For your Final Project, you will write a 5-page paper focusing on a topic that falls within the Science and Spirituality spectrum. In your paper, you will provide an overview of the topic, analyze and compare the central arguments posed by the scientific community and those posed by the religious community, and then evaluate the ways in which those topics are either able to be reconciled or need to remain separate. As a resource for your project you may use contemporary articles in journals (see the Optional Resources on the Resources page) to gain individual insights from contemporary thinkers. Make sure to include a full bibliography in APA format at the end of your paper to cite all of the sources you’ve used.

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Weekly milestone documents located in the Resources section of each week will help you prepare for the Final Project. These documents do not need to be turned in and will not figure into your grade. They are simply tools that you can use as you work on your project, and are designed to help you:

  • Select an issue that figures into the ongoing discussion between Science and Spirituality (Week 1) 
  • Locate several reliable sources that are relevant to the topic you have chosen (Week 2) 
  • Review the scientific and spiritual arguments surrounding the topic you have chosen (Week 3) 
  • Reflect on the similarities and differences between the arguments, and ask yourself if there is a way in which both could be valid without excluding one or the other (Week 4) 
  • Organize your thoughts into a cohesive paper that examines and analyzes the current debate surrounding your topic (Week 5)

The assignment:

  • Compose a 5-page paper research paper (not including the Title Page and Reference Page) in which you: 

    Identify a topic relevant to the academic field of science and spirituality. 
    Pose an argument (claim) regarding the topic and support that claim with documented evidence. 
    Provide a brief overview of select arguments of both scientists and spiritual thinkers related to that topic. 
    Analyze the validity of selected arguments and determine whether the arguments could be reconciled. 
    Include a Title Page (including a title expressing the thesis/claim) and References. 
    Cite all sources, in proper APA format, used in your research.

Running head: FINAL PROJECT 1

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Final Project Draft

Venyonshae Smalls

Walden University

Science and Spirituality

Olga Workman


The Role of Science and Spirituality in Solving Climate Change

The worrying issues of climate change and environmental degradation have been topics of discussion for many decades. The survival of human beings and other living things on earth depends on the existence of a favorable climate. Adequate food production, clean air and a clean source of water are essential for life. Industrial development has led to increased pollution that has resulted in environmental degradation. Scientists have warned that the environment is so damaged that it can barely sustain the human population in the next 100 years. Meanwhile, spiritual thinkers uphold different perspectives on environmental degradation and sustainability. To understand the relationship between science and spirituality, it is crucial to understand the meaning of the two concepts.

Science is all about observing and experimenting to understand the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world. On the contrary, spirituality refers to the quality of believing in higher or divine spirits that are superior as opposed to believing in the superiority of physical things. Scientists believe that human beings have the power to influence climate change, while spiritual persons believe that human beings are limited to some extent. Despite the divergent perspectives between science and spirituality, finding common ground where the two concepts are in harmony is possible. Climate change issues can be addressed adequately by adopting an integrated approach that combines science and spirituality (Lorimer, 2018).

Scientists argue that climate change is the direct result of human activities. The day-to-day activities undertaken in different regions across the world contribute to environmental degradation in one way or the other. Scientists have warned from time to time that the rapid changes in global climate could have adverse effects on future generations. Many production methods and other human activities may seem beneficial today, but they will result in adverse outcomes later. “Climate change refers to a significant difference in the normal measures or patterns of climatic conditions like temperature, precipitation, and winds,” (Ecklund et al., 2017). The alterations must last for a considerable period to be considered as climate change.

Global warming is by far the most significant threat to human survival on earth. Environmentalists have cited the greenhouse effect as the leading cause of the increasing global temperatures. The greenhouse effect refers to a “natural process through which some gases absorb and retain thermal radiation from the earth’s surface.” The process is beneficial to human beings and other living things; thermal radiation retained by various gases promotes the lives of various organisms and microorganisms. However, undesired outcomes are noted whenever the radiation absorbed exceeds the optimal levels. Today, rainfall is insufficient to promote food production as a result of climate change. What was a source of life has turned into an element of terror; rains often bring destruction in today’s society. Scientists believe that human activities cause adverse outcomes and social problems that affect human life.

From a scientific point of view, human beings have the power to restore balance in the environment. The decisions and policies implemented by individuals, organizations, and governments have an impact on the environment. For instance, the industrial activities initiated in various parts of the world increase carbon emissions, which affect the environment. Similarly, personal activities such as driving contribute a significant amount in global carbon emissions. As such, people should focus on promoting sustainable development by nurturing the environment (Li, 2020). Today, the global economy is paralyzed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Scientists have pointed out that the virus spreads faster in certain climatic conditions. People are now comprehending the negative effect of their actions.

Adopting a global approach to address climate change problems seems to be the best way forward. Everyone must understand and learn how to reduce their carbon footprint. “Carbon footprints refer to the volume of carbon gases emitted by individuals in their day-to-day activities,” (Li, 2020). Therefore, using eco-friendly resources will reduce carbon emissions. The use of renewable sources of energy and natural food production methods will also promote the fight against environmental degradation (Makondo & Thomas, 2018). Scientists believe that all is not lost; human beings can initiate and control environmental restoration programs. The United Nations unveiled its sustainable development goals that are meant to promote ecological recovery across the world. A shift from the use of non-renewable resources to renewable resources will promote sustainable development.

On the contrary, spiritual thinkers argue that human beings do not have the ultimate power and control over the environment. Spirituality is founded on the realization that a “superior being” exists and that human beings only serve the will of their spiritual masters. As such, complex issues like climate change can best be resolved by regaining a connection with the spiritual realm. Many spiritual thinkers believe that their actions and decisions would have little or no effect without the involvement of spiritual masters (Rutjens & van der Lee, 2020). For instance, Christians believe that God determines their future, and He does what is best for his followers. Christians also believe that God punishes them for their wrong deeds; therefore, climate change could be a punishment from God as a result of widespread misdeeds.

Many Spiritual thinkers have rejected the interventions proposed by scientists to promote sustainable development. For instance, birth control to regulate population growth in the world has been firmly objected by spiritual thinkers. Such interventions have been portrayed as a direct contravention of spiritual values and social morals. For instance, Christians believe that God created them and commanded them to multiply in the earth. Therefore, the attempts by scientists to control or inhibit natural recreation of the human race is unacceptable. Spirituality is all about living in harmony with the surrounding environment. Spiritual thinkers suggest that the best approach to resolve various climate change issues in today’s society is to invoke their master’s will from the spiritual realm. Particular problems can be addressed by reverting to human traditions that were founded in spirituality. Upholding certain beliefs about the human race and the environment promotes ethical conduct, which enhances sustainable development.

Promoting harmony between spiritual and scientific perspectives is essential for achieving sustainable development (Ecklund et al., 2017). Climate change problems can barely be addressed without creating a common ground in which spiritual thinkers and scientists discuss relevant issues. Spiritual frameworks enable people to explore the meaning of a “good life.” Spiritual values upheld in different communities serve as incentives and motivation factors for people to implement specific changes to achieve better lives. Therefore, society can integrate eco-friendly values in spirituality to promote the achievement of a “good life. Various religions, such as Christianity and Buddhism, prioritize harmony between human beings and other living things. Such values serve as the basis upon which scientific theory can be developed to promoted environmental recovery without compromising spirituality.

Science and spirituality have one thing in common concerning climate change; the desire to achieve sustainable development and promote the well-being of human beings and other living creatures (Capra, 2019). Some scientific propositions are well in line with spiritual values. For this reason, society should focus on identifying the areas of convergence that can be exploited to achieve common goals. Scientists suggest that human beings are solely responsible for nurturing the environment within which they live. Similarly, spiritual thinkers believe that human beings are the most intelligent among other living things; thus have a duty to care for the environment. With this in mind, it is easy to adopt a scientific approach consistent with spiritual values to address climate change and environmental degradation. More so, spirituality is useful as a tool to create public awareness about climate change in the 21st century.

In conclusion, climate change issues can be addressed adequately by adopting an integrated approach that combines spirituality and science. Spirituality dictates the way of life for individuals, while science presents various solutions to specific social problems. Therefore, spiritual thinkers should collaborate with scientists to create appropriate interventions that promote human welfare (Upadhyay & Kaur, 2018). The primary role of spirituality in addressing climate change is to regulate scientific interventions to ensure they serve the greater good. How individuals live is a reflection of who they are, what they value, and how they interact with other living things. Therefore, spirituality is essential to enhance the appropriateness of scientific interventions to address global issues like climate change.


Capra, F. (2019). The Relationship between Science and Spirituality. Science Uplift. Retrieved from

Ecklund, E. H., Scheitle, C. P., Peifer, J., & Bolger, D. (2017). Examining links between religion, evolution views, and climate change skepticism. Environment and Behavior, 49(9), 985-1006.

Li, H. L. (2020). Toward weaving a “common faith” in the age of climate change. ECNU Review of Education, 3(1), 88-106.

Lorimer, D. (2018). Science and religion/spirituality: new findings. Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 8(1), 97-100.

Makondo, C. C., & Thomas, D. S. (2018). Climate change adaptation: Linking indigenous knowledge with western science for effective adaptation. Environmental science & policy, 88, 83-91.

Rutjens, B. T., & van der Lee, R. (2020). Spiritual skepticism? Heterogeneous science skepticism in the Netherlands. Public Understanding of Science, 29(3), 335-352.

Upadhyay, M. K., & Kaur, D. (2018). Science and spirituality: A unique relation. International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Sciences 2018; 3(1): 934-937 Retrieved from

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