finance current event
Current Events
Reading and understanding the latest current events impacting or involving global financial
markets and institutions is important not only for the purpose of this course, but above all for
your career. You want to always stay “current” and make financial decisions based on the
current environment. Current event reports are individual assignments. Each week up to three students will volunteer to present the current event to the class during the live session. Reports (maximum 5 pages, single-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman) and PowerPoint presentations are shared by posting in the appropriate current event report discussion within the Assessment unit 48 hours prior to the live session and should include a summary of the event, why this event was chosen, and the impact of this event on global capital markets, institutions, and/or economies. The presentation should be no more than 20 minutes. The current event report is due 48 hours before the live session.
Do reports and PPTs, write notes on every pages. No words limited, but follow requirements above.