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do this assignment according to the rubric attach because it will be graded according to it. I have upload feedback from previous assignment

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SCI 219 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

The final project for this course is the creation of an environmental issue paper. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency
because, in the field of environmental science, it is important to remember that all ecological processes and subsequent environmental issues are interrelated.
No one ecological process or environmental issue stands alone. Imagine for a moment that you are an avid fisherman and have learned that a population of a
particular fish species in a local river is critically low. In broad terms, the issue is loss of biodiversity, which could impact water quality downstream and the
availability of food for predators in the river. The specific causes of this issue may be wide-ranging; the river may have been recently dammed, or there may be a
chemical spill that has yet to be discovered or fully realized. If the river runs through a major city, it may be a repository for urban runoff and human wastewater
containing endocrine-disrupting chemicals. If the river runs through an agricultural area, it may be subject to sedimentation and pollution from pesticides,
synthetic fertilizers, and large-scale animal feeding operations. Very few environmental issues are caused by a single factor, which makes implementing solutions
challenging. In this example, legislation such as a ban on fishing the species may be a temporary fix, but it does not address the core problems. Effective
solutions may include removing the dam, requiring urban runoff to be treated, increasing treatment of human waste, and/or convincing local farmers to use
more environmentally friendly practices. However, these solutions are easier said than done.

For the final project, you will write a short paper on the environmental issue of your choice. This assignment is your opportunity to investigate an area of
environmental science that interests you. The issue you choose must have local consequences and impact you directly or indirectly. As part of this assignment,
you will describe the ecological processes that have been disrupted and explain how human activities have contributed to the problem. You will also summarize
the proposed solutions to the issue and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of each. Finally, you will discuss how the issue relates to you and state
the steps that you could take to reduce your impact. As with most complex issues, suggested changes are not feasible for everyone all the time, so this is your
chance to truly reflect on the practicality of making changes in your life.

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The final project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Explain significant environmental issues facing the natural world for determining the extent of their local impact

 Describe the extent to which the basic ecological processes involved in significant environmental issues have been disrupted by daily human activities

 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of proposed scientific solutions to major environmental issues

 Develop feasible strategic plans for mitigating one’s personal impacts on the environment

Before you begin, you need to make sure that you have chosen an environmental issue that is of interest to you and that impacts you directly or indirectly. While
you can choose any environmental issue you like, remember that you will need to explain the ecological processes behind it and discuss the relationship
between the issue and humans on global and local scales. You must get approval from your instructor after you select your issue and before you begin writing.

I. Environmental Issue: To begin your paper, you will describe the global impact of your chosen environmental issue and describe the interactions of the
ecological processes that are involved in the environmental issue. You will then describe the impact of this environmental issue on your local
community. These impacts may be direct or indirect and may influence local ecology, or human activities or jobs.

A. Identify the local environmental issue you have chosen and briefly describe its impact on the environment on a global level. Support your
description with scientific facts.

B. Describe the impact of this environmental issue on your local community. This may include impact on local ecology or impact on local human
activities. Support your description with specific examples.

II. Human Impact: In this section, you will take a deeper dive into your chosen environmental issue to assess and describe how and why human activities

impact the ecological processes involved.
A. Identify the ecological processes that are impacted by this environmental issue and briefly describe how each has been impacted by the

environmental issue. Support your description with scientific facts.
B. Discuss how the ecological processes related to this environmental issue have been impacted, directly and indirectly, by human activities.

Support your discussion with examples.
C. Explain how human activities in your local community directly and indirectly impact the related ecological processes. Support your explanation



III. Potential Solutions: In this section, you will identify and describe proposed solutions to your chosen environmental issue that have been put forth by the
scientific community. You will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, and you will discuss the extent to which human activity will influence,
and be influenced by, these proposed solutions.

A. Identify current potential solutions that have been proposed by the scientific community for mitigating the environmental issue, and briefly
describe each. Support your description with scientific facts.

B. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution. Support your explanation with scientific facts.
C. Briefly describe how human behavior would have to change in order for the solutions to be effective. Support your description with specific


IV. Reducing Personal Impact: Now that you have investigated the ecological processes behind your chosen environmental issue, the human impact on
those processes, and proposed solutions to the environmental issue, it is time to reflect on your personal impact. In this section, you need to develop at
least three personal, feasible strategies that you can implement in your own life to lessen, or even eliminate entirely, your impact on your environmental

A. Identify your personal habits and daily activities that impact the ecological processes related to the larger environmental issue and describe the
impact of each habit or activity.

B. Based on the ecological impact of your previously identified habits and activities, describe how your daily life impacts the larger environmental

C. Prioritize your previously identified habits and daily activities by which have the greatest impact on the environmental issue. Support your

prioritization with scientific evidence.
D. Based on your prioritization, list three strategies that will help mitigate the negative environmental impacts of the top three personal habits and

daily activities you have identified. For each strategy, do the following:
i. Explain how the corresponding habit or activity will be altered by the strategy. Support your explanation with specific examples.

ii. Explain how your use of this strategy and corresponding changes in your personal life will contribute to the previously identified
potential scientific solutions. Support your explanation with scientific facts.

Milestone One: Description of Environmental Issue
In Module Three, you will submit a description of your chosen environmental issue. You will describe the global impact of your chosen environmental issue and
the ecological processes that are involved in the environmental issue. You will then describe the impact of this environmental issue on your local community.
This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Solutions for Your Chosen Issue
In Module Five, you will submit your solutions for your chosen issue. You will assess and describe how and why human activities impact the ecological processes
involved. You will identify and describe proposed solutions to your chosen environmental issue that have been put forth by the scientific community. In addition,
you will develop at least three personal, feasible strategies that you can implement in your own life to lessen, or even eliminate entirely, your impact on your
environmental issue. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Final Submission: Environmental Issue Paper
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should
reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.

Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your environmental issue paper should be


to 8 pages in length with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch
margins. You should use current APA style guidelines for your three to five citations and reference list.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Environmental Issue:
Environmental Issue

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supporting facts demonstrate a
complex grasp of the global
impact of the environmental

Identifies the chosen
environmental issue, briefly
describing its impact on the
global environment, and
supports description with
scientific facts

Identifies the chosen
environmental issue, describing
its impact on the global
environment, but description is
verbose or contains scientific

Does not identify the chosen
environmental issue


Environmental Issue:
Local Community

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supporting examples
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of how the
environmental issue impacts the
local community

Describes the impact of the
environmental issue on the local
community and supports
description with specific

Describes the impact of the
environmental issues on the
local community but description
is cursory or contains
inaccuracies or supporting
examples are not specific or not

Does not describe the impact of
the environmental issues on the
local community


Human Impact:
Environmental Issue

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a
complex grasp of the how the
involved ecological processes
are impacted by the
environmental issue

Identifies the ecological
processes that are impacted by
the environmental issue, briefly
describing how each has been
impacted by the environmental
issue and supports response
with scientific facts

Identifies the ecological
processes that are impacted by
the environmental issue,
describing how each has been
impacted by the environmental
issue, but response is cursory or
contains inaccuracies or
supporting facts are nonexistent
or not scientific

Does not identify the ecological
processes that are impacted by
the environmental issue


Human Impact: Human

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supporting examples
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of the breadth and
depth of human impact on
ecological processes

Discusses how the ecological
processes related to the
environmental issue have been
impacted by human activities
and supports discussion with

Discusses how the ecological
processes related to the
environmental issue have been
impacted by human activities
but discussion is cursory or
illogical or supporting examples
are not relevant or nonexistent

Does not discuss how the
ecological processes related to
the environmental issue have
been impacted by human


Human Impact: Local

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supporting examples
demonstrate a complex grasp of
the ways in which human
activity at the local level can
have a more far-reaching
environmental impact

Explains how human activities in
the local community directly
and indirectly impact the
related ecological processes and
supports explanation with

Explains how human activities in
the local community impact the
related ecological processes but
explanation is cursory or
contains inaccuracies or
supporting examples are not
relevant or nonexistent

Does not explain how human
activities in the local community
impact the related ecological


Potential Solutions:
Potential Solutions

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a
complex grasp of the scientific
basis for each solution

Identifies current potential
solutions that have been
proposed by the scientific
community for mitigating the
environmental issue, briefly
describing each and supporting
description with scientific facts

Identifies potential solutions for
mitigating the environmental
issue, describing each, but
identified solutions are not
current or from the scientific
community, descriptions
contain inaccuracies, or
supporting facts are irrelevant
or inaccurate

Does not identify potential
solutions for mitigating the
environmental issue


Potential Solutions:
Advantages and

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supporting facts demonstrate a
sophisticated awareness of the
likelihood for success of each

Explains the advantages and
disadvantages of each proposed
solution and supports
explanation with scientific facts

Explains the advantages and
disadvantages of each proposed
solution but explanations are
cursory or contain inaccuracies
or supporting facts are
irrelevant or inaccurate

Does not explain the advantages
and disadvantages of each
proposed solution


Potential Solutions:
Human Behavior

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supporting examples
demonstrate a sophisticated
awareness of the intricacies
involved in changing human

Briefly describes how human
behavior would have to change
in order for the solutions to be
effective and supports
description with specific

Describes how human behavior
would have to change in order
for the solutions to be effective
but description is verbose or
inaccurate or supporting
examples are irrelevant or

Does not describe how human
behavior would have to change
in order for the solutions to be


Reducing Personal
Impact: Personal
Habits and Daily


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explanation demonstrates a
sophisticated self-awareness of
personal environmental impacts

Identifies personal habits and
daily activities that impact the
ecological processes related to
the larger environmental issue,
describing the impact of each
habit or activity

Identifies personal habits and
daily activities that impact the
ecological processes related to
the larger environmental issue,
describing the impact of each
habit or activity, but response is
cursory or contains inaccuracies

Does not identify personal
habits and daily activities that
impact the related ecological


Reducing Personal
Impact: Daily Life

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a high-
degree of self-awareness with
regard to daily environmental

Describes how personal daily
life impacts the chosen
environmental issue based on
the ecological impact of the
previously identified habits and

Describes how personal daily
life impacts the chosen
environmental issue but
description contains
inaccuracies or is not based on
the ecological impact of the
previously identified habits and

Does not describe how personal
daily life impacts the chosen
environmental issue


Reducing Personal
Impact: Previously
Identified Habits

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a complex grasp
of the extent to which personal
habits contribute to the
environmental issue

Prioritizes previously identified
habits and daily activities by
which have the greatest impact
on the environmental issue and
supports prioritization with
scientific evidence

Prioritizes previously identified
habits and daily activities by
which have the greatest impact
on the environmental issue but
prioritization is incomplete or
supporting evidence is
irrelevant, inaccurate, or

Does not prioritize previously
identified habits and daily
activities by which have the
greatest impact on the
environmental issue


Reducing Personal
Impact: Corresponding

Habit or Activity

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supporting examples
demonstrate a complex grasp of
the potential impact of the
strategy on personal habits

Explains how the corresponding
habit or activity will be altered
by the strategy and supports
explanation with specific

Explains how the corresponding
habit or activity will be altered
by the strategy but explanation
is cursory or supporting
examples are irrelevant or

Does not explain how the
corresponding habit or activity
will be altered by the strategy


Reducing Personal
Impact: Mitigate Your
Personal Contributions

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
response demonstrates a
sophisticated awareness of how
personal changes play a role in
larger scientific solutions

Explains how the use of the
strategy and corresponding
changes in personal life will
contribute to the previously
identified potential scientific
solutions, supporting
explanation with scientific facts

Explains how the use of the
strategy and corresponding
changes in personal life will
contribute to the previously
identified potential scientific
solutions but explanation is
cursory or inaccurate or
supporting facts are irrelevant,
inaccurate, or nonexistent

Does not explain how the use of
the strategy and corresponding
changes in personal life will
contribute to the previously
identified potential scientific


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of


Total 100%

Critical Elements

Attempted With Minimal or No Functional Issues

Attempted With Key Functional Issues

Was Not Evident in Submission

Criterion Score

Human Impact: Human Activities

9 points

Discusses how human activities impact the related ecological processes and supports discussion with examples

6.75 points

Discusses how human activities impact the related ecological processes but discussion is cursory or illogical, or supporting examples are not relevant or nonexistent

0 points

Does not discuss how human activities impact the related ecological processes


Criterion Feedback You discuss many issues associated with water pollution.
Human Impact: Local Community
9 points

Explains how human activities in the local community directly and indirectly impact the related ecological processes and supports explanation with examples

6.75 points

Explains how human activities in the local community impact the related ecological processes, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies, or supporting examples are not relevant or nonexistent

0 points

Does not explain how human activities in the local community impact the related ecological processes


Criterion Feedback You discuss the impacts on a local community.
Potential Solutions: Potential Solutions
9 points

Identifies current potential solutions that have been proposed by the scientific community for mitigating the environmental issue, briefly describing each and supporting description with scientific facts

6.75 points

Identifies potential solutions for mitigating the environmental issue, describing each, but identified solutions are not current or not from the scientific community, descriptions contain inaccuracies, or supporting facts are irrelevant or contain inaccuracies

0 points

Does not identify potential solutions for mitigating the environmental issue


Criterion Feedback What does “responsible use of pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides” entail? This, and other statements, need to be explained.
Potential Solutions: Advantages and Disadvantages
9 points

Explains the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution and supports explanation with scientific facts

6.75 points

Explains the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution but explanations are cursory or contain inaccuracies, or supporting facts are irrelevant or contain inaccuracies

0 points

Does not explain the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed solution


Criterion Feedback This section is unclear. You write: “The only disadvantage of this solution is that there is a high likelihood of changing the ecosystem if the contaminated water is magnified. ” The point is to decrease contamination.
Potential Solutions: Human Behavior
9 points

Briefly describes how human behavior would have to change in order for the solutions to be effective and supports description with specific examples

6.75 points

Describes how human behavior would have to change in order for the solutions to be effective but description is verbose or contains inaccuracies, or supporting examples are irrelevant or nonexistent

0 points

Does not describe how human behavior would have to change in order for the solutions to be effective


Criterion Feedback What about the argument that some may use: “These chemicals are needed for farming and my livelihood.” How does your answer address this?
Reducing Personal Impact: Personal Habits and Daily Activities
9 points

Identifies personal habits and daily activities that impact the ecological processes related to the larger environmental issue, describing the impact of each habit or activity

6.75 points

Identifies personal habits and daily activities that impact the ecological processes related to the larger environmental issue, describing the impact of each habit or activity, but response is cursory or contains inaccuracies

0 points

Does not identify personal habits and daily activities that impact the related ecological processes


Criterion Feedback You start with: “It is estimated that it only takes three weeks for a human being to create and form a healthy environment that slowly destroys the environment.” This makes no sense. What are your personal habits and daily activities that impact the ecological processes related to water pollution?
Reducing Personal Impact: Daily Life
9 points

Describes how personal daily life impacts the chosen environmental issue based on the ecological impact of the previously identified habits and activities

6.75 points

Describes how personal daily life impacts the chosen environmental issue but description contains inaccuracies or is not based on the ecological impact of the previously identified habits and activities

0 points

Does not describe how personal daily life impacts the chosen environmental issue


Criterion Feedback The assignment states: “prioritize your previously identified habits and daily activities by which have the greatest impact on the environmental issue.” This discussion is missing from your assignment.
Reducing Personal Impact: Previously Identified Habits
9 points

Prioritizes previously identified habits and daily activities by which have the greatest impact on the environmental issue and supports prioritization with scientific evidence

6.75 points

Prioritizes previously identified habits and daily activities by which have the greatest impact on the environmental issue but prioritization is incomplete or supporting evidence is irrelevant, inaccurate, or nonexistent

0 points

Does not prioritize previously identified habits and daily activities by which have the greatest impact on the environmental issue


Criterion Feedback Are these things that you do personally? Again, the assignment is about your personal habits and activities.
Reducing Personal Impact: Corresponding Habit or Activity
9 points

Explains how the corresponding habit or activity will be altered by the strategy and supports explanation with specific examples

6.75 points

Explains how the corresponding habit or activity will be altered by the strategy but explanation is cursory or supporting examples are irrelevant or nonexistent

0 points

Does not explain how the corresponding habit or activity will be altered by the strategy


Criterion Feedback Are you writing about yourself or to others in general. You write: “Lastly, ensure that you dispose of any trash properly.” Is this something you need to work on?
Reducing Personal Impact: Mitigate Your Personal Contributions
9 points

Explains how the use of the strategy and corresponding changes in personal life will contribute to the previously identified potential scientific solutions and supports explanation with scientific facts

6.75 points

Explains how the use of the strategy and corresponding changes in personal life will contribute to the previously identified potential scientific solutions but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies or supporting facts are irrelevant, inaccurate, or nonexistent

0 points

Does not explain how the use of the strategy and corresponding changes in personal life will contribute to the previously identified potential scientific solutions


Criterion Feedback Again, what can you do to improve the situation?
Articulation of Response

10 points

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

7.5 points

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

0 points

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Criterion Feedback There are a number of places where your writing has errors. For example, you write: “In my area, most of people impact water pollution in various ways.” Please proofread before submitting your work.

Rubric Total ScoreTotal

72.75 / 100

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