Exercise 5.12: Analysing through Definition


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Reread “The Perfect Yuppie,” pages 307-308 in Reader’s Choice. You should also make notes using one of the active reading methods, or review the active reading notes you made previously. When you have finished, answer the following question

  1. What      is the term that is being defined? 
  2. Is      the term concrete or abstract? Why do you think so? 
  3. List      facts and characteristics that help you understand the term being defined      by the writer.
  4. Is      the definition subjective or objective or both? Why do you think so? 
  5. What      do you think the author’s purpose was in writing this piece? 
  6. How      does the act of definition work to achieve the purpose you have just      identified? 
  7. What      other rhetorical modes that we have discussed so far do you find within      the piece? (see Log Entries 19-23)
  8. Has      your understanding of or your feelings about the term in question changed      as a result of this essay? 

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