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More specifically, for the Final Research Paper or Presentation you will compare and contrast the role and impact of the concept of Federalism with the rise of what Dickovick and Eastwood call “Juristocracy.” Your analysis should 1) provide a comparison and contrast of the two concepts, 2) provide examples from the United States (for Federalism) and at least one country that has been influenced by the ideas of “Juristocracy,” and 3) evaluate both concepts and their influence in light of Biblical principles and a Judeo-Christian worldview.  

 Research Paper

The text of this research paper must be 6 pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices). This paper must be in current Turabian format with 1-inch margins and in 12-pt Times New Roman font and must include a title page and reference page. You must include citations to a sufficient number of appropriate sources to fully support your assertions and conclusions (which may require more than the minimum number of citations). This assignment draws heavily from the assigned readings for this module and you are expected to illustrate your understanding of those sources. Additionally, each paper must contain citations to a minimum of 3 scholarly sources in addition to the course textbooks, assigned readings, and the Bible.

Books needed

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1.Dickovick, Tyler J. and Eastwood, Jonathan. Comparative Politics: Integrating Theories, Methods, and Cases. 3rd. Ed., Oxford University Press, 2019. ISBN: 9780190854867.

2.Dickovick, Tyler J. and Eastwood, Jonathan. Comparative Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings 1st Ed., Oxford University Press, 2017. ISBN: 9780199730957.

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