federated identity management

 describe how federated identity management will impact the processes behind identifying end users. You are also required to post a response to a minimum of two other student in the class by the end of the week.  You must use at least one scholarly resource.   Every discussion posting must be properly APA formatted. 

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Federated identity management can provide a single access control list across multiple different applications. One such application is a server installed by Microsoft Intune or another application installed by another Microsoft Intune or OpenOffice application. The purpose of shared identity is to improve authentication required for many clients with the same credentials. The federated identity manages its authentication rules and records its credentials on a separate computer. For example, if they would implement their own authentication rules on each computer, there would be two separate authentication accounts. On each computer, there are two different accounts on the client-side. They could keep the user’s email on the client. If they wanted to manage a password, they could use a password manager from the password manager on the server-side. They could keep the user’s email on the server. If they wanted to manage the password, they could use a password manager from the password manager (Demertzis, 2021).

SSO uses the existing data flow to communicate with all the systems which have connected to the data. All information is routed from a central point and distributed to each system based on an established protocol and shared. One or more data networks are connected to the local network by a data channel to the SSO server in one scenario. There are local network and system systems that have to configure to connect to the central exchange. For example, the central exchange’s internal servers have to configure to connect only to the central exchange. SSO client also includes a shared information protocol used to distribute information to these local systems. The shared information protocol has to relay information on the shared network to other local systems and receive messages. The messages relayed by the shared information protocol are stored in the shared exchange and are considered part of the shared information (Jyoti & Hutcherson, 2021).


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Demertzis, K. (2021). Blockchained Federated Learning for Threat Defense. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.12746.

Jyoti, D., & Hutcherson, J. A. (2021). Salesforce Identity and Access Management Architecture. In Salesforce Architect’s Handbook (pp. 223-256). Apress, Berkeley, CA.


Identity management refers to the policies, processes, and technologies that establish user identities and enforce rules about access to digital resources. In a campus setting, many information systems such as e-mail, learning management systems, library databases, and grid computing applications require users to authenticate themselves. An authorization process then determines which systems an authenticated user is permitted to access. With an enterprise identity management system, rather than having separate credentials for each system, a user can employ a single digital identity to access all resources to which the user is entitled. Federated identity management permits extending this approach above the enterprise level, creating a trusted authority for digital identities across multiple organizations. Federated identity systems enable two organizations to agree on a common identity for the user of a computer system, even though privately they may each have different definitions of that user. It’s a way of linking together the user’s two separate profiles via a common definition that two trading partners agree to share. Furthermore, the shared definition is obscured (hidden) and only used between one pair of IdP and SP services (Watkins, 2005).

A user may sign on and be authenticated by his or her own organization, yet access services provided by another organization without having to sign on again. In contrast, a centralized identity system would require that each of the two organizations trust a third, central repository of user information. Despite the benefits of federated identity, the up-front costs to modify existing applications and systems can be an obstacle for some institutions. Federation membership might require different or more stringent identity protocols than an institution currently observes, and an institution might participate in multiple federations, each with unique requirements. Participating in a federation requires developing thorough institutional policies concerning access rights and compliance with the complex landscape of regulations. Although such policies and the work involved in writing them are beneficial, some institutions might not be ready to undertake such an effort. The risks associated with unauthorized access to certain services are sufficiently high that provider organizations sometimes demand additional assurance from federation members. Most federated identity management solutions are implemented in a way in which users are not required to prove their identity more than once per logged-in session (Nallathamby, 2018).


Nallathamby, J. (2018, June 18). What is federated identity management? Retrieved March 16, 2021, from https://wso2.com/articles/2018/06/what-is-federated-identity-management/

Watkins, B. (2005, November 02). Federated identity management: Validating users from other organizations. Retrieved March 16, 2021, from https://www.techrepublic.com/article/federated-identity-management-validating-users-from-other-organizations/

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