Final Project 2
Please follow the instructions and the rubric very carefully
ENG 550 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric: Introduction
For your first final project, you will write a paper in which you select multiple samples from one author and analyze the samples for how the author uses
language elements to create a specific style. In other words, using what you have learned in class about the linguistic elements of English, determine how your
chosen author manipulates these elements to create meaning and effect. In this assignment, you will craft the introduction to your analysis paper. Your
introduction should include the following elements:
a) Cogently and cohesively provide an overview of the linguistic elements relevant to the literature you are analyzing.
b) Briefly preview how you will combine the literature and the linguistic elements to create an insightful analysis of the author’s style.
c) Compose an engaging, argumentative thesis that states what you will prove throughout your essay.
d) Apply linguistic elements to the introduction that create interest and expectation.
e) Include a Works Cited page of at least three scholarly resources you have found thus far.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a one-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-
inch margins, and at least three sources cited in MLA format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Introduction: Linguistic
Provi des cogent and cohes i ve
overvi ew of the l i ngui sti c
el ements rel evant to the
l i terature bei ng anal yzed
Provi des overvi ew of the
l i ngui s tic el ements rel evant to
the l i terature bei ng anal yzed,
but contai ns i ssues regarding
cogency or cohes i venes s
Does not provi de an overvi ew
of l i ngui s tic el ements rel evant
to the l i terature bei ng ana l yzed
Introduction: Preview
Bri efl y previ ews how l i terature
and l i ngui s ti c el ements can be
combi ned to create an
i ns i ghtful analysis of an author ’s
s tyl e
Previ ews how l i terature and
l i ngui s tic el ements can be
combi ned to create an
i ns i ghtful analysis of an author ’s
s tyl e, but contai ns i s sues
regardi ng l ength
Does not previ ew how
l i terature and l i ngui sti c
el ements can be combi ned
Introduction: Thesis
Compos es a thes i s that s tates
what wi l l be proven throughout
the es s ay and i s cl ear and
conci s e
Compos es a thes i s that s tates
what wi l l be proven throughout
the es s ay, but thes i s i s not cl ear
and conci s e
Does not compos e a thes i s 20
Introduction: Interest
and Expectation
Appl i es l i ngui sti c el ements to
the i ntroducti on that create
i nteres t and expectati on
Appl i es l i ngui sti c el ements to
the i ntroducti on, but does not
create i nteres t and expectati on
Does not appl y l i ngui stic
el ements
Works Cited Incl udes a Works Ci ted page
that i s properl y formatted and
contai ns s cholarl y res ources
that rel ate to the chos en focus
of the paper
Incl udes a Works Ci ted page,
but the page i s not properl y
formatted OR the res ources
l i s ted are not s chol arly
Does not i ncl ude a Works Ci ted
Articulation of
Submi s s i on has no major errors
rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar,
s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on
Submi s s i on has major errors
rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar,
s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on
that negati vel y i mpact
readabi l ity and arti culation of
mai n
i deas
Submi s s i on has criti cal errors
rel ated to ci tati ons , grammar,
s pel l i ng, s yntax, or organi zati on
that prevent unders tandi ng of
i deas
Earned Total 100%
ENG 550 Final Project 2 Guidelines and Rubric
The study of language can have significance in a variety of academic and career paths. Applying this study will allow you to have an overall awareness of linguistic
elements that are present in your own writing, as well as in other works.
The nature of this assessment is an opportunity to assess the impact that the study of language has on our everyday lives and how it will influence us in the
future. Using the information obtained in Final Project 1, reflect on the role of language and its impact on different facets of our lives.
The second final project will be submitted in Module Nine.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Illustrate the evolution of the English language based on the interplay between it and society
Defend the significance of language study in one’s own career or academic path
Write a defense of the significance of language study for your own career or academic path. Connect your defense to the insights you developed in your style
essay. As you justify the necessity of applying linguistic elements mindfully in your own writing, be sure to include how English has evolved into such a powerful
tool and how society has shaped and been shaped by it.
I. Illustrate how the history and changing nature of English are relevant to your continued personal and professional progress. Back up your assertions
with evidence from your style essay or other classwork.
II. Explain why studying and mindfully applying linguistic elements of the English language is germane to that progress. Back up your assertions with
evidence from your style essay or other classwork.
III. How does the interrelationship between society and the changing nature of English impact your explanation? Back up your assertions with evidence
from your style essay or other classwork.
IV. Based on the above, articulate your career or academic path, explaining why you are pursuing this track. How important is it to create your own writing
style in your circumstances?
Final Project 2 Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your essay should be 1–2 pages in 12-point Times New Roman font and adhere to current MLA guidelines.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Reflection: History
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the relationship
between English and personal
and professional progress
Illustrates how the history and
changing nature of English are
relevant to continued personal
and professional progress and
supports illustration with
Illustrates how the history and
changing nature of English are
relevant to continued personal
and professional progress, but
does not support illustration with
Does not illustrate how the
history and changing nature of
English are relevant to continued
personal and professional
Reflection: Linguistic
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the relationship
between applying linguistic
elements of English and personal
and professional progress
Explains why studying and
mindfully applying linguistic
elements of the English language
is germane to personal and
professional progress and
supports explanation with
Explains why studying and
mindfully applying linguistic
elements of the English language
is germane to personal and
professional progress, but does
not support explanation with
Does not explain why studying
and mindfully applying linguistic
elements of the English language
is germane to personal and
professional progress
Reflection: Nature of
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a nuanced
understanding of the relationship
between society and the English
Explains how the
interrelationship between society
and the changing nature of
English impacts explanation, and
supports response with evidence
Explains how the
interrelationship between society
and the changing nature of
English impacts explanation, but
does not support response with
Does not explain how the
interrelationship between society
and the changing nature of
English impacts explanation
Reflection: Academic
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supports explanation with
specific examples
Articulates career or academic
path and explains why it is
important to create own style in
personal circumstances
Articulates career or academic
path, but does not explain why it
is important to create own style
in personal circumstances
Does not articulate career or
academic path
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%