Explorations in Leadership

1. Answers for the questions for the assignment

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2. Discussion Post

3. Draft PPT Slides

4. Journal

ITGS400 Explorations in Leadership

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Required Texts:

Read Mandela Part 6

Mandela, Nelson. (1995) Long Walk to Freedom. New York: Little Brown and Company Paperback. ISBN: 0-31654818-9. (Make sure that you have the full version, not an abridged version, otherwise you’ll not be able to complete assignments).

Response to Materials

Assignment Instructions:

· Do not delete the questions – simply indent your answers to retain the numbering system.

· Use a formal writing style and proofread for correct use of language.

· Write a short paragraph for each question, addressing each of the points mentioned.

The aim is generally threefold:

(1) to demonstrate your familiarity with the course materials. Provide as much information you consider necessary to achieve this end. Cite the page number in the text where you found the information using this format: “(Mandela, 2012, p. 5)” and for films, cite the director and date e.g., “(Attenborough, 1982)” or in the case of my own instructor videos, “(Woodward, 2007)”. For the book, check what date your edition is on the front inside cover, it might be the original from 1995, or a later publication. If you have an audio book, it likely states the publication date somewhere.

(2) to think critically about issues and comment on them

(3) to self-reflect on your own development of leadership to date and potential for the future. This is considered in a much broader sense than leadership within any official position and includes day-to-day lifestyle.

Mandela: Part 6

1. (A) Describe what living “underground” meant in practical terms for Mandela, explaining the conditions.

(B) Comment on this lifestyle and how you might find that sort of experience.

2. (A) Describe the definition of “Umkhonto we Siswe” (the name of the youth military wing of the ANC created and led by Mandela) and the significance of this name as it aligned with the vision of the group.

(B) Comment on the decision by young ANC members to take this specific philosophical direction and plan of action in the organization, explaining why you agree with it or not.

3. (A) Explain the two main reasons why Mandela traveled through various countries in Africa.

(B) Comment on what travel nationally or internationally has or might benefit you in preparing you for any future role you may want to take in impacting change.

4. (A) Describe the training that Mandela received in Addis Ababa and why it was cut short.

(B) Reflect on Mandela’s decision and the importance of flexibility in life.

(C) Describe how you have had to change any life circumstance because of something unforeseen and how you’ve managed to either still proceed towards your goal or adapt your goal itself.

Cry Freedom

Part 1


Part 2


5. While this film largely centers around the perspective of Donald Woods, Steve Biko was a key leader in the freedom struggle who undoubtedly might have become a South African president

(A) What was Dr. Ramphele’s challenge to the newspaper editor, Donald Woods?

(B) Explain how he met that challenge and

(C) why you think that type of approach might be valuable in this or possibly another circumstance.

6. Many political organizations and individuals were banned in South Africa after the riots of 1976.

(A) What was the message of the first speaker at the soccer game that turned out to be a cover for an illegal gathering?

(B) Explain the message and

(C) your views on this.

7. (A) Explain Biko’s message at the same soccer match and

(B) describe your response to his ideologies.

8. Biko responded in court to charges of speaking at an illegal gathering.

(A) Describe his explanation about the meaning of the words “the naked terrorism of the government.”

(B) What was his message to the black people of the country?

(C) Provide your own comments on this.

9. (A) What was the turning point that led Wood’s wife to agree to leave South Africa?

(B) Provide your perspective on how a personal experience either in your own life, or in that of someone you know, made a difference in impacting an important decision.

ITGS 400 Explorations in Leadership

Required Texts:

Mandela, Nelson. (1995) Long Walk to Freedom. New York: Little Brown and Company Paperback. ISBN: 0-31654818-9. (Make sure that you have the full version, not an abridged version, otherwise you’ll not be able to complete assignments).

Module 5

Discussion Board Original Post

Original Post
: Using informal writing style, discuss connections between the course materials (text and movie), such as themes that are found in both, or specific opposites/contrasts between the two. Where relevant, highlight issues of leadership and social change. Post an original response (minimum 250 words) 

ITGS 400 Explorations in Leadership

Required Texts:

Mandela, Nelson. (1995) Long Walk to Freedom. New York: Little Brown and Company Paperback. ISBN: 0-31654818-9. (Make sure that you have the full version, not an abridged version, otherwise you’ll not be able to complete assignments).

Module 5

M5 Draft PPT Slides

Conduct independent research.

Research: Conduct independent research, making changes based on feedback and including at least two sub-sections of your content slides.

ITGS 400 Explorations in Leadership

Required Texts:

Mandela, Nelson. (1995) Long Walk to Freedom. New York: Little Brown and Company Paperback. ISBN: 0-31654818-9. (Make sure that you have the full version, not an abridged version, otherwise you’ll not be able to complete assignments).

Module 5


This is an opportunity for a more personal individual connection with your course instructor. Self-reflect on your experiences in the course this week. Express what has been most meaningful for you in your learning experiences. Let your instructor know how you are managing with the materials and assignments. You may voice any concerns and ask for assistance when necessary (150-word minimum).


Hello Dear Student,

Great progress. Missing most of your references. Use sentence case for the Graham reference title. Use italics for journal names and volume.

No need to keep repeating phrases in bullets

Slide 3

All these points are historical perspectives and can well serve as a second background slide. (repeat the heading e.g., Background (cont.)

What you really want for the rationale is why we should we explore her contribution now.

Consider these ideas:

Can we still learn from her?

Is there still poverty in the world that needs the kind of love and care MT gave?

Slide 5

The first and the last point are aims second is not – place this point somewhere else.

Mother Theresa’s

Slide 6

delete the bullet in the opening phrase

“Through the review of literature, this project will:”

Then bullets:

Explore poverty…

Describe role and impact of Missionaries of Charity

Redefining of love and care…

Outline chronology of Mother Theresa’s life

(start each with a verb).

Well done.


Hello Dear Student,

Well done. As you’ve posted this week’s draft already, I’ll comment only on the main body section and you can see my review from last time.

Slide 7 and others: The first phrase needs no bullet: According to Alpion (2014): (continue with bullets)

Formatting is well done – sentences are not too long and are well-bulleted. Good level of content

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