Fighting Cyber Criminals


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Graduate Level Writing Required.

DUE: Friday, April 3, 2020 by 5pm Eastern Standard Time.


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Identify and research an organization that combats internet crimes against people. (((Examples of such crimes include: human trafficking, crimes against children, identity theft, fraudulent schemes, ransomware, and cyberbullying.)))

Write a 800- to 1,050-word report in which you:

-Explain the types of crime the organization addresses.

-Describe the technical approach the organization uses to address cybercrimes.

-Identify vulnerable areas where individuals could become victims of the crimes the organization addresses.

-Explain prevention methods the organization recommends individuals take to avoid becoming victims of such crimes.

-Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

-Provide at least 4 Academic / Scholarly references.

-Must Be Graduate Level Writing. 

-100% Original Work.

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