Exploring health policy topics due 2/26/2020 4 page

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HealthPolicy and Professional Leadership

Exploring Topic Areas /health care bills and policies

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to introduce the student to various [proposed] health care bills and policies and to explore the processes involved in attaining passage of
proposed bills or policie
s into law.

There are a number of
health policy
websites that allow you to explore what is currently happening in the health policy arena. Below are the websites recommended for this assignment. Each of these has additional links and resources which will help you to gather information. Remember to consider various levels of government action at the federal, state, county and city, and the many branches of government – administrative, legislative, and executive.

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The U.S. Senate Legislation & Records


Nursing World.org

–  Policy & Advocacy-Congress and Federal Agencies-Legislation & Issues


Illinois General Assembly


The Peoria Area Chamber

· You may use high quality resources to support your choices, but should use the above primarily.

· [No Wiki or Blog]

· #1) Search any of these sites to find
3 health-related new policies, newly proposed bills, and/or issues which have been
introduced or voted upon within the past



· All 3 should still be in the introduction or negotiation phases and
NOT already PASSED!!!

· You may need to dig around the site to
find 3 areas of interest related to health to discuss in this paper.
Your choices should be topics that you are interested in as you
will select ONE of these for use in the next



· Remember: You do
not want a bill or law that has been passed or that is being revised/amended.

· #2) Your step is to
address all of the questions below, for each of the 3 topics that you have selected.

· You should be able to
completely address each topic in 1 page.

· Keep to the point.
The combined analysis of the 3 proposed bills will make up a paper which is no longer than


pages excluding the cover page and reference page.
  Deductions will be made for excessive length, or not meeting the minimum page requirement [4].

· Directions for Exploring Topic Areas Word Document:
Follow this outline

· *See also Rubric which correlates with this list

1. Identify the topic:

a) Provide identification of 3 newly proposed items of interest:

· list them and address them by their official number [if applicable]

· and bill name: [Example: S:6


3 or H.R. 1538, S:754-Cybersecurity]

2. Summary:

3. a) Include a short summary describing the topic/the issue

b) and the history of the issue to date [how it came to be in the first place]

c) Riders MUST be addressed: Describe any attached issues or additional parts/’riders’ if this is a proposed bill being discussed.

· [There are often ‘riders’ to a proposed bill. Something that is being added.  Include whatever it is and discuss the history of it, relevance of it to the main topic. * See ‘About Riders’ in Student Resource tab-D2L]

4. Population: Discuss the population that will be affected by the proposed issue & how they are affected.

5. HCP: Discuss the role of health care professionals in this issue? [this is may require additional consideration from your critical thinking-not necessarily a resource]

6. Pro/Con X 3 bills: List and discuss 1 pro and 1 con [Minimum] related to EACH issue. 

7. Expert testimony: Include discussion of 1 expert in the field who can, does, or is speaking out, or publishing information to address this new issue. This means that you are looking for 3 different people. – [Experts may be an author, a lobbyist, someone with professional experience (MD, Lawyer, Nurse, SW etc. **.).] Please Note: This person is NOT the sponsor of the bill or proposed issue being discussed. Only 1% of the time is the political office holder an expert on the topic in health care.

8. Your Position: Lastly, comment briefly on your position on this topic.  If you approve or disapprove of the issue and your factual reasons why.

i. [This should not comprise more than ¼ of the entire paper].

9. APA et al: All the normal paper requirements-see list in rubric: APA format (including title page, reference page, introduction, headings and subheadings, conclusion) [APA is double spaced which means ~ 500 words per page]


· Use the rubric below to lay out your paper. 

· Using the items listed as
headings and subheadings
will keep you and the reader focused.  It will also help to avoid missing something.

Grading Rubric: Exploring Topic Areas






Points Possible

Points Awarded and Comments

Introduction and Conclusion


1.Three proposed topics [each with bill name and number or identifier]


2. A brief summary of all 3 topics


3. Clearly addressed Riders X 3 bills

4. Identified Population & effect


5. Addressed the role of healthcare professionals x 3

6. Pros & Cons [1 each x 3 bills = 6 total]

7. Includes THREE expert opinions [1 per topic]


8. Personal position on proposals x 3


9.-APA format et al.–cover page, citations, references listed on a ref page, body pg. limit=4

10.-Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, headings/ subheadings citations, references


Rev1-20v5/JM 1



Health-Related Policies

Sample paper

Health-Related Policies

Health Policies are the decisions, strategies, and doings which are conducted to attain specific healthcare objectives in society. An explicit health policy can achieve various things that involve defining a future vision, which aids in creating goals and opinions of orientation for the brief and medium-term. It provides a framework for primacies and the anticipated roles of various groups and shapes consensus and enlightens persons. Some of the current health-related bills existing include an H.R. 601- Medical Cannabis Research Act of 2019, S.528 Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act of 2019, and S.782: Improving Access to Mental Health Act of 2019. This paper will be addressing the above three health bills, including testimony from an expert with professional experience.

H.R.601- Medical Cannabis Research Act of 2019

Summary of the Bill and Riders

The H.R. 601-Medical Cannabis Research Act of 2019 was in January 2019 by Representative Matt Gaetz. The cosponsors of this bill involved congressmen Darren Soto (FL-09), Jimmy Panetta 9CA-20), and Diana DeGette (CO-01). The Bipartisan law unlocks the potential to investigate the cures provided by medical cannabis, which could be beneficial to veterans, the elderly, and the chronically ill (CONGRESS.GOV, n. d). The law does not interfere with the legal status of marijuana and does not interfere with local, federal, and state laws. The act aims at addressing the main barriers that presently limit the aptitude of researchers to study the schedule 1 drug appropriately. Primarily, this novel medical cannabis research bill introduces a new registration process for marijuana science investigators (Zarrabi, Frediani & Levy, 2020). The sponsors revealed that this further progression must be successful in dropping endorsement waiting periods, expensive safety procedures, and further, pointless devices of procedure appraisal that presently confound cannabis study.

The next central part of the bill associate with the cannabis supply for study. The only agency permitted to offer marijuana for study is the federal government, and the federal government’s drug arm, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), has only allowed one seller for cannabis, the University of Mississippi, which functions under a contract with NIDA (Zarrabi et al., 2020). The DEA publicized an alteration in policy that would upsurge the number of cannabis suppliers. However, the DEA has not permitted any of the potential cannabis suppliers that applied under the policy. Therefore, the University of Mississippi continued to be the only dealer of study cannabis in the U.S., despite study disagreeing that cannabis provided by this institution is inherently nearer to halter (Zarrabi et al., 2020). This medical cannabis act would ensure that this is addressed through restructuring regulations on manufacture and supply to enable investigators to get research-grade marijuana to form private producers.

The Population that this Issue will Affect

This legislation unlocks the potential for research into a compound that may prove beneficial to chronically ill patients, veterans, and the elderly. For so long, congress has experienced a dilemma with marijuana-related legislation: they cannot reform the marijuana law without investigating its efficacy, safety, and medical uses. However, this cannot be done without first reforming marijuana law. This new medical marijuana legislation supports to break the deadlock, enabling scholars to study medical marijuana short of the distress of legal threat (Zarrabi et al., 2020). This law will make a massive transformation to investigators across the country, who will be able to advance treatments for diseases that distress many of the helpless inhabitants in the U.S.

The Role of Health Care Professionals

Health care professionals can assist patients in making keen decisions by educating themselves. Marijuana has a history of been used as a medicine, recreational use, and spiritual use. Today, 33 states allow medical use of cannabis under certain qualifying conditions. Nurses frequently provide care for patients using or are considering using medical marijuana (Theinsen & Konieczny, 2019). Therefore, nurses require practical information to care for the rising number of persons who use cannabis to treat numerous symptomatology purposes. Since cannabis is not trained in many nursing schools, nurses need to acquire evidence on their own.

Pros and Cons Related to this Bill

One of the pros associated with Bill is that the researchers will develop cures that would benefit may vulnerable populations. For instance, marijuana has been reported to be useful in the treatment and prevention of glaucoma, offers relief for chemotherapy-induced nausea and cachexia. Acts as an appetite stimulant for HIV, and certain cancers decrease spasticity in spinal conditions, improves lung health, controls chronic nerve pain, and controls seizures from epilepsy (Morrow, 2020). Also, this legislation will ensure that cannabis is effective and safe for medical use. The cons of this bill are that the use of can causes impaired memory, coordination disorders, and judgment and psychotic episodes. Also, long-term use of cannabis can cause addiction, increased cardiovascular disease, mental health illness, and respiratory illness.

Expert Testimony

Morrow, a Registered Nurse, published an article regarding the pros and Cons of Medical Cannabis, showing that the endorsement of cannabis for medicinal use is seen positively by many people and the congress and the health community. Some of the reasons for marijuana involve the fact that cannabis can relieve specific types of chronic pains, it is safer than other medications prescribed, and is useful in reducing nausea and vomiting (Morrow, 2020). Some of the cons she highlighted are that long-term use of cannabis can lead to addiction, cognitive impairment, and memory impairment (Morrow, 2020). She also revealed limited scientific evidence as there have been restrictive and limited scientific trials to assess the efficacy of cannabis to cure some illnesses.

Personal Position on the Topic

I think there is a need for more research on the efficacy of marijuana to treat some illnesses. Therefore, this new medical law could be useful in allowing researchers to conduct their researches without fear of legal jeopardy. As a result, this could be beneficial to the elderly, chronically ill, and the veterans.

S.528-Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act of 2019

Summary of the Bill and Riders

The Fairness for Breastfeeding Mothers Act was introduced by Senator Daines, Steve (R-MT). This act requires that particular public structures have public restrooms to deliver a breastfeeding area that is hygienic and accessible for usage by the community (USBC, 2019). The lactation area should be protected from view by the public, have a chair, without disturbance, a working surface, and an electrical outlet. Under the existing practice, federal agencies offer certain non-bathroom areas to staffs to pump milk during the working hours. This act covers this necessity to comprise not only the team but also the visitors to these facilities.

The Population that this Issue will Affect

Therefore, this means that federal facilities such as Senate and house buildings, advocates, and visitors to Capitol Hill, courthouses, and custom houses can access a private and clean breastfeeding space. This legislation requirement will not only impact the employees but also visitors to federal facilities (USBC, 2019). For instance, in Washington DC, many visitors visit federal amenities. Families who chest feed, exclusively pump, utilize a supplemental nutritional system, or in short, choose private space will be able to access to the room when using federal facilities.

The Role of Healthcare Professionals

Registered nurses encourage and bring back health, prevent diseases, and protect persons under their care. They provide services that enhance respect for human dignity and hold the uniqueness of each patient and the nature of his or her health issue irrespective of their social or economic status. The nurse can contribute to this breastfeeding act by advocating for its passage.

Pros and Cons Related to this Bill

The passing of this bill will enable employees and other visitors to breastfeed their babies. There are numerous benefits to the mother, baby, and the relationship between the mother and the baby when it comes to breastfeeding. Some of the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother include reduced risk for breast and ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, increased heart health, and reduced possibility of postpartum depression (Fabian, 2020). The health benefits for the baby involve better eyesight, improved function of the lung, reduced risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SID), less constipation, and fewer urinary tract infections. It also promotes bonding and attachment.

Even though the breastfeeding pros are many, there also cons. One of the cons is that the first few weeks can be difficult. Any mom needs to have helped since the inaugural phase of mom’s breastfeeding can be overwhelming (Fabian, 2020). Many of the working environments may also not be supportive of breastfeeding. One has to watch on their diets since some foods can cause the baby to be gassy. Also, it requires one to be nearby, which involves a lot of effort and time.

Expert Testimony

Doctor Susan Crowe, a clinical associate professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology-Maternal Fetal Medicine, said that people always think that breastfeeding only benefits babies (Fabian, 2020). Breastfeeding not only benefits babies by reducing risk for infections and hospitalizations but also helps mothers in various ways, such as reducing risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Personal Position on the Topic

This legislation is appropriate and essential for all breastfeeding mothers. The bill is remarkable is covers not only the employees but also the visitors visiting federal facilities. As a result, it will prove the health of all mothers and babies since breastfeeding is vital and beneficial to their wellbeing. Also, it will change the history of poor environments for breastfeeding as it calls for the provision of a conducive environment for lactation.

S. 782: Improving Access to Mental Health Act of 2019

Summary of the Bill and Riders

This is a bill to revise title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve access to mental health services under the Medicare Program. The bill was written by sponsor Senior Senator Debbie Stabenow. She is a Democrat senator for Michigan (GovTack.us, 2020). It is in its initial phase of the legislation procedure. The bill was presented to Congress on March 13, 2019. The committee will consider it before sending it to the Senate or House as a whole. It has a chance of 4% of being enacted.

This bill upsurges the rate of Medicare compensation for clinical social worker services. It eliminates clinical social worker services from the probable compensation system in which prearranged sums form the foundation for reimbursement under Medicare (GovTack.us, 2020). Also, the legislation amends the meaning of clinical social worker services as it associates with Medicare. Under the existing law, such services involve services conducted for the diagnosis and handling of psychological diseases and eliminate services well-found to an inpatient of a nursing facility as a condition for the facility’s engagement in the Medicare program. The bill amends these provisions and specifies that such services involve particular health behavior assessment and interventions.

The Population that this Issue will Affect

Health Insurance reimbursements for psychological amenities have paid a lesser amount than reimbursements for physical health services, leading to possible underuse or monetary baggage for individuals with mental health diseases. Untreated and undertreated persons with mental health disorders continue to contribute to a high domestic burden (Sipe et al., 2015). Many persons affected by M.H. disorders give cost as the main reason for not seeking healthcare. The passing of this bill will help reduce the monetary problem and upsurge access to psychological health amenities. The persons to benefit from this bill include adolescents and young adults, children, adults, and older adults experiencing mental health illness.

The Role of Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals play an essential role in advocating for their patients. They are excellent in influencing health-related bills by providing first-hand information to legislators to support the bill’s passing. Also, healthcare professionals can ensure that the bill is successfully implemented after it is passed.

Pros and Cons Related To this Bill

Mental health law is needed to guarantee a monitoring basis for mental health services ad other care and treatment providers and enable the community and individuals with psychological disorders to afford safety from potentially upsetting mental illness consequences (Reisz & Steakley, 2019). This mental health bill will help persons with mental illness access the best possible care and treatment suitable to their needs.

One of the Cons of a mental health bill involves a certificate of need requirements. The law may require the patient to prove needs per state guidelines, leading to higher costs (Reisz & Steakley, 2019). Also, provider shortage could create a possible barrier. The lack of psychiatric nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, and other providers could hinder adequate psychiatric care.

Expert Testimony

Doctor Glen Xiong wrote an article indicating mental health is an essential part of living a fit, balanced life (Xiong, 2018). Mental and emotional health plays a critical part in a person’s life and impacts their thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

Personal Position on the Topic

Persons with mental illness rely greatly on public health programs. Policies that support all-American citizens’ health and wellbeing should focus on access to affordable health care, children’s health, LGBTQ health, women’s health, and older adults’ health. It is crucial to focus on attaining worldwide access to mental health and drug abuse services. It is also essential to maintain robust health insurance protection and decreasing health inequalities.


CONGRESS.GOV. (n. d). H.R. 601-Medical Cannabis Research Act of 2019. Retrieved from https://www.congress.gov>bill>house-bill

Fabian, N. (2020). The Pros and Cons of Breastfeeding for Every New Mom to Consider. Retrieved from https://www.care.care>stories>the-pr…

GovTack.us. (2020). S. 782-116th Congress: Improving Access to Mental Health Act of 2019. Retrieved from


Morrow, A. (2020). Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana. Retrieved from


Sipe, T. A., Finnie, R. K., Knopf, J. A., Qu, S., Reynolds, J. A., Thota, A. B., … & Chapman, D. P. (2015). Effects of mental health benefits legislation: a community guide systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 48(6), 755-766.

Theinsen, E., & Konieczny, E. (2019). Medical Cannabis: What Nurses Need to Know. Retrieved from


USBC. (2019). Fairness for Breastfeeding Mothers Act. Retrieved from


Zarrabi, A. J., Frediani, J. K., & Levy, J. M. (2020). The state of cannabis research legislation in 2020. The New England journal of medicine, 382(20), 1876. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov>articles>p…

Reisz, C. Y., & Steakley, J. G. (2019). Pros & Cons of Behavioral Health Sector Investing. Retrieving https://www.lexology.com>library>…

Xiong, G. (2018). Why It’s Important to Care for Your Mental Health. Retrieved from https://blog torondemand.com>why-its…

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