Federal taxation


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On the tab marked ‘Depreciation Schedule‘ complete the following items:
1 Apply the appropriate tax depreciable life to each asset
2 Calculate any allowable bonus depreciation on each asset. Assume no sec. 179 deduction has been taken on any asset.
3 Calculate the beginning accumulated depreciation for each asset. Include any allowable bonus depreciation in this amount
4 Calculate the current year tax depreciation for each asset.
5 Calculate the book to tax difference on the depreciation of these assets. Use the book depreciation schedule provided. Do not adjust or review the calculations on the book schedule.
All of this is to be done in Excel:



Instructions Acc



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3 Chapter



Homework Spring 2021 Instructions
Due Date: 02.1


.21 Possible Points 10

On the tab marked ‘

Depreciation Schedule

‘ complete the following items:


Apply the appropriate tax depreciable life to each asset 2

Calculate any allowable bonus depreciation on each asset. Assume no sec. 1


9 deduction has been taken on any asset. 3

Calculate the beginning accumulated depreciation for each asset. Include any allowable bonus depreciation in this amount 4

Calculate the current year tax depreciation for each asset. 5 Calculate the book to tax difference on the depreciation of these assets. Use the book depreciation schedule provided. Do not adjust or review the calculations on the book schedule. Do not change any calculations on the ‘book’ depreciation schedule. You may work in a group for this assignment. Each group only needs to submit one copy of the completed Excel file. Submit your completed Excel file via blackboard. List group members, if any, here:

Depreciation Schedule

Spring 2021




– 0 – 0 – 0 – 0


75,000 10.00 – 0



10.00 – 0


10.00 – 0 4,000


10.00 – 0

7 Furniture & Fixtures

10.00 – 0



10.00 – 0 – 0


9 Building

10.00 – 0 – 0


10 Computer Equipment 07.20.2020 30,000 10.00 – 0 – 0 3,000 3,000

Furniture & Fixtures

10.00 – 0 – 0


– 0

Asset No. Asset Description Date in Service Basis Life Bonus Depreciation Beginning A/D 2020 Depreciation Ending A/D

1 Building 01.01.2016 950,000
2 Land 01.01.2016 300,000
3 Furniture & Fixtures 02.10.2017 75,000
4 Computer Equipment 02.10.2017 35,000
5 Software 03.15.2018 20,000
6 Landscaping 04.15.2018 15,000
7 Furniture & Fixtures 04.15.2019 80,000
8 Industrial Machine 07.20.2020 1,000,000
9 Building 07.21.2020 2,500,000
10 Computer Equipment 07.20.2020 30,000
11 Furniture & Fixtures 07.25.2020 27,000
Total 5,032,000 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0
Acc 3043 Chapter 10 Homework
Asset No. Asset Description Date in Service Basis Life Bonus Depreciation Beginning A/D 2020 Depreciation Ending A/D
Building 01.01.201

6 950,000 10.00 – 0 3

8 95,000 4

Land 01.01.2016 300,000 N/A
Furniture & Fixtures 02.10.2017 22,500 7,500 30,000
Computer Equipment 35,000 10,500 3,500 1

Software 03.15.2018 20,000 2,000 6,000
Landscaping 04.15.2018 15,000 3,000 1,500 4,500
04.15.2019 80,000 8,000 16,000
Industrial Machine 07.20.2020 1,000,000 100,000
07.21.2020 2,500,000 250,000
11 07.25.2020 27,000 2,700
Total 5,032,000 428,000 473,200 901,200

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