substance abuse. Through advocacy, case managers can help their clients to develop the skills necessary to thrive in spite of such challenges.

This week, you examine roles of advocacy in case management. You explore ethical and legal concerns and identify ways to address challenges in case management.


By the end of this week, you will be able to:


Analyze advocacy in case management

· Analyze ethical concerns related to advocacy in case management

· Analyze legal concerns related to advocacy in case management

· Analyze challenges to advocating for clients

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Frankel, A. J. & Gelman, S. R., & Pastor, D. K. (2019). Case management: An introduction to concepts and skills (4th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

· Chapter 7, “Additional Components of Case Management Intervention and Evaluation”

· Chapter 9, “Case Management Issues with Special Populations”

Alvidrez, J., Shumway, M., Kelly, V., Smart, S., Gelb, M., Okin, R. L., & Boccellari, A. (2008). Which low-income urban crime victims use trauma-focused case management and psychotherapy services? Journal of Loss and Trauma, 13(4), 288–302.

Chen, F. (2008). A fine line to walk: Case managers’ perspectives on sharing information with families. Qualitative Health Research, 18(11) 1556.

Congdon, D. (2010). Evaluating the effectiveness of infant mental health enhanced case management for dependency populations. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 7(5), 481-487.

Dustin, D. (2006). Skills and knowledge needed to practise as a care manager: Continuity and change. Journal of Social Work. 6(3), 293–313. 

National Organization for Human Services. (2012). Ethical standards for human service professionals. Retrieved from

Pratt, S. I., Bartels, S. J., & Mueser, K. T. (2008). Helping older people experience success: An integrated model of psychosocial rehabilitation and health care management for older adults with serious mental illness. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 11, 41–60.

Zoffness, R., Garland, A., Brookman-Frazee, L., & Roesch, S. (2009). Case management as a significant component of usual care psychotherapy for youth with disruptive behavior problems. Child & Youth Care Forum, 38(4), 185–200.

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Case management for persons in need. Baltimore, MD: Author.


Virtual Client Case Files.”

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012). Case management for persons in need. Baltimore, MD: Author.


Virtual Client Case Files.”
Click to access the Course Media transcript: Virtual Client Case Files transcript


Discussion: Ethics and Advocacy Laws

Clients often require case management services because they find themselves unable to approach agencies on their own behalf. This may be due to physical or mental health issues, and case managers can help clients through advocacy. There are many ways that case managers can advocate for clients. Case managers may recommend specific services for their clients. Case managers may also contact outside agencies on behalf of their clients. Finally, case managers represent their clients’ level of physical and mental health in their clients’ absence.

When case managers advocate for clients, ethical and legal concerns may arise. Case managers must make themselves aware of laws regarding advocacy. Laws regarding advocacy can help case managers address legal concerns, and the National Code of Ethics can help them to address ethical concerns.

In this Discussion, you examine the legal and ethical issues and guidelines surrounding advocacy.

To Prepare for this Discussion:

· Review Chapter 9, “Case Management Issues With Special Populations” from the Course Text. Consider the approaches case managers take when assisting individuals who belong to the groups described.

· Review the article, “Which Low-Income Urban Crime Victims Use Trauma-Focused Case Management and Psychotherapy Services?” Consider the factors that may predict potential clients’ likelihood of seeking case management assistance.

· Review the article, “A Fine Line to Walk: Case Managers’ Perspectives on Sharing Information with Families.” Consider an ethics-oriented perspective when you think about the situations described.

· Review the article, “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Infant Mental Health Enhanced Case Management for Dependency Populations.” Focus on the particular needs of clients who might require a great deal of advocacy on the part of a case manager.

· Review the article, “Case Management as a Significant Component of Usual Care Psychotherapy for Youth With Disruptive Behavior Problems.” Consider the approaches taken by case managers.

· Review the code of ethics of the National Organization of Human Services. Think about the qualities of the various responsibilities outlined.

· Select a virtual client.

· Consider ways in which you might advocate for the client.

· Consider the laws you have discovered that might apply to the individuals in your caseload of clients.

· Think about ethical issues that could arise with each of your cases if you are not careful.

· Imagine how you might proactively handle any of these issues.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post by Day 4 which of your virtual clients you selected. Describe one way you might advocate for that virtual client. Then explain one legal and one ethical concern related to the way in which you might advocate for your virtual client. Finally, describe one strategy for addressing each concern.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.


Your Client:

· Charlene—Oldest of two and only daughter in the family, 16 years old. Intelligent and caring. Her recent patterns of cutting class to hang out with students known as “the bad kids” has caused her once-high GPA to plunge into the failing range. Teachers have noted that Charlene appears to be very distracted and socially disconnected when in class, traits that they had not previously seen with her before this year.


Charlene’s new and at-risk behavior prompted Kate, the high school guidance counselor, to talk with Charlene. As Charlene walked into Kate’s office, Kate was surprised to see that it wasn’t just Charlene’s school behavior that had changed. Charlene, once known for pulling her long, beautiful hair neatly back into a bun, now let it lay limp in front of her face. Her color-coordinated slacks and blouse were also exchanged for a big jacket and Windbreaker pants. Kate also noted how Charlene seemed to wrap herself inside the jacket—an odd behavior considering how warm the weather was outside.
In talking with Charlene, Kate learned that she felt unsafe at home. Her father, a local handyman with a high school education, had a history of coming home from work drunk and belligerent. Over the past year, these actions had transformed into physical and verbal abuse toward Charlene specifically. Charlene had never been on a date with a boy, yet her father constantly accused her of sleeping around” and dressing like a tramp. Charlene said that she felt her mother was too terrified of her father to protect her from his vitriolic language, rage, and drunken rants that centered on her worthlessness. Charlene confided to Kate that she wanted to safely separate from her father and her current home life. Charlene had not attempted to run away because she did not want to abandon her 11 year-old brother Matthew. Though Matthew did not receive any physical or verbal abuse, Charlene was afraid that her father’s temper would be transferred to him if she were to leave.
Kate called the department of social services, which found bruises on Charlene’s arms and back. Charlene and her brother Matthew were immediately placed into a foster home until further evaluation and home visits have been conducted with her mother and father.

Meeting Your Client:
Your first encounter with Charlene is at her new foster home. As you greet her in the kitchen, she seems frightened yet confident at the same time. Knowing that teens love the occasional junk food, you offer her one of the meals that you picked up from the local fast food restaurant. As the two of you eat, you casually begin to make small talk about today’s popular music artists. She doesn’t talk much but giggles when you make a bewildered comment about the recent antics of one outlandish pop star. As you continue to engage her in conversation, you turn the topic toward popular comedies that have recently come to theaters. Charlene smiles as you mention one movie that she wants to see. She even excitedly talks about the cast of characters and movie plot. You make her a deal that if she can earn a C or higher on her next test grade, you will take her to see the movie. She agrees and with a sip of your chocolate shakes, this connection with her is your breakthrough

Moving Forward:
Right now, Charlene is very vulnerable. She has been hurt by the two adults who were supposed to put her well-being above their own. Charlene is 16 and able to make her own decisions about attending school and counseling sessions. These two factors are equally important and make your case management plan twofold. First, you must gain her trust and show her that you are there for her during this traumatic period in her life. Second, you must find the best way to coordinate her care in hopes that your interventions will prove to be successful.


Assignment: Assessing Your Community

Advocacy plays an important role in the case management process. Case managers advocate for optimal conditions to help clients successfully reach their goals. Unfortunately, case managers cannot control all elements of the communities in which clients live. For example, suppose a case manager takes on an alcoholic client who is new to recovery. The client happens to live in a community where liquor stores outnumber supermarkets. The case manager cannot change the situation, and so might instead choose to look for strategies to help the client better approach it. When case managers assess and address challenges that arise in communities, the advocacy role evolves into active support on behalf of their clients.

For this Assignment, imagine that your client lives in your community. To complete the Assignment, assess your community and identify challenges that may affect your ability to advocate on behalf of your client.

To Prepare for this Assignment:

· Consider the needs faced by the community in which you live, and imagine each of your clients as a community member there.

· Review Chapter 7, “Additional Components of Case Management Intervention and Evaluation” from the Course Text. Consider the relationship between the responsibilities described and the advocacy role.

· Review the article, “Skills and Knowledge Needed to Practise as a Care Manager: Continuity and Change.” Consider the role of the skills described in terms of case managers’ ability to advocate for clients.

· Review the article, “Helping Older People Experience Success: An Integrated Model of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Health Care Management for Older Adults with Serious Mental Illness.” Consider the needs of the population described.

· Review the code of ethics of the National Organization of Human Services. Think about the qualities of the various responsibilities outlined.

· Review the virtual client selected for the Discussion and how you might advocate for that client.

· Imagine your virtual client lives in your community. Consider challenges within your community that may affect how you advocate for your virtual client. Consider how you might address each challenge.

The Assignment (1–2 pages)

· Identify the virtual client you selected for the Discussion.

· Describe one way you might advocate for the client.

· Describe at least two aspects in your community that may present challenges to how you advocate for your client.

· Explain how you might address each of the challenges you described.

© 2012 Laureate Education, Inc.

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