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Describe a clinical situation where you were concerned (e.g., a higher incidence of falls, infections, errors, etc.) and where decisions were made to improve the situation. What sources of evidence were utilized to make the decision (e.g., personal experience, expert advice, etc.)?

There have been several clinical situations where I have been concerned with errors in the work place. One of them happened during clinical in a med-surg unit. I was shadowing a nurse while they were giving medications to their patients and one of the patients I was assigned to along with the nurse was due for their insulin shot. The nurse drew up the insulin and needed another nurse to verify the dose but couldn’t find one at the time, so the nurse decided to go ahead and give the shot to the patient and document on it later. She found another nurse after administering the insulin who agreed to sign off on it even though they didn’t see the initiate dose that was administered. Mind you, my clinical instructor was with me and she called them out on it but none of them said anything because it seems as if that’s what they have been doing for a while and it works for them. From what we are taught in school, nurses should have to follow the six rights of medication administration to prevent medication errors that could cause harm to the patient. Insulin shot need to two person verification before administration. The organization have some programs put in place for safe medication practice but these nurses decided to go around it because it saves them time on their work. My instructor for that clinical rotation reported the incident to the charge nurse of the unit before we left and I am not sure if they ever spoke to the nurses involved in the incident about their unsafe medication administration practice. Some of these bad practices of medication administration are still occurring because of the fair some nurses may have if they report other nurses for not following the proper medication administration process. As stated in one of the articles from the NCBI titled “Medication Errors”, the only way to reduce medication errors is for organizations to create reporting system were errors or near missed errors can be catch and prevented from reoccurring. “The staff should be encouraged to report without any repercussion”. (Tariq et al. 2020). This way it will help nurses and other staff members in the unit to report wrong medication administration practices by other nurses or healthcare providers without having to feeling uncomfortable doing their job or face other repercussions.


Houser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using, and creating evidence. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning

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Tariq, Rayhan A., Rishik Vashisht, and Yevgeniya Scherbak. “Medication Errors.” StatPearls [Internet]. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 June 2020. Web. 02 Sept. 2020.

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