Final Capstone Part 3
*Small Edits* Due date is Friday 2nd at 11:59
Here are the instructions….. (This part has already been completed)
Part 3: Final Paper – THIS IS WHERE I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!To do: – Read Issue 5 FROM BOOK – Page. 630- Review Part 1 and 2’s feedback (Check essay if needed). This will help in not making the same mistakes. – Follow the format- answer the questions asked – do not exceed word count This part of the Capstone Project will require you to reflect on your capstone project case and what you learned so far about media literacy. Your final paper should be in APA style, will have 800 words and answer the following:
- How did the process of researching influence your understanding as it relates to media literacy?
- Explain how you became more media literate after researching your topic.
- Expound on how your view shifted as it relates to media literacy after completing this project.
- Describe how the project changed your perspective on how media outlets persuade you in viewing and reacting to their content.
- What local and international organizations work on the issue of media literacy? Which of those work on themes related to your capstone project case? How can people get involved with them? Provide contact information and relevant projects or initiatives. Propose an idea for a specific initiative that would increase media literacy among a specific audience around the case you analyzed for your capstone project. (This section of your final paper will be used to assess the Global Engagement Outcome for Global Learning)
Please see notes attached. This will help you in knowing what it is you have to edit.
Media Literacy
3 Comment by Adriana Matos Flecha: This paper should have an event. Ex. The Brianna taylor event.
It should express what happened?
Who was affected?
What happened globally, nationally and locally with this event?
Please revise the picture of the “brainstorm” – This could help you develop the event.
*Please note that the word count should not exceed 800
Media Literacy Comment by Adriana Matos Flecha: Suggestion – Find 2 more sources to support this essay.
The research process enhanced my ability to identify various media types and the kind of messages in them. I realized that through media, several platforms contain similar information, messages or effects on the user. Some platforms are unique depending on the kind of purpose they are created for, such as Instagram, one of the most powerful platforms I used to assess media violence. Instagram is a platform in which individuals share pictures and videos about themselves or their business. It can be used for both personal growth or business development. However, I realized that other platforms offer equal chances and can have the same violent effects on users. For instance, Facebook is widely used worldwide. Through it, people can exchange photos and videos and have the freedom to chat or interact with anyone in the world, whether they know them or not.
Though my research mainly focused on media violence through Instagram, it was clear that Facebook and other platforms such as the Playstore expose individuals to media content that influences their behavior and can cause violence among the users. Playstore enables users to download video games or play online and end up with similar effects. My research also made exclusive use of televisions that offer action-based movies that trigger users to act violently, either knowingly or unknowingly (Eristi & Erdem, 2017). This enhanced my understanding of media literacy. I realize that no single platform can be treasured as the best and be said that it has no violence because it is true that media literacy is everywhere, in videos games, animations, cartoons, TV programs and newspapers, among others. Therefore, media literate individuals must have the skills to analyze data from each of these platforms and understand which information they can rely on and discard.
Initially, I thought that media literacy is about knowing how to use social media platforms. However, I realize that media literacy is more than just knowing what it entails and how I can get information from it. I used to think that every academic research could only be achieved through Google and other search engines that present scholarly or academic articles with information about a particular topic, such as media violence. My research about media violence has expanded my understanding of the essence of media literacy. I now believe that taking part in media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram can help learners identify with what is presented to them in class. In my case, I have been a long term user of Facebook and Instagram. The two applications gave me a background understanding of media violence because I could relate to my research articles’ findings.
Through the project, I realized that people have different views about media content and react differently. Every information in the media has communication behind it. Media literate individuals understand such messages with a lot of ease, especially when they are interested in particular topics. Through such communication, readers are persuaded to pay attention, read or listen or even play, accept, comprehend and act (Nagle, 2018). This is where their differences in perceptions occur because some understand why such characters are used in video games or TV programs and avoid picking the wrong behaviors. Others end up identifying with the wrong characters used to portray violence, which encourages them to practice violence on others or themselves.
In the United States, Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser works on the issue of media literacy. The organization is a high representative for the UN Alliance of Civilizations that have shown significant media literacy determination. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is an international organization devoted to media violence directed towards women and women. UNESCO is directly related to my capstone project on media violence, and it offers the chance for researchers to carry out their work through them. The contact information for UNESCO is 7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France or 1, rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France. The organization launched a handbook meant for journalists and other users interested in eliminating media violence among young girls and women. Comment by Adriana Matos Flecha: ADD how it relates to the Brianna Taylor event.
*Don’t forget to add the Brianna Taylor event. Refer to the first comment for this.
I propose that UNESCO encourage more organizations from different countries to join hands with them to eradicate violence against women. Such an initiative will boost people’s knowledge regarding media violence against vulnerable groups such as women. Nagle (2018) argues that this is critical as no problem can be solved if people do not realize that they already exist exists. My capstone project provided information on media violence which has affected children and women mostly. UNESCO’s initiative is in line with my capstone project for creating awareness to end media violence against women, especially through Instagram. Comment by Adriana Matos Flecha: This is missing a Conclusion sentence. Just an overall summary in a sentence.
Eristi, B., & Erdem, C. (2017). Development of a media literacy skills scale. Contemporary Educational Technology, 8(3), 249-267.
Nagle, J. (2018). Twitter, cyber-violence, and the need for a critical social media literacy in teacher education: A review of the literature. Teaching and Teacher Education, 76, 86-94.