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Dear Mr./Ms./Dr./Professor Last Name:

Opening Paragraph: You should use this section to immediately show mission alignment with the organization by immediately stating why you believe the organization and position is important. Make it clear that you know who the organization is, what they do, and what they care about. If someone at the organization has referred you, this is the place to name drop them.

Body Paragraphs (paragraph 2): These should describe your most relevant previous roles, the skills you’ve learned and experiences you’ve gotten from them, and how you’ll apply them to this specific role. Your current or most recent position is usually the first example included. To find other relevant examples, review the job posting and highlight the three skills or experiences that seem most important to them. Highlight past experiences where you demonstrated those things.

Body Paragraphs (paragraph 3): These should describe your most relevant previous roles, the skills you’ve learned and experiences you’ve gotten from them, and how you’ll apply them to this specific role. Your current or most recent position is usually the first example included. To find other relevant examples, review the job posting and highlight the three skills or experiences that seem most important to them. Highlight past experiences where you demonstrated those things.

Closing Paragraph: Your closing should remind the reader of your mission alignment and the impact you would make in the role, while also thanking them for their time and restating your contact information.



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