Final Project

I have a final project on a class called Anthropology of Sustainability due tomorrow at 5 PM Eastern Time. The instructions are attached on the document. Please let me know if you can help. 

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Final Project Instructions for ANT 2401 Anthropology of Sustainability
Due April 26, 2021 at 5 pm – Online submission to Canvas/ANT 2402/Final Project

50 points

Synthesize information and resources from the class material and further your thought regarding the

challenges of moving toward a more sustainable society, and possible ways to do so.

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The final project involves writing an essay or a research paper. All options must meet the same page

length, cite scholarly sources and demonstrate knowledge of the topic, its challenges and
approaches for sustainability.

Choose one of three options:
1) Write an essay describing a sustainable community OR a sustainable global society. This is a chance

to envision the sustainable world in which you would like to live. The key for a successful essay will
be to explain (a) how the sustainable society is organized, (b) what it does to foster sustainability
(e.g., principles and practices), and (c) the ways that it deals with challenges to assure that it creates
and maintains social, economic and environmental sustainability for the well-being of all people and
the planet.

2) Write a research paper investigating and critiquing one of the Sustainable Development Goals. This

effort should explore (a) what is being done to achieve the goal (actual examples of projects,
policies or efforts), (b) obstacles / problems that must be overcome in efforts to address the goal,
(c) what could be done better or ideas for steps that could be taken to improve progress toward
meeting the goal.

3) Write a research paper that examines a specific question or challenge for sustainability in depth. This

will involve (a) specification and explanation of the problem, (b) research on multiple aspects of the
problem, (c) critical analysis of why the problem exists (d) what is being done to address it, (e) an
assessment or proposal of what could be done to address and resolve or mitigate the problem

If you wish, you may team up for the project with one other classmate who shares your interests and

ideas. You will both need to contact Dr. Tucker for permission, and explain your planned project by
April 9. If you do a team project, you must follow the same guidelines as everyone else. Both team
members must work together on all aspects of researching and analyzing the information for the
paper, and working together to write up a coherent, well-researched and well-written paper.

• Organization:

o The essay should have an Introduction, Body text, and a Conclusion, with other sections as
appropriate. References are located at the end.

o The research paper should follow standard research report organization: Introduction
(including the research questions or problem to be researched), then address the points
indicated in the option you selected [points (a)… above], Discussion, and Conclusion.
References are located at the end. Subsections should be added as needed or appropriate
for your topic. Be sure to use appropriate titles and subtitles.

• Length: 5-8 pages long, not including references or the title page

• Line spacing: 1.5 or double spacing throughout. DO NOT use 3 spaces/lines between paragraphs,
which is a default in some word processing programs.

• Font: Use a 11 pt or 12 pt font, preferably Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial
• Title page: include Paper Title, Course number + name, and your full name
• Page numbering: Every page must be numbered except for the title page
• In-text citations should follow Author / Date style: (Smith & Klein 2019) (Kaimowitz 1990)

o If you are citing a specific page or quote, include the page numbers: (Garcia 2012:105).
o If you have three or more authors, use “et al.” (Odutuje et al. 2001).
o If you mention the author in the text, follow with the citation date (and page if

appropriate): For example, “According to Agrawal (2020:10)….”
o For a long quote, indent and use single spacing, followed by the author-date and page(s):

(Xu 1999:61)
o DO NOT use footnotes, DO NOT use Endnotes, DO NOT use ibid, DO NOT use just an author

name and page number, and never use just a page number.
• References:

o The essay should cite a minimum of 3 sources, but the rest should be your own creative

o The research paper must cite a minimum of 8 sources (more sources would be better).
o The Reference section belongs at the end of the paper.
o Citation style for references: Use a major citation style. Full citations must be provided. If

the source is available online, add the URL after providing the full citation. Consult the
Chicago Manual of Style if you have questions about how to cite different types of sources.

• Good sources include: published research papers in peer-reviewed journals, policy analyses, legal

documents, and news reports.

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