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Review the following theories that we have covered in class:

  • Psychoanalytic Therapy
  • Adlerian Therapy
  • Existential Therapy
  • Person-Centered Therapy
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Behavior Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Reality Therapy
  • Feminist Therapy
  • Postmodern Approaches
  • Family Systems Therapy

Now answer these questions:

What are your basic assumptions about human nature?

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Which approach to therapy is closest to your beliefs about human nature?

In what ways do you believe that your basic assumptions might determine the procedures that you would use when working with clients?



1. Described your “best self” in relation to work in the classroom. We have covered many topics and explored/refined many skills in this course. What would you add to or modify about your best self as you prepare for your next courses? How will the changes you made help propel you forward?

2. Reflection can also help us solve problems or make decisions for the future. Reflecting on a challenge you encountered this term, how might one of the strategies help you overcome similar challenges in the future? Explain.

3. Finally, there were many excellent points shared by Paul LeBlanc, Greg Fowler, and Amy Stevens in the closing video. What is one takeaway that that stood out to you personally?

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