FIN 3600 MOD 2 Homework

 Chapter 3 Homework: P3-4a-b (pg. 103), P3-12a-c (pg. 104), and P3-17a (pg. 105) 

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Module Two Homework Assignment

Chapter 3 Homework:


a-b (pg. 103),

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a-c (pg. 104), and


a (pg. 105)

10 available points → prorated to assignment grade 30 points Problems can be solved algebraically, using Excel formulas, and/or using TVM financial calculator inputs. No credit will be given if work is not shown. Note the number of decimal places required for many problems. Rounding too early can have a material effect on the answers. Label your work with the appropriate $ or % as indicated. Provide your work below the line for each problem tab. Highlight or bold your answers.



6 points No credit will be given if work is not shown. Highlight or bold your answers.
You have a trust fund that will pay you $1 million exactly 10 years from today. You want cash now, so you are considering an opportunity to sell the right
to the trust fund to an investor.
a. What is the least you will sell your claim for if you could earn the following rates of return on similar-risk investments during the 10-year period?
1. 6%
2. 9%
3. 12%
(Show your work. Label $. No decimal places required.)
b. Rework part (a) under the assumption that the $1 million payment will be received in 15 rather than 10 years. (Show your work. Label $. No
decimal places required.)



No credit will be given if work is not shown. Highlight or bold your answers.

3 points
Gina Coulson has just contracted to sell a small parcel of land that she inherited a few years ago. The buyer is willing to pay $24,000 now. Alternatively,
the buyer will make the series of payments shown in the following table, with each payment made at the beginning of the year. Because Gina doesn’t
really need the money today, she plans to let it accumulate in an account that earns 7% annual interest.
a. What is the future value of the lump sum at the end of year 5? (Show your work. Label $. No decimal places required.)
b. What is the future value of the mixed stream at the end of year 5? (Show your work. Label $. Two decimal places required.)
c. Based on your findings in parts (a) and (b), which alternative should Gina take?



No credit will be given if work is not shown. Highlight or bold your answers.

1 point
As part of your personal budgeting process, you have determined that at the end of each of the next five years you will incur significant maintenance
expenses on your home. You’d like to cover these expenses by depositing a lump sum in an account today that earns 8%. You will gradually draw down
this account each year as maintenance bills come due.
a. How much money must you deposit today to cover all of the expenses? (Show your work. Label $. No decimal places required.)

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