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Discussion 1

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  You have worked on your intended argument over the course of the term. In this activity, you will work to find your argument and make sure you are putting that argument into a clear, concise thesis statement. Open your

Writing Plan

to use the work you have done so far to respond to the following questions, which will help you through the process. 

  1. What is the problem you will be addressing that is connected to your potential field or major?
  2. State your argument that addresses this problem. Remember, your argument may have changed now that you’ve conducted more research.
  3. What is your first reason or keypoint why your audience should be persuaded by your argument? Can it be supported using the research you’ve conducted so far? Briefly identify the research you will use to support this point.
  4. What is your second reason or keypoint why your audience should be persuaded by your argument? Can it be supported using the research you’ve conducted so far? Briefly identify the research you will use to support this point.
  5. What is your third reason or keypoint why your audience should be persuaded by your argument? Can it be supported using the research you’ve conducted so far? Briefly identify the research you will use to support this point.
  6. Now, combine your answers to questions 2-5 to construct a thesis statement. Your thesis statement should be 1-2 sentences long. Begin by stating
  7.  the position you will argue, and then go on to list the reasons or major points you will write about in the paper to defend that position. 

Discussion 2

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  In response to each question, copy and paste any examples from your Writing Plan. Then write 1-3 sentences explaining why you’ve selected those examples and, when applicable, what changes you might make. 


Which sections of your Writing Plan do you feel most confident in?


Which sections of your Writing Plan do you feel least confident in?


Which of your main points do you find the strongest? Which of your main points do you find the weakest?


Do you think you have identified important counterarguments? Are you comfortable with your responses to those counterarguments?


Do you think you’ve found evidence that supports your main points? Is there a point you think needs more supporting evidence?



Anfernee Coale


English 123

Writing plan
ARGUMENT: The argument that have chosen for my persuasive essay focus on the vaccination of adults and children versus people who are against the vaccination ideas. My interest align on vaccinating children and adults as I know that vaccines are always effective and safe and they prevent outbreak of an infectious disease. Currently, am working as a health unit coordinator in the hospital. Working with the hospital has enabled me to practice my healthcare information which I graduate with and can communicate effectively with medical professionals. This has helped me to learn more about infectious disease and some of the devastating effects that abide with it if one has not received the vaccine. Since most of the people that have interacted with are skeptical about the vaccine or anything related with disease prevention, I have a positive belief that my interest to educate and argue about the vaccination arise from people of all culture. This has impressed my interest in the vaccination as it abides with culture and environment set up.
KEY POINTS: Vaccination is a wide analysis which depict out various outcome based on those involved. In this essay, I have given significant consideration to the following key points which are essential and support my argument. First, there is disease eradication which is one of the vital goals for vaccination. The World Health Organization (WHO) has certified for global eradication of smallpox which was done in 1980 and this was effective as the vaccine minimized the deliberating disease. The two polio vaccine which is done through injection and the other by mouth eliminated polio from most of the affected nations. This reduced the number of cases reported each year from an estimated value of 350,000 in 1988 to 37,000 in 2016.
Second focus on a decrease in morbidity rates which has reduced the vaccination levels. According to research vaccination reduces various disease which are deadly and dangerous. The WHO has estimated that vaccination averts over 2-3 million deaths in a year. It has also been estimated that 30% of death related to children are those who are under the age of five years an analysis done in 2013 where most of those vaccinated were prevent from some of this disease. Lastly, features on cost-effectiveness of the vaccine versus the mode of the vaccine treatment. Vaccinations have been used worldwide to help and save billions of dollars for those who might avoid hospital expenses. For instance, over the past few years, the cost of treatment has saved over $1.4 billion which might be used as an expense for treatment. There is avoiding of long term cost which has lost productivity due to the disability and death which has saved around 461 billion over the past three consecutive years. Overall, I would opt that vaccination is always safe and effective in fighting infectious disease which might cause autism to children.
AUDIENCE: All healthcare consumers and children aged below five years are the ones involved in most of this argument. Following this, I would like them to consider my point of view that vaccination is one of the most effective and efficient ways to prevent disease outbreaks not only in the whole nation but also worldwide. People who take vaccination seriously and have no prejudice for it are on high probability of convincing others of its effectiveness. Though, it is not to convince all people of its safety and effectiveness it is good to create awareness. The only way to plan for this is to reach a large number of people and show them solid evidence on the rates and the so-called side effects and death. Most of this link might be helpful to them and change their interest in the vaccine.
GOAL: The objective of this persuasive essay is to introduce my point of view to all healthcare sectors on the effectiveness and safety of vaccination. To support this argument goal I would prefer to use facts that arise from numerous scientific researchers and that dispute for change as being presented in various journals. Again, I am planning to have a strategy which I will use to make sure all people understand the risk and consequences which is related with communities and individual more so for those who face in the vaccination. In this preview, I will highlight important reasons which align with the vaccination and its overall benefits to various communities. In my essay, I will give a factual impression on a myth that examines the controversial claims about the vaccine more so on the claim of how the vaccine has a positive interest to children.
POTENTIAL RESOURCES: “Evidence Shows Vaccines Unrelated to Autism.” Vaccines, edited by Noël Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2015. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, The article helps one to debunk the conspiracy theory which act behind the statement of vaccination and autism in children. Still, there is Gould, K. PhD, RN. (2017). Vaccine Safety: Evidence-Based Research Must Prevail. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. Volume 36(3), pp 145–147. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. states the importance of vaccination for everyone who is around the world. The article reveals more on the gender of foregoing vaccination and its outcome consequences. Most of the information presented helps the audience to focus on the infectious disease outbreak and what has happened more so with those areas which have recorded the highest numbers. The other article that has featured here is Pasquale, A., et al. (2016). Vaccine safety evaluation: Practical aspects in assessing benefits and risks. Vaccine. (Vol 34. Issue 52), pp 6672-6680.
Which shows that the vaccination is always safe since one has to monitor keenly on various organization response.
SUPPORTING RESOURCES: The various resources expressed above focus on the description of the vaccines to people. Information presented in the article proves to us that vaccinations are effective and safe in preventing diseases. There is still an explanation of the audience involved and how the vaccine aligns with the people’s interests. Through that, the articles have debunked various myths that ensure that children’s autism is one of the major reasons why most people are against the vaccine. However, there is a need to feature various reasons which are behind the vaccination and how it can protect the people and have their future generations being endowed for change.
INTEGRATING EVIDENCE: Since the argument essay is highly controversial there is always the need for further research which will help in the analysis of more facts that might prove the points. Due to that, every point has to be supported with analysis and evaluation which align with the reputable journals and articles given. Most of the information presented features on CDC and other healthcare agencies and for it to be effective there is a need for analysis. Again, it is essential to address each reason with a link that highlights the opposing facts and that can prove for change in some of the opposing ideas.
REVISION STRATEGY: In any writing process revision is essential. In revision strategy, one has to focus on the big picture and address a specific audience and ensure their purpose is being fulfilled. This can only be done by focusing on the development structure of the essay and the essential argument platform. In this view, one has to make sure that the essay is logical and features supporting materials that help to prove some of the key points. Again, there is a need for one to re-read some of the proven points to ensure that the essay is self-explanatory. Lastly, there is a need to consider the sentence structure and grammar which are essential for revising an essay. Then reading back the essay will help in minimizing some of the huge mistakes.
RECEIVING FEEDBACK: In any essay platform feedback is essential as it always allows the writer to have focus and see different perspectives on the essay. Most of these issues expressed have shown some improvement on the needs as it allows the writer to concentrate on parts of the essay and methods used to obtain data. There is always needs to have some supporting evidence and facts in analyzing data. Therefore, feedback from various parties makes it crucial for the writing process as it ensures that the essay has a general analysis from another party.

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