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For your Final Project, you will reflect on the experiences in this course and create an ebook to share this reflection. Reflection is an important part of any class, but especially those in which you may be sharpening your skills. While you knew how to read when you started this class, how has reading changed for you now that you are at the end of the course? Do you find yourself looking at reading differently or thinking differently when you read? How so? If not, why not?

Prior to beginning work on this final project, review the following:

  • How to Make a Portfolio for School (Links to an external site.) webpage article
  • Student-Made E-Books: A Beautiful Way to Demonstrate Learning (Links to an external site.) blog post
  • How to Turn a PowerPoint Into an E-Book (Links to an external site.) video
  • Ashford University Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) webpage

This project will show you have achieved all the learning outcomes for this course.

Include the following content in your project:

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  • Slide 1: Title slide
  • Slide 2: Explain how your view of the purposes of reading has changed since the beginning of this course. (This slide should have four or more sentences.)
  • Slide 3: Describe the top three strategies that were most effective in your reading.

    Which strategy will be the first strategy you use for reading in your future courses? (This slide should have four or more sentences.)
    Support your choice with at least one quote or paraphrase from the materials we have used in this course. Remember to include an APA-style citation.

  • Slide 4: Assess a strategy that did not work for you. (This slide should have four or more sentences.)

    Explain why it did not work.

  • Slide 5: Prepare an example of how the skills learned in this course can be used outside of the classroom (e.g., work, home, etc.). (This slide should have four or more sentences.)
  • Slide 6: List references used in APA Style (one to two sources should be used).

After completing your slides, convert your PowerPoint presentation to a PDF file to create an ebook. Your PDF ebook will be submitted to Waypoint.

The Course Reflection final project

  • Must be at least six slides in length (including the title and reference slides).
  • Must include a separate title slide (Slide 1) with the following:

    Title of project
    Your First and Last Name
    Ashford University
    Course Code: Name of Course (e.g. ENG 122: English Composition II)
    Instructor Name
    Due Date

  • Must use at least one to two sources from the course materials.
  • Must cite information used from sources using APA Style and include a separate references slide that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Carefully review the

Grading Rubric  (Links to an external site.)

for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment

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