find an organization that is having an issue and discuss how organizational behavior concepts are either contributing to the problem or could be used to solve the problem

In summary, you are to find an organization that is having an issue  that it has yet to resolve. It could be the employer of you or one of  your teammates. You are to identify the problem and how the different  organizational behavior concepts we have covered/are covering are either  contributing to the problem or could be used to solve the problem. You  should focus on fewer concepts at greater depth rather than a host of  different concepts being briefly mentioned. You are encouraged to  discuss more than one potential solution, but make sure you provide a  single recommendation that your team agrees upon.

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You need to make sure that the organization has a problem that fits  with the organizational behavior of its employees, rather than its  strategy, operations, investments, and such.

A formal report will be prepared. The report will be  mechanically produced, uploaded onto Canvas, and employ  the following format:

  • Title page: Case title, date prepared, team members’ names
  • Case Summary: a succinct summary of the case
  • Problem Identified: brief description of a problem (be sure it is organizational behavior related!)
  • Alternatives – identify up to three different alternatives or scernarios that may occur 
  • Recommendation: which alternative does the team recommend and why. You may need to include: 

    Time lines for implementation
    Evaluation of progress
    Specific consideration of relevant financial conditions (how much will each step cost?)

  • Any other specific and pertinent considerations the team wants to include
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix (if necessary)
  • Bibliography

Writing style must be uniform and consistent throughout.  This  includes such considerations as Print Font, type of paper, page numbers,  etc.  Writing style must also reflect APA formats.

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