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Topic –  What are the challenges and barriers for adults completing their degree?   Outline and Reference list attached You may use those 3 sources and ad 2 more of you may use 5 new sources


Write a short (3-5 pages) research paper written in APA 6thor 7th edition. This paper must include at least five sources, four of which are peer-reviewed articles accessed through the EIU Booth library data bases. 

Running head: OUTLINE 1

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BGS/2985 Adults in Transition

Eastern Illinois University

February 9, 2020


1. Adult learners:

a. Degree adult learner

b. Circumstances that result to adult learning in university

c. Importance of adults acquiring degrees

2. Learning objectives

a. To highlight the obstacles that come with adult learning in university.

b. To provide solutions of the obstacles to the universities.

c. To provide solutions on how adult learners can overcome the obstacles.

d. To encourage adults to complete their degree.

3. What are the main challenges that hinder adults from completing their degree

a. Being able to balance work, family commitments and school.

b. Financial constraints as a result of daily expenditures and bills.

c. Self- doubting due to age limit.

d. Expectation from the lecturers and other students that adults are already skilled.

e. Time constraints due to the many schedules.

f. Lack of support from both the lecturers and students.

g. Lack of support from the community and sometimes the family to learn.

4. What the university should do to support adults complete their degree

a. Include in their teachings activities and assignments that encourage adults learn and explore.

b. Consider the experience and educational background of the adult.

c. Offer immediate feedback to allow adult learners to learn from mistakes

d. Emphasize the real-world benefits.

e. Create deliverables that can be completed quickly and conveniently.

f. Integrate emotionally-driven content to benefit adults.

g. Break the content up into smaller chunks to help the adults understand quickly.

5. What the community should do to support adults complete their degree

a. Make adult learners see the relevance of the degree.

b. Help adults realize that learning helps to empower the community to be more tolerant and sustainable.

c. Help adults realize that their learning helps to build social capital and enables social networks to develop.

d. Developing individual skills helps adults to help themselves and hence reducing dependency.

6. Solutions for adults to complete their degree

a. They should learn to be flexible

b. Budgeting to avoid financial constraints that prevent continuity of education.

c. Have a support network from the family and workplace.

d. Study smart by being strategic and saving time.

e. Learn to practice whatever they are taught to perfect and prevent more acquisition of notes.

7. Conclusion

a. Importance of adults completing their degrees to the community.

b. Importance to their families.

c. What should adults do to ensure they overcome the barriers for completing their degrees


Brockett, R. G., & Hiemstra, R. (2018). Self-direction in adult learning: Perspectives on theory, research and practice. Routledge.

Lawrence, J. A., Merkhaal, S. S., & Dodds, A. E. (2019). Obstacles in the pathway to professional life for a Chaldean refugee woman. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 21(2), 86-99.

Madden, T., & Monahan, S. (2019). Partnering Programs to Eliminate Obstacles to Success. The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 67(1), 37-41.

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