Final Portfolio

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Guide Questions 

1. What have you learned in the course that will help you continue to grow as a professional in your chosen career?

Public health degrees provide students with a solid foundation in issues that impact population health and healthcare systems, including environmental health, disease prevention, health informatics, global health, ethics, and behavioral and cultural issues…

2. Which specific assignment for this course was your best work? Name one. What makes it your best work? What did you learn by creating it? What does it say about you as a student regarding your degree concentration? How do you plan to use it in your field?

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Nurse Practitioners’ Scope of Practice

3. In which area(s) will you likely continue to strengthen your knowledge or competencies?

–The Future of Public Health Education

4. Which strategies did you use to learn the material in this course? Which were the most effective? Why?

–here I need your intellectual creativity

5. How did your communication skills improved with this course? Discuss new vocabulary, the style of the profession (writing and oral), others.

–here I need your intellectual creativity

*** No need references

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