Final Strategic Plan


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Create the Final Strategic Plan. The Final Strategic Plan contains the elements of all the previous weeks’ components and incorporates instructor feedback. The strategic recommendations will be evaluated and the best options chosen for recommendation. The final strategic plan should contain: 

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary (350 to 700 words)
  • Company Background
  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Value Statement
  • Environmental Scan
  • Internal and External Environmental Analysis
  • Strategic Recommendation
  • Implementation Plan
  • Organizational Change Management Strategies
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Conclusion
  • References

Create a 15- to 25-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with visuals and speaker notes to present the strategic plan, summarizing all relevant elements from previous weeks. The objective is to sell the strategic plan to investors or company directors. 

Format the assignment according to APA guidelines. 

Include in-text citations.

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New York and Company Strategies



New York and Company Strategies

Implementation of strategies is a process through which an organization puts strategies and plans into actions that will help achieve desired goals. A strategic plan is a written document that outlines the processes and steps that the company needs to take to attain planned goals. It includes customer feedback and progress reports that show whether the plan is being implemented as planned. Organizational strategies can be classified into business-level strategies, corporate-level strategies, and global strategies.

The core competencies of every business should be focused on satisfying the needs of customers to achieve above-average returns. This is achieved by applying business-level strategies. These are strategies that an organization should take to ensure that they give value to customers through exploiting their core competencies in specific products, services, or market segments (Anwar, Shah & Hasnu, 2016). Business level strategies are concerned with the position of the company in the industry compared to that of competitors. This level of strategy also addresses the five forces of competition. The essence of business-level strategies is customers. These strategies address questions such as who the business intends to serve, the needs of the customers, and how to meet the needs.

There are two business-level strategies New York and Company can use to help gain a competitive edge over rivals. The first strategy is cost leadership. In the apparel industry, organizations compete for wider customer bases using price. New York and Company should capitalize on its internal efficiency to ensure that they have a margin that sustains above-average returns and offers affordable prices to customers. This will ensure that customers keep buying their products (Anwar, Shah & Hasnu, 2016). This strategy will work well for the company since most of the products are standardized and are acceptable to many customers at affordable prices.

The second business-level strategy is differentiation. The company offers products that have unique characteristics and features (Hacklin, Björkdahl & Wallin, 2018). The apparel offered by the company is of high quality, and the company’s customer service is impressive. Further, the company has an excellent team charged with the responsibility of brand image management. Implementing a differentiation strategy has several risks. These risks are; uniqueness, imitation, and loss of value.

Corporate-level strategies are found at the top of the planning pyramid. They are concerned with the main purpose of the company. They state the direction towards which a company desires to move in. The destination selected at the corporate strategy level impacts all the decisions and strategies implemented in all other parts of the business (Adler, 2018). One of the potential corporate-level strategies for NY&C is growth and diversification. The organization appears to have reached market saturation, and they need to grow for them to survive. Their leading corporate-level strategy should be spreading into new markets. This should become the guiding force for every activity that the company engages in.

The other strategy that New York and Company should consider implementing is a merger strategy. The company should scout for opportunities for either merging with another firm or acquiring a competing firm. Mergers can either be vertical, horizontal, or conglomerate. For vertical merging, the organization should scout for firms that deal with products that are complementary to their apparel business. If the business decides to adopt a horizontal merging strategy, they should look for firms that are involved in the same business, merge, and form a new company (Hacklin, Björkdahl & Wallin, 2018). For conglomerate merging, the organization should explore opportunities for merging with unrelated firms whose core business is different from theirs. This would enable the company to explore new industries.

Global strategies are those that an organization adopts when it desires to expand to global markets. They are the type of strategies implemented when an organization wants to have global operations (Yousaf & Majid, 2018). Global strategies are formulated to grow beyond one’s borders. They are focused on increasing the sales of a product or service abroad. Global strategies encompass international, multinational, and global strategies. If NY&C wished to expand internationally, they should pursue strategies in these areas.

One global level strategy for NY&C is a multi-domestic strategy. This strategy enables companies to tailor their products according to the specific consumer needs of each country. By so doing, the company will meet the desires of local customers, as opposed to what currently happens with the standardization strategy that the company currently uses (Adler, 2018). Through a multi-domestic strategy, NY&C will tailor the product selection, methods of payments, and marketing strategies to meet the demands and regulations of each country where the company operates. To successfully implement this strategy, the overall management of New York and Company will be located in the home country, though country managers will be given the freedom to make adaptations (Anwar, Shah & Hasnu, 2016). A multi-domestic approach is beneficial to a company since country managers have a full understanding of the local culture, customs, laws, and consumer tastes. Thus, they will understand how to best meet them.

Another potential strategy that NY&C can use is a transnational strategy. This strategy combines both multi-domestic and standardization. A transnational strategy is best applicable when the company faces immense pressure from international competitors, just like New York and Company is currently facing (Yousaf & Majid, 2018). However, the company should realize that this strategy is hard to implement and maintain because of the need to achieve economies of scale through standardization and respond to local conditions simultaneously.

Globalization continues to affect business operations as enhanced communication, reduced tariffs, and increased mobility of capital has made it possible for companies to penetrate international markets (Adler, 2018). However, the successful entry into foreign markets requires companies to adopt international strategies that are most compatible with their capabilities and needs. In global business, companies deal with foreign employees, stakeholders, governments, and consumers. Thus, managers should consider several factors when conducting business globally. These factors include pricing strategies and supply chain management.

The best strategy that New York and Company should adopt is an international strategy. This strategy would allow the company to focus on exporting its products to foreign markets and import raw materials from other countries for domestic use. To apply this strategy successfully, New York and Company do not need to shift its headquarters. The headquarters should remain in their country of origin. This would allow the company to circumvent the need to invest in facilities and staff in foreign countries (Hacklin, Björkdahl & Wallin, 2018). However, the company should realize that implementing this strategy comes with its challenges, such as the legal establishment of local administrative and sales offices in international cities, managing global logistics, and complying with foreign trade and manufacturing regulations (Anwar, Shah & Hasnu, 2016). Despite these challenges, an international strategy is the most suitable for the company since it requires the least amount of overhead.


Adler, R. W. (2018). Strategic performance management: Accounting for organizational control. Routledge.

Anwar, J., Shah, S., & Hasnu, S. (2016). BUSINESS STRATEGY AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE. Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 54(1), 97-122.

Hacklin, F., Björkdahl, J., & Wallin, M. W. (2018). Strategies for business model innovation: How firms reel in migrating value. Long range planning, 51(1), 82-110.

Yousaf, Z., & Majid, A. (2018). Organizational network and strategic business performance. Journal of Organizational Change Management.



Strategic Plan, Part One: Environmental Scan




Strategic Plan, Part One: Environmental Scan

The target firm selected for this study is New York and Company


New York & Company is my favorite company, which I am familiar with for a long time. It is located in New York City. The company is American wear-to-work retail shop for ladies. The company apparel and accessories include pants, jewelry, tops, jackets, shoes, dress, bags, jeans, and skirts. Samuel Lerner and Harold Lane own the company. Samuel, who is the chairperson of the Board of Directors and also the Thief Executive Officer of NY&C, explains how they usually create value and sustain competitive advantage using the environmental scanning strategy. During the interview, he was also asked how the company evaluates its external environment as well as the general environment. Another area of interest that he was asked during the interview was how the company evaluates its operating environment. He gave the following responses;

Environmental Scanning Strategy: Creating Value and Sustaining Competitive Advantage

New York & Company’s top competitors include Ludwig Beck, Xcel Brands, and Boohoo. For effective competition, NY&C must add value to its products through undergoing severe environmental scanning. Proper evaluation of the company environment helps the company managers to understand the company’s general situation critically and even predict their implications (Abu Amuna, Al Shobaki, & Abu-Naser, 2017). The company consistently gather demographic information of its customers as a means to identify its customer needs and interests. The company collects the demographic data of its customer through undertaking lead user research. Lead user research is the research on innovation and development of products based on the information available concerning the customers. The data is collected from customers and product users that are used during product innovation and growth. The products are then developed based on the need of the users. Obtaining ideas from the product users helps the organizations to identify customer’s needs quickly. The views are then used in the creation of innovative products.


Another method that the company uses to ensure sustained competitive advantage is the use of the internet. The company uses an e-commerce platform to monitors and promote its interaction with its customers. Through the use of e-commerce, the company can know the number of customers who visit its websites to order products, customers who benefit from low discounts, and also those customers who give feedback over their past shopping experiences (Du Toit, 2016). Similarly, the company can sneak into the website of its competitor and still ideas about the customer comments and even new products which are trending in the market and copy. The company also learns how its largest competitors attract customers through the use of the internet. NY&C uses unique software as a social outlet for broadcasting purposes as well as the study of current measures in its environment. 

The company typically uses the following steps to accomplish the process of creating value for sustained competitive advantage through environmental scanning. The first step is to identify scientific, monetary, nominal, radical development, proceedings, and community, which is significant to the company. The second step is the spotting of the potential threats, medication, or prospects because it is implicit of events and actions (Gupta, & Tyagi, 2018). Thirdly, the company organizes its workforce, and finally, the company informs its workforce about the fast-moving developments, uniting, deviating, accelerated, or decelerating.

External analysis of NY&C

The study of the company’s external environment focuses on technological factors, economic factors, social factors, political factors, and legal factors (Gupta, & Tyagi, 2018). New York and Company use the latest technology in designing and modeling of its products. It also abides by the rule of law of all countries where it operates. The company also supports the community by giving offerings that are used for developing community projects. The company usually sells its products at affordable prices. This makes it less affected by economic swings. The company typically considers political trends, which is significant for its sustainable growth.


General environmental analysis of the NY&C

The following factors are critical when scanning the NY&C general environment: the overall economic data, the company’s competitors, and the target market. These factors form part of SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is the strategic review of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT analysis gives an overview of how the company fits into the economy and industry under which it operates by outlining the steps required to be undertaken for sustained economic advantage (Hussain, 2017).

Strengths of NY&C are innovative technology, product diversity, strong brand recognition, and eco-friendly products. With innovation, the company has shown that they are exceptional in this field. NY&C has continued to strive to meet the changing needs of the current market. The company diversifies its products by offering a broad range of products which satisfies the need of its customers. The company also has an advanced market network. To continue existing and become more powerful, the company must continue embracing research and development. The brand name is currently famous in New York City. However, the company has continued to expand on other markets to enable it to grow its global footprint. New York & Company is leading in selling high-quality eco-friendly products because it puts more emphasis on its customer needs. 

The weaknesses of NY&C include limited technology, stiff competition, and limited top sellers. NY&C must continue to expand its market area to maintain its plight against Ludwig Beck, Xcel Brands, and Boohoo. The company must also prepare to address challenges that they are likely to experience in an attempt to expand its market, which includes limited production facilities, and resources

New York and Company have the following opportunities for future expansion. Such opportunities include international expansion, expansion of apparel and accessories, development of the market to incorporate women campaigns and e-commerce. For the company to continue gaining the trust of potential customers in its quest for international expansion, it must introduce some new and catchy ideas into the business. Regardless of how the company competitors are established, it must continue to shine and make itself a presence in the market. The company must also consider technological growth in its production for effective competition. New York and Company improve on its online shopping platform to capture the ever-growing population of ladies.

The threats of NY&C include high competition and product replacement. The company’s top competitors are Ludwig Beck, Xcel Brands, and Boohoo companies. There is a consistent increase in the cost of inputs that are needed to produce goods that meet the demand, and therefore for NY&C to remain competitive, it must identify strategic means to offset this increase. There is also a significant risk of substitute products. The use of technology has facilitated the duplication of products that affects NY&C. The company product line is innovative. However, without patents, it can lead to replication.

The Evaluation of industry operating environment of NY&C

The trends in the working environment of NY&C focuses on the interaction of the following factors; the bargaining power of suppliers: threats for entry into the business, bargaining power of buyers, and the risk of substitute products. Other factors to be considered are trade unions, consumer watchdogs, and municipal and advocacy groups. The apparel and accessories company requires comparatively less capital to start. The business also is subjected to low risks as the products are not perishable. There are few obligations to undertake for one to start such activity because it does not directly affect the health of individuals like other firms that deal with foodstuffs. Because of these advantages, there are high risks of a similar business emerging in the market. The bargaining power of the supplier also varies with the forces of demand and supply (Joshi & Mittal, 2018). When demand is high, many suppliers demand higher prices. The business is seasonal and also depends on the economic standard of the people that surround the industry. Customers can control the costs, especially when the prices go very high. Many other companies sell substitute products, which can profoundly affect the sustainable growth of NY&C.


Several companies use environmental scanning strategy to create value and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. An ecological scanning strategy outlines specific areas that organizations should improve on and adjust so that they can enjoy sustained growth. The analysis of environmental analysis gives an outline of how organizations can manage external factors. The environmental study also guides the company to understand the threats, weaknesses, opportunities, and strengths of the organization and address them appropriately.



Abu Amuna, Y. M., Al Shobaki, M. J., & Abu-Naser, S. S. (2017). Strategic Environmental Scanning: an Approach for Crises Management.

Du Toit, A. S. (2016). Using environmental scanning to collect strategic information: A South African survey. International Journal of Information Management, 36(1), 16-24.

Gupta, S., & Tyagi, R. (2018). Strategic Workforce Development. Asian Journal of Management, 9(1), 239-245.

Hussain, S. (2017). Strategic Management: A Tool for Competitive Advantage in Higher Education. In Paper in proceedings of 1st National Research Conference on Management, Leadership and Entrepreneurship-NRCMLE (pp. 175-187).

Joshi, A., & Mittal, A. (2018). Strategic Management-The Strategies that Leads Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, 8(9), 1-7.



Internal Environmental Analysis

Internal Environmental Analysis
An internal analysis takes a keen look at the internal environment of an organization to assess its competencies, resources, and competitive advantages. The analysis allows one to identify the key strengths and weaknesses of any given organization. The knowledge gained from carrying out an internal analysis helps in making strategic decisions by the management. Such decisions may include the formulation and implementation of strategies. Once the process of internal analysis is complete, a company should have a clear picture of where they are excelling and where their gaps and deficits lie.
The selected company for this internal environmental analysis is New York and Company (NY&C). This is a leading manufacturer of women fashion apparel and accessories. NY&C sells its products through its network of retail stores located in all parts of the nation and through its eCommerce site. The headquarters of NY&C is in New York City. The company was formed in 1918 and went public in 2004 (Lewis & Loker, 2019). Some of the merchandise assortments provided by NY&C include apparel, wear-to-work, accessories such as dresses, jackets, knit tops, blouses, t-shirts, sweaters, handbags, and jewelry.
The internal environment of New York and Company is made up of factors that are within and under the control of the organization. This is regardless of whether these factors are tangible or intangible (Pártlová & Váchal, 2019). The internal factors of NY&C can be grouped into either strengths or weaknesses. Strengths are the elements that bring positive impacts on the performance of the company. On the other hand, weaknesses are the elements that negatively impact the performance of the company.
As a market leader, New York and Company has several strengths and weaknesses. Its strengths play an important role in helping the company to thrive in the industry. The strengths not only help NY&C to retain its market share, but also make it easy for the company to enter new markets. One of the strengths of NY&C is the automation of activities. This has led to the consistency and high quality of the products of the company. Further, automation has made it possible for the company to scale either upwards or downwards with ease, depending on market conditions. Secondly, the company has a successful track record. Having been in operation for more than a century, NY&C has built a strong reputation for itself as a company that develops innovative products that meet customer demands (Lewis & Loker, 2019). Thirdly, the company has a strong distribution network. This ensures that the company’s products reach the target market on time. The fourth strength of NY&C is that it has reliable suppliers. These suppliers ensure that the company has a constant supply of raw materials, enabling the company to overcome any supply chain bottlenecks that would otherwise arise (Copeland, 2019). Finally, the company has a highly-skilled workforce. This has been achieved through periodic learning and training programs provided by the company. NY&C has been investing heavily in the training of its employees. The result has been a workforce that is highly trained and motivated to work.
On the other hand, NY&C has several weaknesses that it needs to improve on. Strategic decision-making involves making choices, and an internal analysis points out the areas of weakness that a company should focus on to improve its strategic positioning and competitive advantage. One of the weaknesses of NY&C is low investment in research and development. Compared with the growing key competitors in the industry, NY&C’s investment in R&D appears to be below par (Pártlová & Váchal, 2019). Though the company is currently investing above the industry average in R&D, it has not been able to favorably compete with leading industry players when it comes to innovation. Secondly, the marketing of NY&C’s products requires some improvement. Though the company has been making impressive sales amounts, its positioning and unique selling proposition are not clearly defined and this leaves a vulnerability that can be exploited by competitors (Copeland, 2019). Finally, the organizational structure of NY&C is only compatible with its current business model. This is disadvantageous for the firm since its limits its growth and expansion into new market segments.
An internal environmental analysis of NY&C unearths several factors that should be considered when carrying an internal examination of an organization. A proper understanding of internal environmental factors is vital since it impacts the scale, success, and vision of the organization. Once the management understands the positive and negative impacts of various environmental factors, they can come up with suitable strategies that can handle all future incidents that a company faces (Lewis & Loker, 2019). Some of the important internal environmental factors that were identified are; human resources, policies and procedures, marketing and financial resources, corporate image, physical assets, technological resources, and organizational structure.
The biggest competitor of NY&C is Coldwater Creek. This company was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Fairbon, Ohio. Coldwater Creek deals with the retail of apparel, just like NY&C. Currently, Coldwater Creek generates approximately 94% of the revenues generated by NY&C. The second competitor of NY&C is Citi Trends. The company started its operations in 1946, with its headquarters in Savannah, Georgia. Citi Trends has over 1000 more employees than NY&C. The third rival of New York and Company is Stein Mart. This company started its operations in Florida in 1902. Stein Mart mainly focuses on the eCommerce industry and has over 8000 more employees than NY&C (Lewis & Loker, 2019). The other competitors of NY&C are Target, J.C.Penney, Talbots, Kohl’s, Ross Stores, and Dillards.
The structure of an organization can either promote or inhibit its performance. This depends on how workflow and supervisory relationships influence productivity. The organizational performance of NY&C involves setting goals and carrying out periodic reviews by managers. The company has well-defined policies and procedures which are consistently enforced throughout the organization. The organizational structure of New York and Company is divisional. This implies that the central headquarter supports several different departments that make their autonomous decisions (Jin & Cedrola, 2019). These divisions have their own standards, procedures, and policies. This type of organizational structure is suitable for NY&C’s performance since the company has various products and its operations are widespread across many locations. Further, the company serves many types of customers. The flexibility provided by divisional organizational structure improves management performance and makes employees feel that they are being treated fairly.
To improve its competitive position, NY&C needs to come up with innovative solutions to curb the challenges that are being posed by new market entrants. For instance, the company needs to build an internal feedback mechanism that originates from the sales teams on the grassroots. This feedback would enable the company to adjust suitably to counter the actions of rivals (Pártlová & Váchal, 2019). In addition to this, NY&C needs to increase the range of products that it sells. Lack of a wide product variety gives new competitors a foothold in the market.

Copeland, L. (2019). Media strategies impacting millennials’ sustainable apparel purchase intention. The Journal of Sustainability Education.
Jin, B., & Cedrola, E. (Eds.). (2019). Process Innovation in the Global Fashion Industry. Palgrave Macmillan US.
Lewis, T. L., & Loker, S. (2019). INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP TOWARD SUSTAINABLE FASHION THROUGH USER CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT. Global Perspectives on Sustainable Fashion, 45.
Pártlová, P., & Váchal, J. (2019, May). Internal Company Resources and Glocalization. In Economics, Management and Technology in Enterprises 2019 (EMT 2019). Atlantis Press.



Strategic Implementation Plan



Strategic Implementation Plan

Strategy implementation is the process of ensuring that strategic plans are executed. It involves putting into action what the planners had said they would do. The strategic plan provides organizations with the roadmap that they need to follow and a set of goals that will enable them to deliver value to customers and achieve success. However, this is just a plan. It doesn’t guarantee that the company will achieve the desired objectives; just the way a roadmap doesn’t guarantee that a traveler will arrive at their desired destination. Critical actions have to be taken to move a strategic plan from a document on the shelf to actions that will help an organization achieve growth and success.

By drawing a strategic implementation plan, NY&C will have to outline the objectives of the plan. The strategic objectives of the company should be quantifiable and clearly defined. They serve as benchmarks that the firm will use to evaluate its progress (Kartal, 2019). The implementation of strategic objectives does not commence when the company starts when towards achieving the objectives. Instead, it starts the moment a company defines its goals and sets up a process of gauging its success.

To implement strategic objectives, NY&C will have to carry out its operations with a strong focus on benchmarks and goals that have been set. Further, the company should be willing to change its strategies and targets if situations change. Gauging the accomplishment of goals should be done by evaluating whether the organization has effectively implemented the steps that had been outlined and the actions carried out produced the desired results (Teixeira & Junior, 2019). In addition to this, the objectives of NY&C’s strategic plan should be realistic and the steps and actions outlined therein should be the best ways of achieving organizational goals. The objectives of NY&C’s strategic implementation plan will be; to increase global sales, and improve product innovation and design.

Functional tactics are the main activities that the company will have to execute in each department so that the products of the organization can be produced and marketed (Kartal, 2019). Functional tactics are vital for the implementation of main strategies. Below are the functional tactics for NY&C:


Increase Global Sales

Improve Product Innovation and Design


· Increased ads by 3% every month

· Provide coupons for product purchases

· Identify new markets and design ads to target these markets

· Advertise new products

· Offer discounts and coupons


· Monitor budgets

· create sales forecast

· create written monthly reports to the management

· draft production budgets

· monitor spending

· avail funds for production and design


· Carry out monthly R&D to determine the needs of customers

· perform monthly research to identify customer demands

· Modify and design products within three months

Human Resources

· Perform quarterly evaluations of employees to ascertain ways of improving their morale.

· Give bonuses to the best performing employees

· Award bonuses to workers to suggest new ways of product innovation-

The above chart also summarizes the action plans of the strategic implementation plan and the tasks that need to be performed. Further, the chart shows which department will be responsible for each specific task.

Organizational change is vital if NY&C is to remain competitive. However, this change can be extremely disruptive when it occurs without an appropriate strategy to guide it. The most efficient change management strategies are those that focus on changing human behavior (Steiss, 2019). This is because employees are the most affected stakeholders in any organizational change and their decision on whether to adopt or reject change determines the success of the organization both in the short-term and long-term.

One of the most appropriate change management strategies is proposing incentives for employees who embrace the new changes and are willing to move in the same direction with the company. The second strategy that NY&C will apply is redefining the cultural values of the company. This is because, as social beings, human beings will always strive to fit in with established cultural values and norms (Kartal, 2019). Finally, the management will have to exercise authority to counter opposition from employees. Exercising authority will also make employees adhere to the new processes, standards, and cultural values within the shortest time possible.

Some key success factors that will help NY&C to remain a market leader in the apparel industry are; maintaining high product quality, having competitive prices, research and development advantages, and retaining a positive brand reputation. A budget will help the company allocate resources to support the implementation of the plan (Teixeira & Junior, 2019). The company plans to $10,461 on marketing, $1,980 on research and development, $5,231 on the training of personnel and giving them bonuses, and $523 on the purchase of supplies (Steiss, 2019).

To break even, NY&C must first determine the average selling price of each unit. NY&C will mark-up its products by 25% of the cost incurred in producing them. To calculate the average selling price, the total cost of producing each unit, which is $2.95 is multiplied by 125%. This gives the selling price at $3.59. To find out the point of breaking even, the fixed cost of the company will be divided by the figure arrived at after subtracting variable cost from the selling price as shown in the calculation below:


The point of breaking even will be 669 units. This means that the company will have to sell 669 before they start earning profits.

This is illustrated in the chart below;

Due to the company’s low-cost leadership, product creations, and product improvements, NY&C is projecting a 6% growth in sales revenues. In 2019, sales revenue amounted to $893 million. To find out the estimated sales revenue for NY&C in 2020, the partial Pro-forma formula is used. Under this formula, the sales will be calculated as below:

$893,000,000(1+.06) = $946.58 million

Risk management involves the identification of risks, quantifying the risks, risk control, and risk response. NY&C will identify potential risks during product design, renovation, and the risks incurred while trying to grow organically without losing the privilege of being a market leader (Kartal, 2019). Some potential risks that the company faces are changes in the price of raw materials, changes in consumer demand, entry of more powerful competitors, insufficient funds, and failure to meet the milestones outlined in the action plan.

The R&D department of the company should stay focused on monitoring consumer behavior to ensure that the company keeps adjusting accordingly. To sustain its position of low-cost leadership, NY&C will retain a short supply chain. This will lead to a reduction of distribution costs. The company will also invest in new technologies that will lower production costs and increase the speed at which products get delivered to customers (Steiss, 2019). NY&C will also benchmark itself against its competitors to ensure that they remain competitive when it comes to providing consumers with the best quality of apparel. To manage the risk of failing to meet deadlines or milestones, NY&C should be realistic when drafting their action plans. They shouldn’t be overambitious.


Kartal, M. T. (2019). The Role and Importance of the Strategic Plans as an Innovative Tool in Determining the Direction of Companies from the Financial Success Perspectives. In Handbook of Research on Managerial Thinking in Global Business Economics (pp. 447- 461). IGI Global.

 Steiss, A. W. (2019). Strategic management for public and nonprofit organizations. Routledge.

Teixeira, G. F. G., & Junior, O. C. (2019). How to make strategic planning for corporate sustainability? Journal of Cleaner Production, 230, 1421-1431.



Organizational Strategic Planning




New York & Company Strategic Planning

New York & Company (NY&C) is my favourite shop, and I am so much familiar with it. It deals with dresses, jackets, pants, jeans, skirts, tops, bags, shoes and jewellery. It was founded in 1918 in New York City. It was initially known as Lerner Shops. The name Lerner Shops was used since its founder was Samuel Lerner and Harold Lane. The name was later changed to Lerner New York in 1992, and then in 1995, it was named New York & Company. Its headquarter is in New York City, and it operates in more than 530 locations. In 2018, the company changed its name to RTW Retailwinds. The company assets are estimated at US$ 301.1 million, with more than 5, 880 employees (Carrillo-Hidalgo & Pulido-Fernández, 2019). The rapid growth of the company depends on the strategic plans that it undertakes. In that case, significant components of the strategic management process that create value to this company will be discussed. Besides, this paper will also focus on the mission, vision, motivation strategy, innovation and people strategy of this company. Finally, this paper will conclude by looking into the roles of ethics in corporate social responsibility in strategic planning.

Significant components of the strategic management process

Nearly all companies have unique ways of management regardless of the size. The business chance of success of a company depends on its approach to strategic management. Strategic management is the process of using large scale approach, which is objective oriented in identification, implementation and evaluation of strategic plans. Three main components of strategic management are environment scanning, formulation and implementation and assessment strategy (Arend, Zhao, Song & Im, 2017).

Environmental scanning

An excellent strategic management process begins with thorough environmental scanning as the initial step. At this stage, anything that can have impacts on the business and how it operates is quickly reviewed and processed. The companies are usually influenced by internal and external factors, and managers are always aware of what is going on inside their companies. Some of the internal factors that managers are familiar with is when the company is experiencing a high level of turnover rates, productivity rates, sales numbers and profit margin. The manager should, therefore, be in a position to address such issues. External factors that managers should also be in a position to scan are the overall economic data, the company’s competitors and the target market. These factors form part of through SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is the strategic review of the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Another critical aspect of SWOT analysis is that it gives the company an overview of how the company fits into the economy and industry under which it operates through outlining the steps required to be undertaken for continous growth.

Strategy formulation and implementation

The managers rely on the information obtained from the environmental scanning process and use them to formulate a strategy that they needs to be implemented. Strengths and opportunities identified during scanning process are also developed in this stage.If the company finds the strategies worthwhile, strategic management is then called upon to develop an actionable plan for execution of those strategies (Steiss, 2019). Each program is then assigned to a specific department or employee. These employees are responsible for accomplishing particular tasks which are designed to meet the company objectives.

Strategic evaluation

After formulation and implementation, companies should periodically monitor the results of those actions. Assessment and monitoring of the activities help the company to check if it is on track to meet its intended goals. Both managers and team leaders measure the progress of the company following the implemented actions in this phase. The evaluation process is a crucial stage because it shows the managers what is working and what needs to be improved to reach the company set objectives.

How strategic components work together to create value in NY&C

In NY&C, all three elements of the strategic management process are combined for high-quality products, customer satisfaction, and higher returns. The company uses the scanning process to review its activities and operations. For instance, in NY&C, cases of turnover rates have declined since the company began to adopt this approach. The company has managed to address issues that affect their employees as well as those that affect their customers by ensuring safety and hygiene through the provision of clean and healthy working conditions. Another area that the company have managed to improve on is the productivity rates and sales number. Through the implementation of the e-commerce system, the company has succeeded in expanding its market area. Many people can now access the company products online and even purchase them online. When the NY&C realized that it is facing too much competition from other firms, the company lowered its prices and started to produce more diversified products. Production of diversified products made the company attract many customers with different interests. The company sales margin increased, and its market also expanded. Product differentiation also made the company compete effectively.

The company’s mission, vision, innovation strategy, motivation strategy and people strategy

The company vision is to deliver world-class services through the provision of high-quality products to all women across the world. The mission of NY&C is to make women beautiful and feel good by making them feel confident by putting together the fashion. The company motivates its employees through a reward system. The company rewards employees who perform extraordinarily well. NY&C uses many forms of incentives to drive its workers and increase its productivity. NY&C give bonuses, travel parks, paid time off or vouchers as a form of employee motivation. Rewarding employees usually give employees something to strive for and at the same time, makes them compete among themselves. NY&C uses online campaign to sell its merchandise. The company has managed to convert all its assets to an online mobile environment. The company created a platform known as “Creator” which has consistently helped it access online customers. The use of online technology in selling and making advertisements is one of the innovation strategies that the company have adopted. Besides, the company usually administer equal opportunities during the recruitment process. Through human resource, the company has managed to source workers from both outside and inside. Workers with different talents have also been motivated as well as giving employees good salaries. Encouragement of skills and adequate recruitment process are some of the people strategies that the company uses.

Role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in strategic planning

Ethics and corporate social responsibility play a fundamental role in developing a strategic plan for an organization. The strategic plan is a pan to achieve the long term objective of a company. For any company to achieve its intended goals, it has to incorporate business ethics in its plan (McLean, 2019). The integration of business ethics in the development of a strategic plan also contributes to the company’s long term success. Business or firms should adopt strategic policies that incorporate the organizational culture with ethics and social responsibility. Another purpose of the corporate social responsibility of a company is to exceed the boundaries of societal benefits. In recognition of stakeholders needs, ethics and social responsibility are vital in creating a strategic plan. Ethics significantly take a decision which affects the company operations. In that case, ethics and responsibilities help the organization to implement the program with ethics, moral values and principles of the society. Organizations should not make unethical decisions that affect their reputation. Ethics and social responsibilities enhance social benefits by informing shareholders about changes and trend. The cost incurred in the adoption of any strategic plan depends on the demands of society.

The mission and vision of NY&C align with my values and vision in several ways. Given that most of my desired wears are fashion-oriented, I find it enjoyable shopping in this company. The company deals with high-quality products that suit my desires and choice for clothes. Besides, I desire to buy quality products at an affordable cost; the company usually offer its products at lower prices which any working-class woman can easily afford. Availability of differentiated products has also enabled me to have a variety of choices when I go shopping.


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Carrillo-Hidalgo, I., & Pulido-Fernández, J. I. (2019). Examining the Organizational-Financial Structure of Public-Private Destination Management Organizations. In Smart Tourism as a Driver for Culture and Sustainability (pp. 543-562). Springer, Cham.

McLean, M. (2019). Understanding your economy: Using analysis to guide local strategic planning. Routledge.

Steiss, A. W. (2019). Strategic management for public and nonprofit organizations. Routledge.

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