Final Portfolio Project -emerging concepts that are using Big Data and Blockchain Technology.


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The Final Portfolio Project is a comprehensive assessment of what you have learned during this course.  

There are several emerging concepts that are using Big Data and Blockchain Technology. Please search the internet and highlight 5 emerging concepts that are exploring the use of Blockchain and Big Data.

Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section. 

The paper needs to be approximately 6-8 pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of 8-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.

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Your paper should meet these requirements: 

  • Be approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


SafeA ign O iginali Repo
Spring 202


– nforma ion Go ernance ( TS-833-M21) – F ll Term Por folio Projec : Miles one 3: Li era re Re ie

%63To al Sco e: High i kSrilakshmi Keerth Bandi
S bmi i n UUID: 0ff5b8e6-c42e-57e4-4d4d-bc0bfa56c380

To al N mbe of Repo

Highe Ma ch

63 %
Week-12-Li era reRe ie ed

A e age Ma ch

63 %
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12:06 PM PDT

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Highes : Week-12-Li era reRe ie ed

%63A achmen 1

n i ional da aba e (1)

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Vie Originali Repor – Old Design

W d C n : 1,787
Week-12-Li e a eRe ie .edi ed.d c


1 S den pape




Li era re Re ie : The mplemen a ion of an En erprise-Wide nforma ion Go ernance Program

Name: Srilakshmi Keer h Bandi

ns i ion: C mberland s Uni ersi

Co rse d: TS-833-M21

Co rse Name: nforma ion Go ernance

Li era re Re ie

Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econom : The cri ical impor ance of informa ion go ernance

The rs ar icle ha is being re ie ed is an ar icle b S san Benne and Adams Michael. The o researchers look a ho cri ical informa ion go ernance is in corpo-
ra e go ernance, more so in he digi al econom . The ar icle s ar s b claiming ha informa ion go ernance is essen ial in he hree main pillars of corpora e go er-
nance. n he rs pillar, ransparenc , informa ion go ernance is essen ial as i ens res ha all s akeholders nders and he reasons behind a s ra egic decision. n
he second pillar, acco n abili , informa ion go ernance makes da a a ailable and open o all s akeholders, bringing abo responsibili (Kamioka, L o, &

Tapanainen, 2016). n he las pillar of corpora e go ernance, sec ri , informa ion go ernance ens res ha da a is sec re and, for ha reason, pla s a signi can role
in sec ring he rade secre s of companies and ins i ions (Adams & Benne , 2018). The d o goes ahead and e plains he op fea res of a good informa ion go er-
nance program. One of he main fea res of he dri er of a good G program globall is compliance i h da a reg la or obliga ions and pri ac la s. The d o belie es
ha i is cri icall i al ha corpora ions’ da a collec ed and ho sed does no con ra ene da a pri ac la s. Da a m s be managed correc l , m s be sec red

correc l , and m s be des ro ed appropria el af er se. Ma asco s ands o bene b ha ing informa ion go ernance. As s a ed in he ar icle nder re ie , nforma-
ion go ernance ill ens re ha here is clear direc ion as concerns he access and he se of informa ion and informa ion s s ems in he organi a ion. Ma asco ill

ha e an acco n abili s s em in place; conseq en iall , he organi a ion ill be be er placed o red ce i s da a-rela ed risks. B ha ing informa ion go ernance in
place, Ma asco ill ha e pro ocols and proced res for sec ring i s da a hich ill pla a signi can role in ens ring i s rade secre s. nforma ion Go ernance: A

Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness En ironmen The second ar icle ha is nder re ie is an ar icle ha as p blished recen l in 2019. The repor is concerned i h pro-
iding informa ion on h informa ion go ernance is a necessi in he c rren era’s b siness en ironmen . The ar icle also looks a he impac of G on b sinesses

and he people ho sho ld be held responsible for he form la ion and implemen a ion of G programs. The p blica ion as abo a s d cond c ed. The s d i-
li d h li i h h d l h h h ll d i f i f d f i f i h i d j l


li ed he q ali a i e research me hodolog here he research eam collec ed informa ion from secondar so rces of informa ion s ch as maga ines and jo rnals.
According o he ar icle, G programs are essen ial in b sinesses in o main a s. The rs a is hro gh he se ing p of go ernance models ha can implemen in
organi a ions abo da a. According o he ar icle, he models form la ed ha e o be people-orien ed and da a-orien ed. The second a hro gh hich G programs
are essen ial for b siness is in legal aspec s (Da a e al., 2019). G programs ens re ha da a collec ed and s ored b companies are collec ed and s ored acc ra el .
G programs emphasi e he se of da a collec ed for he righ and allo ed reasons. The abo e is par ic larl impor an considering ha e are li ing in he echnolog-

ical era. Considering ha Ma asco opera es in he digi al space, ha ing informa ion go ernance ill be necessar , as de ailed in he second ar icle nder re ie .
Legall , he organi a ion ill pro ec i self from la s i s concerning da a breaches and da a leaks. nforma ion go ernance de ails he implemen ed da a sec ri mea-
s res in an organi a ion. B ha ing an G program, Ma sco ill sec re i s da a and da a process, ens ring ha i s da a in egri is main ained. Program and ech-

nolog recommenda ions

Reg la or , sec ri , and pri ac compliance e pec a ions for o r compan

The recommended G program for he Ma asco compan is a program ha has fo r main fea res. The rs fea re of he program is an informa ion manage-

men s s em. As of he momen , he compan relies on a rela ional da abase. ‘s recommended ha he program sho ld adop he oracle da abase managemen s s-
em. The s s em allo s for eas s orage and re rie al of da a. The second fea re of he ideal program for he compan is a program ha s ppor s digi al ransforma-
ion. B so doing, he compan ill sec re i s da a and be able o carr o anal ics ha ill pro ide impor an informa ion regarding he se of social media marke –

ing s ra egies. The hird fea re of he program ha he compan sho ld adop is a program ha s ppor s sec re s orage. The compan ill se e , image, and a –

dio da a in s ra eg form la ion and implemen a ion.


ill be possible for he compan o se i s s ored and collec ed da a o marke i s compan o er he in erne , more so o er social media. The fo r h and las

fea re of he recommended G program is ha i sho ld ha e a sec re des r c ion process for pri a e da a. The compan sho ld ens re ha i has a good des r c-
ion polic o ens re ha he pri ac of heir clien ‘s da a is no breached d e o he da a ha he compan ho ses. A iable social media s ra eg

To come p i h an e ec i e social media s ra eg , e sho ld nders and o r arge marke . The onl a for he organi a ion o nders and i s arge marke is
hro gh marke research ools. Se ing p clear objec i es for he organi a ion s research There are o main objec i es for an organi a ion for marke research;

ga hering informa ion on c s omers’ reac ion o prod c s and ser ices and ga hering informa ion on he pe of marke ha is mos s i able. Clear objec i es ca egor-
icall spell o ha he research ill be abo and ha i hopes o achie e. For o r organi a ion, i is clear ha he organi a ion is in eres ed in nders anding i s ar-
ge marke . The organi a ion is in eres ed in nding o ho i s primar arge marke is, he hings ha in ence i s arge marke , and ho bes o cap re i s arge
marke . Ha ing a clear landscape of he organi a ion s marke s For he organi a ion o iden if i s arge marke , i m s rs nders and i s landscape. Ha ing a clear
landscape means kno ing he needs a ailable o be apped, kno ing he marke s’ ke segmen s, kno ing he ri als o he iden i ed marke s, and nders anding ho
he dis rib ion and s ppl chains ork. B nders anding he locali , he organi a ion can ero in on an iden i ed c s omer gro p mos likel o seek prod c s and

ser ices from he organi a ion. den i ca ion of he arge marke and nders anding ha mo es hem

den if ing a arge marke is no eno gh o ens re he s ccessf l la nching of an e ec i e marke ing s ra eg . The organi a ion m s nders and ha mo i a es and
in ences p rchase beha ior. B nders anding ha mo es po en ial c s omers, he organi a ion can se in mo ion a marke s ra eg ha aims o ha e he c s-
omers make reg lar or repea p rchases of he organi a ion’s prod c s. The marke ing s ra eg co ld be aimed a ha ing c s omers isi he organi a ion for all heir

home needs. Social Media S ra eg

Considering ha he compan arge s he local pop la ion, i is bes o se he Facebook social media s ra eg , and his is beca se he organi a ion does no o er spe-
ciali ed ser ices; ins ead, i pro ides generali ed ser ices. Thro gh Facebook, he organi a ion can arge he local marke ; he pop la ion consis s of people of all
ages, races, and occ pa ions. The organi a ion can op o share con en on he ser ices and prod c s ha i o ers on i s pla form. The con en shared ill hope o a –
rac more people o he organi a ion and, as a res l , increase he re en e collec ion of he organi a ion. n erms of sharing he organi a ion’s con en , he organi a-
ion can do so d ring he da , and his is beca se he sole reason ha i is hen i s arge is mos ac i e. These hings, beca se i is con en ha is o be accessed b

people of ar ing ed ca ion le els and di eren occ pa ions and ages. Clo d Comp ing S ra eg

The rs hing is in clo d migra ion for s ccessf l clo d comp ing. The second hing is ha he organi a ions need o adop a reliable migra ion frame ork aided b
all possible s akeholders for s ccessf l clo d comp ing o happen. Las l , he sof are de elopmen lifec cle is an ideal model for proper migra ion. The s eps in he
model emphasi e he comple ion of a s age before mo ing o he ne scene. B follo ing g idelines prescribed b sof are engineers, i ill be possible for he orga-
ni a ion o migra e o clo d ser ices easil . Da a migra ion is par of b siness con in i in clo d comp ing. Da a migra ion can be challenging, mainl if he e is ing
s s em has been opera ional for a long ime. The chances are ha he c rren s s em has acc m la ed large amo n s of da a in he form of da abase records and

les ha need o be par of migra ion for clo d comp ing o happen as e pec ed. For migra ion o happen correc l , sof are engineers need o anal e he ne s s-
ems before migra ion (S bramanian & Je araj, 2018).

Concl sion The Ma asco compan relies on old da a s orage and ho sing polic . is for ha reason in he compan . B implemen ing he program, he compan se-
c res i self from li iga ion, mone ar loss, and b siness loss d e o informa ion breaches res l ing from poor s orage or da a sec ri meas res. Also, he compa-

n makes i easier for s ra egic decision-making since d plica ed da a ill be done a a i h o her da a anomalies. F r hermore, he compan ill impro e i s e –
cienc as ell as be a be er emplo er. Emplo ees ill be able o mee heir job req iremen s q ickl and fas er, and conseq en iall , he ill e ceed c s omer e –
pec a ions.


s ha he compan sho ld adop an G program ha s ppor s clo d ser ices, ha s ppor s he massi e s orage of da a, ha ad oca es for compliance of da a

reg la ion, and ha ill make i possible for he compan o reach o o i s c s omers ia social media marke ing


Adams, M. A., & Benne , S. (2018). Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econom : The cri ical impor ance of informa ion go ernance. Da a, R., Vala ala, M.,

& Sharif, M. H. U. (2019). nforma ion Go ernance: A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness En ironmen . E ans, W. D. (2016). Social marke ing research for global p blic

heal h: me hods and Jimene , L. M., Polo, J. A., & D ar e, N. A. (2019, Ma ). O er ie of Da a Go ernance in B siness Con e s. Re rie ed from h ps://iop-


1 1


1 1

So ce Ma che (20)

S den pape 100%

S den pape 100%

S den pape 94% icle/10.1088/1757-899X/519/1/012023/me a

Kalaignanam, K., K sh aha, T., & S ar , T. A. (2017). The di eren ial impac of ne prod c de elopmen make/b choices on immedia e and f re prod c

q ali : nsigh s from he a omobile ind s r . Re rie ed from h ps://jo rnals.sagep

Kamioka, T., L o, X., & Tapanainen, T. (2016). An empirical in es iga ion of da a go ernance: he role of acco n abili ies. Re rie ed from

h ps://aisel.aisne .org/cgi/ ie con en .cgi?ar icle=1028&con e =pacis2016

S bramanian, N., & Je araj, A. (2018). Recen sec ri challenges in clo d comp ing. Comp ers & Elec rical Engineering, 71, 28-42

S den pape

The mplemen a ion of an En erprise-
Wide nforma ion Go ernance Program

O iginal o ce

The mplemen a ion of an En erprise-
Wide nforma ion Go ernance Program
S den pape

Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econ-
om : The cri ical impor ance of informa-
ion go ernance The rs ar icle ha is

being re ie ed is an ar icle b S san
Benne and Adams Michael. The o re-
searchers look a ho cri ical informa ion
go ernance is in corpora e go ernance,
more so in he digi al econom .

O iginal o ce

Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econ-
om The cri ical impor ance of informa-
ion go ernance The rs ar icle ha is

being re ie ed is an ar icle b S san
Benne and Adams Michael The o re-
searchers look a ho cri ical informa ion
go ernance is in corpora e go ernance
more so in he digi al econom

S den pape

The ar icle s ar s b claiming ha infor-
ma ion go ernance is essen ial in he
hree main pillars of corpora e go er-

nance. n he rs pillar, ransparenc , in-
forma ion go ernance is essen ial as i
ens res ha all s akeholders nders and
he reasons behind a s ra egic decision.
n he second pillar, acco n abili , infor-

ma ion go ernance makes da a a ailable
and open o all s akeholders, bringing
abo responsibili (Kamioka, L o, &
Tapanainen, 2016). n he las pillar of
corpora e go ernance, sec ri , informa-
ion go ernance ens res ha da a is se-

c re and, for ha reason, pla s a signi –
can role in sec ring he rade secre s of
companies and ins i ions (Adams &
Benne , 2018).

O iginal o ce

The ar icle s ar s b claiming ha infor-
ma ion go ernance is impor an in he
hree main pillars of corpora e go er-

nance n he rs pillar, ransparenc , in-
forma ion go ernance is impor an as i
ens res ha all s akeholders nders and
he reasons behind a s ra egic decision n
he second pillar, acco n abili , informa-
ion go ernance makes da a a ailable

and open o all s akeholders and his
brings abo acco n abili (Kamioka,
L o, & Tapanainen, 2016) n he las pillar
of corpora e go ernance, sec ri , infor-
ma ion go ernance ens res ha da a is
sec re and for ha reason pla s a signi –
can role in sec ring he rade secre s of
companies and ins i ions (Adams &
Benne , 2018)

S den pape 94%

S den pape 76%

S den pape 87%

S den pape 92%

S den pape 94%
S den pape 100%
S den pape

The d o goes ahead and e plains he op
fea res of a good informa ion go er-
nance program. One of he main fea res
of he dri er of a good G program glob-
all is compliance i h da a reg la or
obliga ions and pri ac la s.

O iginal o ce

The d o goes ahead and e plains he op
fea res of a good informa ion go er-
nance program According o hem one of
he main fea res of he dri er of a good
G program globall is compliance i h

da a reg la or obliga ions more so
hose on pri ac la s

S den pape

da a collec ed and ho sed does no con-
ra ene da a pri ac la s. Da a m s be

managed correc l , m s be sec red cor-
rec l , and m s be des ro ed appropri-
a el af er se.

O iginal o ce

The d o belie es ha i is cri icall impor-
an ha he da a collec ed and ho sed

b corpora ions does no con ra ene
da a pri ac la s Da a m s be collec ed
in he righ a , m s be sec red correc –
l and m s be des ro ed appropria el
af er se

S den pape

A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness En iron-
men The second ar icle ha is nder re-
ie is an ar icle ha as p blished re-

cen l in 2019. The repor is concerned
i h pro iding informa ion on h infor-

ma ion go ernance is a necessi in he
c rren era’s b siness en ironmen . The
ar icle also looks a he impac of G on
b sinesses and he people ho sho ld
be held responsible for he form la ion
and implemen a ion of G programs. The
p blica ion as abo a s d cond c ed.

O iginal o ce
A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness En iron-
men The second ar icle ha is nder re-
ie is an ar icle ha as p blished re-

cen l in 2019 The ar icle is concerned
i h pro iding informa ion as o h in-

forma ion go ernance is a necessi in
he c rren era s b siness en ironmen

The ar icle as ell looks a he impac of
G in b sinesses as ell as he people
ho sho ld be held responsible in he

form la ion and implemen a ion of G
programs The p blica ion as in refer-
ence o a s d cond c ed

S den pape

The s d ili ed he q ali a i e re-
search me hodolog here he research
eam collec ed informa ion from sec-

ondar so rces of informa ion s ch as
maga ines and jo rnals. According o he
ar icle, G programs are essen ial in b si-
nesses in o main a s. The rs a is
hro gh he se ing p of go ernance

models ha can implemen in organi a-
ions abo da a. According o he ar icle,
he models form la ed ha e o be peo-

ple-orien ed and da a-orien ed.

O iginal o ce
The s d ili ed he q ali a i e re-
search me hodolog here he research
eam collec ed informa ion from sec-

ondar so rces of informa ion s ch as
maga ines and jo rnals According o he
ar icle, G programs are impor an in
b sinesses in o main a s The rs

a is hro gh he se ing p of go er-
nance models ha can be implemen ed
in organi a ions in reference o da a Ac-
cording o he ar icle he models form –
la ed ha e o be people-orien ed and
da a-orien ed

S den pape

The second a hro gh hich G pro-
grams are essen ial for b siness is in le-
gal aspec s (Da a e al., 2019). G pro-
grams ens re ha da a collec ed and
s ored b companies are collec ed and
s ored acc ra el . G programs empha-
si e he se of da a collec ed for he righ
and allo ed reasons. The abo e is par ic-

larl impor an considering ha e are
li ing in he echnological era.

O iginal o ce

The second a hro gh hich G pro-
grams are impor an for b siness is in le-
gal aspec s (Da a e al., 2019) G pro-
grams ens re ha da a collec ed and
s ored b b sinesses are collec ed and
s ored in he correc manner G pro-
grams emphasi e he se of da a collec –
ed for he righ and allo ed reasons The
abo e is par ic larl impor an consider-
ing ha e are li ing in he echnological

S den pape

Program and echnolog
recommenda ions

O iginal o ce

Program and echnolog
recommenda ions

S den pape 93%

S den pape 97%

S den pape 86%

S den pape 94%
S den pape

The recommended G program for he
Ma asco compan is a program ha has
fo r main fea res. The rs fea re of
he program is an informa ion manage-

men s s em. As of he momen , he
compan relies on a rela ional da abase.

‘s recommended ha he program
sho ld adop he oracle da abase man-
agemen s s em.

O iginal o ce

The recommended G program for he
A oshop a omobile compan is a pro-
gram ha has fo r main fea res The

rs fea re of he program is an infor-
ma ion managemen s s em As of he
momen , he compan relies on a rela-
ional da abase is recommended ha
he program sho ld adop he oracle

da abase managemen s s em

S den pape

The s s em allo s for eas s orage and
re rie al of da a. The second fea re of
he ideal program for he compan is a

program ha s ppor s digi al ransfor-
ma ion. B so doing, he compan ill se-
c re i s da a and be able o carr o an-
al ics ha ill pro ide impor an infor-
ma ion regarding he se of social media
marke ing s ra egies. The hird fea re of
he program ha he compan sho ld

adop is a program ha s ppor s sec re
s orage.

O iginal o ce

The s s em allo s for eas s orage and
re rie al of da a The second fea re of
he program ha is ideal for he compa-

n is a program ha s ppor s digi al
ransforma ion B so doing he compan
ill sec re i s da a as ell as be able o

carr o anal ics ha ill pro ide im-
por an informa ion as regards he se of
social media marke ing s ra egies The
hird fea re of he program ha he

compan sho ld adop is a program ha
s ppor s sec re s orage

S den pape

The compan ill se e , image, and
a dio da a in s ra eg form la ion and
implemen a ion. ill be possible for he
compan o se i s s ored and collec ed
da a o marke i s compan o er he in-
erne , more so o er social media. The

fo r h and las fea re of he recom-
mended G program is ha i sho ld
ha e a sec re des r c ion process for pri-
a e da a. The compan sho ld ens re
ha i has a good des r c ion polic o

ens re ha he pri ac of heir clien ‘s
da a is no breached d e o he da a ha
he compan ho ses.

O iginal o ce

B so doing he compan ill be able o
se e , image and a dio da a in s ra e-

g form la ion and implemen a ion ill
be possible for he compan o se i ‘s
s ored and collec ed da a o marke i s
compan o er he in erne more so o er
social media The fo r h and he las fea-

re of he recommended G program is
ha i sho ld ha e a sec re des r c ion

process more so for pri a e da a The
compan sho ld ens re ha i has a
good des r c ion polic o ens re ha
he pri ac of heir clien s’

S den pape

Also, he compan makes i easier for
s ra egic decision-making since d plica –
ed da a ill be done a a i h o her
da a anomalies. F r hermore, he com-
pan ill impro e i s e cienc as ell as
be a be er emplo er. Emplo ees ill be
able o mee heir job req iremen s
q ickl and fas er, and conseq en iall ,
he ill e ceed c s omer e pec a ions.
s ha he compan sho ld adop an G

program ha s ppor s clo d ser ices,
ha s ppor s he massi e s orage of

da a, ha ad oca es for compliance of
da a reg la ion, and ha ill make i pos-
sible for he compan o reach o o i s
c s omers ia social media marke ing

O iginal o ce

n addi ion, he compan makes i easier
for s ra egic decision making since d pli-
ca ed da a ill be done a a i h as ell
as o her da a anomalies F r hermore,
he compan ill impro e i s e cienc as
ell as be a be er emplo er Emplo ees
ill be able o mee heir job req ire-

men s easil and fas er and conseq en-
iall he ill e ceed c s omer e pec a-
ions is recommended ha he compa-

n sho ld adop an G program ha s p-
por s clo d ser ices, ha s ppor s he
h ge s orage of da a, ha ad oca es for
compliance of da a reg la ion and ha

ill make i possible for he compan o
reach o o i s c s omers ia social me-
dia marke ing

S den pape 100%
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S den pape 100%
S den pape 100%
S den pape 100%
S den pape 100%
S den pape 100%
S den pape

A., & Benne , S.

O iginal o ce

A., & Benne , S

S den pape

Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econ-
om : The cri ical impor ance of informa-
ion go ernance. Da a, R., Vala ala, M., &

Sharif, M.

O iginal o ce

Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econ-
om The cri ical impor ance of informa-
ion go ernance Da a, R., Vala ala, M., &

Sharif, M

S den pape

A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness
En ironmen .

O iginal o ce

A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness
En ironmen

S den pape

M., Polo, J. A., & D ar e, N.

O iginal o ce

M., Polo, J A., & D ar e, N

S den pape

O er ie of Da a Go ernance in B si-
ness Con e s. Re rie ed from
h ps:// icle/10.1088
/1757-899X/519/1/012023/me a Kalaig-
nanam, K., K sh aha, T., & S ar , T.

O iginal o ce

O er ie of Da a Go ernance in B si-
ness Con e s Re rie ed from h ps://iop- icle/10.1088/1757-
899X/519/1/012023/me a Kalaignanam,
K., K sh aha, T., & S ar , T

S den pape

The di eren ial impac of ne prod c
de elopmen make/b choices on im-
media e and f re prod c q ali : n-
sigh s from he a omobile ind s r . Re-
rie ed from h ps://jo rnals.sagep b.-

com/doi/abs/10.1509/jm.14.0305 Kamio-
ka, T., L o, X., & Tapanainen, T.

O iginal o ce

The di eren ial impac of ne prod c
de elopmen make/b choices on im-
media e and f re prod c q ali n-
sigh s from he a omobile ind s r Re-
rie ed from h ps://jo rnals.sagep b.-

com/doi/abs/10.1509/jm.14.0305 Kamio-
ka, T., L o, X., & Tapanainen, T

S den pape

An empirical in es iga ion of da a go er-
nance: he role of acco n abili ies. Re-
rie ed from

h ps://aisel.aisne .org/cgi/ ie con en .c-
gi?ar icle=1028&con e =pacis2016

O iginal o ce

An empirical in es iga ion of da a go er-
nance he role of acco n abili ies Re-
rie ed from

h ps://aisel.aisne .org/cgi/ ie con en .c-
gi?ar icle=1028&con e =pacis2016


%63A achmen 2

n i ional da aba e (1)
S den pape
Top o ce (1)
E cl ded o ce (0)

W d C n : 1,787
Week-12-Li e a eRe ie ed.d c

1 S den pape
Li era re Re ie : The mplemen a ion of an En erprise-Wide nforma ion Go ernance Program
Name: Srilakshmi Keer h Bandi
ns i ion: C mberland s Uni ersi
Co rse d: TS-833-M21
Co rse Name: nforma ion Go ernance
Li era re Re ie
Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econom : The cri ical impor ance of informa ion go ernance
The rs ar icle ha is being re ie ed is an ar icle b S san Benne and Adams Michael. The o researchers look a ho cri ical informa ion go ernance is in corpo-
ra e go ernance, more so in he digi al econom . The ar icle s ar s b claiming ha informa ion go ernance is essen ial in he hree main pillars of corpora e go er-
nance. n he rs pillar, ransparenc , informa ion go ernance is essen ial as i ens res ha all s akeholders nders and he reasons behind a s ra egic decision. n
he second pillar, acco n abili , informa ion go ernance makes da a a ailable and open o all s akeholders, bringing abo responsibili (Kamioka, L o, &
Tapanainen, 2016). n he las pillar of corpora e go ernance, sec ri , informa ion go ernance ens res ha da a is sec re and, for ha reason, pla s a signi can role
in sec ring he rade secre s of companies and ins i ions (Adams & Benne , 2018). The d o goes ahead and e plains he op fea res of a good informa ion go er-
nance program. One of he main fea res of he dri er of a good G program globall is compliance i h da a reg la or obliga ions and pri ac la s. The d o belie es
ha i is cri icall i al ha corpora ions’ da a collec ed and ho sed does no con ra ene da a pri ac la s. Da a m s be managed correc l , m s be sec red
correc l , and m s be des ro ed appropria el af er se. Ma asco s ands o bene b ha ing informa ion go ernance. As s a ed in he ar icle nder re ie , nforma-
ion go ernance ill ens re ha here is clear direc ion as concerns he access and he se of informa ion and informa ion s s ems in he organi a ion. Ma asco ill
ha e an acco n abili s s em in place; conseq en iall , he organi a ion ill be be er placed o red ce i s da a-rela ed risks. B ha ing informa ion go ernance in
place, Ma asco ill ha e pro ocols and proced res for sec ring i s da a hich ill pla a signi can role in ens ring i s rade secre s. nforma ion Go ernance: A
Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness En ironmen The second ar icle ha is nder re ie is an ar icle ha as p blished recen l in 2019. The repor is concerned i h pro-
iding informa ion on h informa ion go ernance is a necessi in he c rren era’s b siness en ironmen . The ar icle also looks a he impac of G on b sinesses

and he people ho sho ld be held responsible for he form la ion and implemen a ion of G programs. The p blica ion as abo a s d cond c ed. The s d i-
li ed he q ali a i e research me hodolog here he research eam collec ed informa ion from secondar so rces of informa ion s ch as maga ines and jo rnals.
According o he ar icle, G programs are essen ial in b sinesses in o main a s. The rs a is hro gh he se ing p of go ernance models ha can implemen in
organi a ions abo da a. According o he ar icle, he models form la ed ha e o be people-orien ed and da a-orien ed. The second a hro gh hich G programs
are essen ial for b siness is in legal aspec s (Da a e al., 2019). G programs ens re ha da a collec ed and s ored b companies are collec ed and s ored acc ra el .
G programs emphasi e he se of da a collec ed for he righ and allo ed reasons. The abo e is par ic larl impor an considering ha e are li ing in he echnolog-

ical era. Considering ha Ma asco opera es in he digi al space, ha ing informa ion go ernance ill be necessar , as de ailed in he second ar icle nder re ie .
Legall , he organi a ion ill pro ec i self from la s i s concerning da a breaches and da a leaks. nforma ion go ernance de ails he implemen ed da a sec ri mea-
s res in an organi a ion. B ha ing an G program, Ma sco ill sec re i s da a and da a process, ens ring ha i s da a in egri is main ained. Program and ech-
nolog recommenda ions
Reg la or , sec ri , and pri ac compliance e pec a ions for o r compan
The recommended G program for he Ma asco compan is a program ha has fo r main fea res. The rs fea re of he program is an informa ion manage-
men s s em. As of he momen , he compan relies on a rela ional da abase. ‘s recommended ha he program sho ld adop he oracle da abase managemen s s-
em. The s s em allo s for eas s orage and re rie al of da a. The second fea re of he ideal program for he compan is a program ha s ppor s digi al ransforma-
ion. B so doing, he compan ill sec re i s da a and be able o carr o anal ics ha ill pro ide impor an informa ion regarding he se of social media marke –

ing s ra egies. The hird fea re of he program ha he compan sho ld adop is a program ha s ppor s sec re s orage. The compan ill se e , image, and a –
di d i f l i d i l i


So ce Ma che (20)
dio da a in s ra eg form la ion and implemen a ion.
ill be possible for he compan o se i s s ored and collec ed da a o marke i s compan o er he in erne , more so o er social media. The fo r h and las
fea re of he recommended G program is ha i sho ld ha e a sec re des r c ion process for pri a e da a. The compan sho ld ens re ha i has a good des r c-
ion polic o ens re ha he pri ac of heir clien ‘s da a is no breached d e o he da a ha he compan ho ses. A iable social media s ra eg
To come p i h an e ec i e social media s ra eg , e sho ld nders and o r arge marke . The onl a for he organi a ion o nders and i s arge marke is
hro gh marke research ools. Se ing p clear objec i es for he organi a ion s research There are o main objec i es for an organi a ion for marke research;
ga hering informa ion on c s omers’ reac ion o prod c s and ser ices and ga hering informa ion on he pe of marke ha is mos s i able. Clear objec i es ca egor-
icall spell o ha he research ill be abo and ha i hopes o achie e. For o r organi a ion, i is clear ha he organi a ion is in eres ed in nders anding i s ar-
ge marke . The organi a ion is in eres ed in nding o ho i s primar arge marke is, he hings ha in ence i s arge marke , and ho bes o cap re i s arge
marke . Ha ing a clear landscape of he organi a ion s marke s For he organi a ion o iden if i s arge marke , i m s rs nders and i s landscape. Ha ing a clear
landscape means kno ing he needs a ailable o be apped, kno ing he marke s’ ke segmen s, kno ing he ri als o he iden i ed marke s, and nders anding ho
he dis rib ion and s ppl chains ork. B nders anding he locali , he organi a ion can ero in on an iden i ed c s omer gro p mos likel o seek prod c s and
ser ices from he organi a ion. den i ca ion of he arge marke and nders anding ha mo es hem
den if ing a arge marke is no eno gh o ens re he s ccessf l la nching of an e ec i e marke ing s ra eg . The organi a ion m s nders and ha mo i a es and
in ences p rchase beha ior. B nders anding ha mo es po en ial c s omers, he organi a ion can se in mo ion a marke s ra eg ha aims o ha e he c s-
omers make reg lar or repea p rchases of he organi a ion’s prod c s. The marke ing s ra eg co ld be aimed a ha ing c s omers isi he organi a ion for all heir
home needs. Social Media S ra eg
Considering ha he compan arge s he local pop la ion, i is bes o se he Facebook social media s ra eg , and his is beca se he organi a ion does no o er spe-
ciali ed ser ices; ins ead, i pro ides generali ed ser ices. Thro gh Facebook, he organi a ion can arge he local marke ; he pop la ion consis s of people of all
ages, races, and occ pa ions. The organi a ion can op o share con en on he ser ices and prod c s ha i o ers on i s pla form. The con en shared ill hope o a –
rac more people o he organi a ion and, as a res l , increase he re en e collec ion of he organi a ion. n erms of sharing he organi a ion’s con en , he organi a-
ion can do so d ring he da , and his is beca se he sole reason ha i is hen i s arge is mos ac i e. These hings, beca se i is con en ha is o be accessed b
people of ar ing ed ca ion le els and di eren occ pa ions and ages. Clo d Comp ing S ra eg
The rs hing is in clo d migra ion for s ccessf l clo d comp ing. The second hing is ha he organi a ions need o adop a reliable migra ion frame ork aided b
all possible s akeholders for s ccessf l clo d comp ing o happen. Las l , he sof are de elopmen lifec cle is an ideal model for proper migra ion. The s eps in he
model emphasi e he comple ion of a s age before mo ing o he ne scene. B follo ing g idelines prescribed b sof are engineers, i ill be possible for he orga-
ni a ion o migra e o clo d ser ices easil . Da a migra ion is par of b siness con in i in clo d comp ing. Da a migra ion can be challenging, mainl if he e is ing
s s em has been opera ional for a long ime. The chances are ha he c rren s s em has acc m la ed large amo n s of da a in he form of da abase records and
les ha need o be par of migra ion for clo d comp ing o happen as e pec ed. For migra ion o happen correc l , sof are engineers need o anal e he ne s s-
ems before migra ion (S bramanian & Je araj, 2018).
Concl sion The Ma asco compan relies on old da a s orage and ho sing polic . is for ha reason in he compan . B implemen ing he program, he compan se-
c res i self from li iga ion, mone ar loss, and b siness loss d e o informa ion breaches res l ing from poor s orage or da a sec ri meas res. Also, he compa-
n makes i easier for s ra egic decision-making since d plica ed da a ill be done a a i h o her da a anomalies. F r hermore, he compan ill impro e i s e –
cienc as ell as be a be er emplo er. Emplo ees ill be able o mee heir job req iremen s q ickl and fas er, and conseq en iall , he ill e ceed c s omer e –
pec a ions.
s ha he compan sho ld adop an G program ha s ppor s clo d ser ices, ha s ppor s he massi e s orage of da a, ha ad oca es for compliance of da a
reg la ion, and ha ill make i possible for he compan o reach o o i s c s omers ia social media marke ing
Adams, M. A., & Benne , S. (2018). Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econom : The cri ical impor ance of informa ion go ernance. Da a, R., Vala ala, M.,
& Sharif, M. H. U. (2019). nforma ion Go ernance: A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness En ironmen . E ans, W. D. (2016). Social marke ing research for global p blic
heal h: me hods and Jimene , L. M., Polo, J. A., & D ar e, N. A. (2019, Ma ). O er ie of Da a Go ernance in B siness Con e s. Re rie ed from h ps://iop- icle/10.1088/1757-899X/519/1/012023/me a
Kalaignanam, K., K sh aha, T., & S ar , T. A. (2017). The di eren ial impac of ne prod c de elopmen make/b choices on immedia e and f re prod c
q ali : nsigh s from he a omobile ind s r . Re rie ed from h ps://jo rnals.sagep
Kamioka, T., L o, X., & Tapanainen, T. (2016). An empirical in es iga ion of da a go ernance: he role of acco n abili ies. Re rie ed from
h ps://aisel.aisne .org/cgi/ ie con en .cgi?ar icle=1028&con e =pacis2016
S bramanian, N., & Je araj, A. (2018). Recen sec ri challenges in clo d comp ing. Comp ers & Elec rical Engineering, 71, 28-42
1 1
1 1

S den pape 100%
S den pape 100%
S den pape 94%
S den pape 94%
S den pape
The mplemen a ion of an En erprise-
Wide nforma ion Go ernance Program
O iginal o ce
The mplemen a ion of an En erprise-
Wide nforma ion Go ernance Program
S den pape
Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econ-
om : The cri ical impor ance of informa-
ion go ernance The rs ar icle ha is
being re ie ed is an ar icle b S san
Benne and Adams Michael. The o re-
searchers look a ho cri ical informa ion
go ernance is in corpora e go ernance,
more so in he digi al econom .
O iginal o ce
Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econ-
om The cri ical impor ance of informa-
ion go ernance The rs ar icle ha is
being re ie ed is an ar icle b S san
Benne and Adams Michael The o re-
searchers look a ho cri ical informa ion
go ernance is in corpora e go ernance
more so in he digi al econom
S den pape
The ar icle s ar s b claiming ha infor-
ma ion go ernance is essen ial in he
hree main pillars of corpora e go er-
nance. n he rs pillar, ransparenc , in-
forma ion go ernance is essen ial as i
ens res ha all s akeholders nders and
he reasons behind a s ra egic decision.
n he second pillar, acco n abili , infor-
ma ion go ernance makes da a a ailable
and open o all s akeholders, bringing
abo responsibili (Kamioka, L o, &
Tapanainen, 2016). n he las pillar of
corpora e go ernance, sec ri , informa-
ion go ernance ens res ha da a is se-
c re and, for ha reason, pla s a signi –
can role in sec ring he rade secre s of
companies and ins i ions (Adams &
Benne , 2018).
O iginal o ce
The ar icle s ar s b claiming ha infor-
ma ion go ernance is impor an in he
hree main pillars of corpora e go er-
nance n he rs pillar, ransparenc , in-
forma ion go ernance is impor an as i
ens res ha all s akeholders nders and
he reasons behind a s ra egic decision n
he second pillar, acco n abili , informa-
ion go ernance makes da a a ailable

and open o all s akeholders and his
brings abo acco n abili (Kamioka,
L o, & Tapanainen, 2016) n he las pillar
of corpora e go ernance, sec ri , infor-
ma ion go ernance ens res ha da a is
sec re and for ha reason pla s a signi –
can role in sec ring he rade secre s of
companies and ins i ions (Adams &
Benne , 2018)

S den pape
The d o goes ahead and e plains he op
fea res of a good informa ion go er-
nance program. One of he main fea res
of he dri er of a good G program glob-
all is compliance i h da a reg la or
obliga ions and pri ac la s.
O iginal o ce
The d o goes ahead and e plains he op
fea res of a good informa ion go er-
nance program According o hem one of
he main fea res of he dri er of a good
G program globall is compliance i h
da a reg la or obliga ions more so
hose on pri ac la s

S den pape 76%
S den pape 87%
S den pape 92%
S den pape 94%
S den pape 100%
S den pape
da a collec ed and ho sed does no con-
ra ene da a pri ac la s. Da a m s be
managed correc l , m s be sec red cor-
rec l , and m s be des ro ed appropri-
a el af er se.
O iginal o ce
The d o belie es ha i is cri icall impor-
an ha he da a collec ed and ho sed
b corpora ions does no con ra ene
da a pri ac la s Da a m s be collec ed
in he righ a , m s be sec red correc –
l and m s be des ro ed appropria el
af er se
S den pape
A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness En iron-
men The second ar icle ha is nder re-
ie is an ar icle ha as p blished re-
cen l in 2019. The repor is concerned
i h pro iding informa ion on h infor-
ma ion go ernance is a necessi in he
c rren era’s b siness en ironmen . The
ar icle also looks a he impac of G on
b sinesses and he people ho sho ld
be held responsible for he form la ion
and implemen a ion of G programs. The
p blica ion as abo a s d cond c ed.
O iginal o ce
A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness En iron-
men The second ar icle ha is nder re-
ie is an ar icle ha as p blished re-
cen l in 2019 The ar icle is concerned
i h pro iding informa ion as o h in-
forma ion go ernance is a necessi in
he c rren era s b siness en ironmen
The ar icle as ell looks a he impac of
G in b sinesses as ell as he people
ho sho ld be held responsible in he
form la ion and implemen a ion of G
programs The p blica ion as in refer-
ence o a s d cond c ed
S den pape
The s d ili ed he q ali a i e re-
search me hodolog here he research
eam collec ed informa ion from sec-
ondar so rces of informa ion s ch as
maga ines and jo rnals. According o he
ar icle, G programs are essen ial in b si-
nesses in o main a s. The rs a is
hro gh he se ing p of go ernance
models ha can implemen in organi a-
ions abo da a. According o he ar icle,
he models form la ed ha e o be peo-
ple-orien ed and da a-orien ed.
O iginal o ce
The s d ili ed he q ali a i e re-
search me hodolog here he research
eam collec ed informa ion from sec-
ondar so rces of informa ion s ch as
maga ines and jo rnals According o he
ar icle, G programs are impor an in
b sinesses in o main a s The rs
a is hro gh he se ing p of go er-
nance models ha can be implemen ed
in organi a ions in reference o da a Ac-
cording o he ar icle he models form –
la ed ha e o be people-orien ed and
da a-orien ed
S den pape
The second a hro gh hich G pro-
grams are essen ial for b siness is in le-
gal aspec s (Da a e al., 2019). G pro-
grams ens re ha da a collec ed and
s ored b companies are collec ed and
s ored acc ra el . G programs empha-
si e he se of da a collec ed for he righ
and allo ed reasons. The abo e is par ic-
larl impor an considering ha e are
li ing in he echnological era.
O iginal o ce
The second a hro gh hich G pro-
grams are impor an for b siness is in le-
gal aspec s (Da a e al., 2019) G pro-
grams ens re ha da a collec ed and
s ored b b sinesses are collec ed and
s ored in he correc manner G pro-
grams emphasi e he se of da a collec –
ed for he righ and allo ed reasons The
abo e is par ic larl impor an consider-
ing ha e are li ing in he echnological
S den pape
Program and echnolog
recommenda ions
O iginal o ce
Program and echnolog
recommenda ions

S den pape 93%
S den pape 97%
S den pape 86%
S den pape 94%
S den pape
The recommended G program for he
Ma asco compan is a program ha has
fo r main fea res. The rs fea re of
he program is an informa ion manage-
men s s em. As of he momen , he
compan relies on a rela ional da abase.
‘s recommended ha he program
sho ld adop he oracle da abase man-
agemen s s em.
O iginal o ce
The recommended G program for he
A oshop a omobile compan is a pro-
gram ha has fo r main fea res The
rs fea re of he program is an infor-
ma ion managemen s s em As of he
momen , he compan relies on a rela-
ional da abase is recommended ha
he program sho ld adop he oracle
da abase managemen s s em
S den pape
The s s em allo s for eas s orage and
re rie al of da a. The second fea re of
he ideal program for he compan is a
program ha s ppor s digi al ransfor-
ma ion. B so doing, he compan ill se-
c re i s da a and be able o carr o an-
al ics ha ill pro ide impor an infor-
ma ion regarding he se of social media
marke ing s ra egies. The hird fea re of
he program ha he compan sho ld
adop is a program ha s ppor s sec re
s orage.
O iginal o ce
The s s em allo s for eas s orage and
re rie al of da a The second fea re of
he program ha is ideal for he compa-
n is a program ha s ppor s digi al
ransforma ion B so doing he compan
ill sec re i s da a as ell as be able o
carr o anal ics ha ill pro ide im-
por an informa ion as regards he se of
social media marke ing s ra egies The
hird fea re of he program ha he
compan sho ld adop is a program ha
s ppor s sec re s orage
S den pape
The compan ill se e , image, and
a dio da a in s ra eg form la ion and
implemen a ion. ill be possible for he
compan o se i s s ored and collec ed
da a o marke i s compan o er he in-
erne , more so o er social media. The
fo r h and las fea re of he recom-
mended G program is ha i sho ld
ha e a sec re des r c ion process for pri-
a e da a. The compan sho ld ens re
ha i has a good des r c ion polic o
ens re ha he pri ac of heir clien ‘s
da a is no breached d e o he da a ha
he compan ho ses.
O iginal o ce
B so doing he compan ill be able o
se e , image and a dio da a in s ra e-
g form la ion and implemen a ion ill
be possible for he compan o se i ‘s
s ored and collec ed da a o marke i s
compan o er he in erne more so o er
social media The fo r h and he las fea-
re of he recommended G program is
ha i sho ld ha e a sec re des r c ion
process more so for pri a e da a The
compan sho ld ens re ha i has a
good des r c ion polic o ens re ha
he pri ac of heir clien s’
S den pape
Also, he compan makes i easier for
s ra egic decision-making since d plica –
ed da a ill be done a a i h o her
da a anomalies. F r hermore, he com-
pan ill impro e i s e cienc as ell as
be a be er emplo er. Emplo ees ill be
able o mee heir job req iremen s
q ickl and fas er, and conseq en iall ,
he ill e ceed c s omer e pec a ions.
s ha he compan sho ld adop an G
program ha s ppor s clo d ser ices,
ha s ppor s he massi e s orage of
da a, ha ad oca es for compliance of
da a reg la ion, and ha ill make i pos-
sible for he compan o reach o o i s
c s omers ia social media marke ing
O iginal o ce
n addi ion, he compan makes i easier
for s ra egic decision making since d pli-
ca ed da a ill be done a a i h as ell
as o her da a anomalies F r hermore,
he compan ill impro e i s e cienc as
ell as be a be er emplo er Emplo ees
ill be able o mee heir job req ire-
men s easil and fas er and conseq en-
iall he ill e ceed c s omer e pec a-
ions is recommended ha he compa-
n sho ld adop an G program ha s p-
por s clo d ser ices, ha s ppor s he
h ge s orage of da a, ha ad oca es for
compliance of da a reg la ion and ha
ill make i possible for he compan o
reach o o i s c s omers ia social me-
dia marke ing

S den pape 100%
S den pape 100%
S den pape 100%
S den pape 100%
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A., & Benne , S.
O iginal o ce
A., & Benne , S
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Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econ-
om : The cri ical impor ance of informa-
ion go ernance. Da a, R., Vala ala, M., &
Sharif, M.
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Corpora e go ernance in he digi al econ-
om The cri ical impor ance of informa-
ion go ernance Da a, R., Vala ala, M., &
Sharif, M
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A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness
En ironmen .
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A Necessi in Toda ‘s B siness
En ironmen
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M., Polo, J. A., & D ar e, N.
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M., Polo, J A., & D ar e, N
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O er ie of Da a Go ernance in B si-
ness Con e s. Re rie ed from
h ps:// icle/10.1088
/1757-899X/519/1/012023/me a Kalaig-
nanam, K., K sh aha, T., & S ar , T.
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O er ie of Da a Go ernance in B si-
ness Con e s Re rie ed from h ps://iop- icle/10.1088/1757-
899X/519/1/012023/me a Kalaignanam,
K., K sh aha, T., & S ar , T
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The di eren ial impac of ne prod c
de elopmen make/b choices on im-
media e and f re prod c q ali : n-
sigh s from he a omobile ind s r . Re-
rie ed from h ps://jo rnals.sagep b.-
com/doi/abs/10.1509/jm.14.0305 Kamio-
ka, T., L o, X., & Tapanainen, T.
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The di eren ial impac of ne prod c
de elopmen make/b choices on im-
media e and f re prod c q ali n-
sigh s from he a omobile ind s r Re-
rie ed from h ps://jo rnals.sagep b.-
com/doi/abs/10.1509/jm.14.0305 Kamio-
ka, T., L o, X., & Tapanainen, T
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An empirical in es iga ion of da a go er-
nance: he role of acco n abili ies. Re-
rie ed from
h ps://aisel.aisne .org/cgi/ ie con en .c-
gi?ar icle=1028&con e =pacis2016
O iginal o ce
An empirical in es iga ion of da a go er-
nance he role of acco n abili ies Re-
rie ed from
h ps://aisel.aisne .org/cgi/ ie con en .c-
gi?ar icle=1028&con e =pacis2016

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