Example Memo Prompt – Communication During Covid


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The impact of Covid on business communication…what else could we write about? Here is a question about business communication and how we might deal with the current pandemic.

Here is the prompt:  3500_EXAMPLE_MEMO_2020 3500_EXAMPLE_MEMO_2020 – Alternative Formats

Be sure you read the question many times, so you understand what your writing should accomplish. 

You can get some helpful information by examining the EXAMPLE/sample memos I provided and by reviewing the lecture notes and slides.

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*Reminder: your Example Memo MUST be written using this question. You are not allowed to pick your own topic or submit a memo using any other topic.

**ADDITIONAL REMINDER: You can write as much as you want, but be sure EVERY EXAMPLE is important;  be certain your writing is effective, clear, error free, and uses several (MANY?) interesting examples.


From time to time, I will add a “Sample Paper” in this section. I will ask a student who wrote a particularly good paper to share his/her paper with the rest of the class. Students have told me they appreciate seeing a sample of a paper that meets all of the requirements; basically they want to know what a good paper looks like. So here are a couple of sample MEMOS for you to consider.  Notice the detailed examples here; notice the depth (including interesting secondary examples), and notice the excellent layout. When your BOSS asks you for ideas, this is the kind of effort you should deliver.

Remember, your memo does not have to look like this or sound like this. Writing has hundreds of individual choices. However, if your memo has a similar look and is written with a similar style, you are definitely on the right track.

Here are a couple of ONE PAGE MEMOS – which you can create – IF the detail and depth are good! Notice the excellent layout, the detail and depth, and interesting EXAMPLES!

306_Student_MEMO_CUST_SERV_SAMPLE_2016 306_Student_MEMO_CUST_SERV_SAMPLE_2016 – Alternative Formats


Student_Sample_Customer service memo_2016 Student_Sample_Customer service memo_2016 – Alternative Formats

 <<<<<--- THIS MEMO USE BULLET POINTS BUT THEY ARE NOT DEVELOPED. The ideas are good but the bullet points lead to underdeveloped sections and ideas.

USING BULLET POINTS: memos written WITH BULLET POINTS tend to be underdeveloped. Writers have started to overuse bullet points – thus leaving out essential depth and detail. I guess this is my fault because I allow students to write as much as they want. Some writers think this means they can get away with writing an idea using a bullet point BUT not providing any detailed examples for support. This is the biggest problem using bullet points. (Extra Credit: Send me a well- written email that answers this question: why do students overuse bullet points and whose fault is it? Your email must be effective and clear. Add the class section number (01) to the subject line of the email.)

Memos should be written using fully detailed and developed paragraphs. Use bullet points only to add detailed examples – NOT one or two word ideas. Here is an example of a memo that uses no bullets:

NoBullets_SampleMemo_2018 NoBullets_SampleMemo_2018 – Alternative Formats

To: All EHC Products employees

From: Jon Cass Executive Manager

Subject: New policies to improve customer service

Date: October 15, 2016

Effective Monday, September 15th, 2016 EHC Products will be introducing new policies to improve customer
services across all areas of business. My role as the new Executive Manager is not only to improve morale for
all employees but help drive customer services throughout the store.

Customer Service Improvement Policies

The purpose of the new customer service polices is to help make EHC Products a more desirable place to shop
at and provide world class customer service.

Ø Discovery. This includes listening to the customers’ needs as soon as they walk in the door and
discovering their story as to why they are at EHC Products today. This new skill will require listening
with intent and truly understanding what the customer needs, wants, and why they are here.

Ø Stating Your Role. By telling the customer what your role is at the beginning of meeting them, you
are building a connection with the customer and showing them that you have their back. By having the
customers back, you are showing them you are here to assist them through their buying journey and
answer any questions they have along the way.

Ø Coronation. With these new policies we will be having all departments working together to provide
world class customer service. This means all departments will be held to the same standard and not
just the front of the store must abide by these rules. Included in this coronation, all departments must
be free to interact with each other. This means if one department does not have the answer to a
customer’s question you should coordinate with the proper department to meet the customer’s need.

Reward and Review Systems

With these new systems for customer service, management is also adding new systems to get a better voice of
the customer, now known as VOC. VOC allows the customer to give feedback about their visit to EHC
Products and how we can make adjustments to improve their next visit and keep them coming back.

Ø Bonuses. Bonuses will now be achievable via VOC scores, based on your own personal VOC scores
which will be graded at the end of every month and you may be able to receive a cash bonus.

o By having a score of 80% or higher for the month you will receive $500 cash bonus and if
you are able to keep a 90% score for the month you will receive a $750 cash bonus.

Ø Annual Vegas Trip. Effective of November 1st 2016 every year associates who are able to maintain
an average VOC score of 85% throughout the year will be eligible to go on an all-expense paid trip to
Las Vegas.

o Last qualification date to be eligible for the Las Vegas trip is June 1st of each year. You must
have a VOC score average of 85% in order to attend.

o The Las Vegas trip includes free airfare to Las Vegas hotel Caesars Palace along with a free 3
day and night stay with free meals and an annual VOC dinner party where you will be able to
relax and enjoy a comedy show with all other members who qualified and other management

It is management’s goal to use this new system to improve the customers experience at EHC Products and
create a better work environment for both the customers and employees to provide world class customer

Metz/Management 306/ Example Memo

For Example,

Here is the topic for the Example Memo. Your memo MUST be written using this
question. Write a clear, convincing, and detailed memo. Your memo should contain
a minimum of three relevant primary examples. Each primary example should be
explained and detailed using secondary examples, which will help give your ideas
depth and clarity. Remember, your memo’s length does NOT matter to me, but the
detail and depth of your ideas and examples are VERY IMPORTANT – so choose
your words and examples wisely!

These are very unique times, so your ideas/examples should also be
new and fresh. No one likes the same old, tired ideas; therefore, be
creative! You MUST use unique and fresh ideas/examples.


Writers are over-using BULLET POINTS. This has led to a lack of
development. Instead of bullet points, use paragraphs – this should
help you write more complete, detailed, and developed ideas. (This is
my hope.) If you do use bullet points, be sure these ideas are also
clear and detailed.

As always, you can write as much or as little as you desire. Just be
certain your ideas are fully explained! Note: use business format: single
spaced, double space between sections, headings, bold, effective white
space. Do not indent any of the paragraphs, as business format uses
block paragraphs. There are sample papers on BB for your reference.

If you have any questions about this, please let me know. Good luck!

Metz/Management 306/ Example Memo

Your company has always been known for having a close, tight knit group of
employees. You emphasize the importance of face-to-face conversations and
company-wide meetings to help create relationships and improve communication.

In the past, your company, 306 Industries, has held weekly meetings, group brain-
storming sessions, and team building get-aways. These forms of communication
have made your company successful and caused your employees to find joy and
satisfaction with their job and the company.

However, the current pandemic is forcing many successful businesses to find
alternative methods to continue employee communication. Like many businesses,
your company has been using Zoom meetings and conference calls in places of
the traditional in-person meetings.

After a recent company-wide survey, you have discovered that these Zoom
meetings and conference calls are taking the “joy” out of the work experience.
Employees are complaining that these new forms of communication are boring and
ineffective. They miss the face-to-face meetings and the connection they had with
their co-workers. Employees are claiming they have “Zoom” and conference call
fatigue, and they dread all upcoming company meetings.

You have noticed production is starting to slip and sales have decreased since
Zoom meetings and conference calls have become the norm.

How are you going to fix this new communication crisis? Obviously, these new
forms of communication are not working. What can you think of to make this
situation better for your employees? Can you think of ways to make Zoom
meetings and conference calls more effective and productive? Can you think of
alternative ways to communicate with your employees and help them recreate the
connection they had before the virus?

You are the owner of 306 Industries, a company with 50 employees.
Write a memo to your employees that explains each of your NEW,
FRESH, ORIGINAL, EXCITING ideas. Be as clear and specific as
possible when discussing the ideas you are proposing, and explain
how each idea will help make the communication process better and
more effective, and return the JOY to 306 Industries.


To: All EHC Products Employees
From: Georgianna Student, Executive Manager
Subject: Excellent Customer Service
Date: October 17, 2016

Hello everyone. I have some exciting and valuable news. Due to the poor customer service challenge
that EHC Products is currently facing, I have come up with changes and helpful tips to turn our valued
customer’s frowns upside down. It starts with respect. If you respect our customers as human beings, and
truly honor their right to be treated fairly and honestly, everything else is much easier.

Unless you have 100% customer satisfaction you must improve:
You are serving customers not a life sentence, learn to enjoy your job. The way to a customer’s heart and
wallet lies in how well we initially serve our customers and recover from poor service.

• Smile! Be proactive, say hello politely and ask “How may I help you?”.
• Stay visible and available but do not hover.
• Explain things thoroughly, you are the expert here.
• Do not walk away when a customer is approaching.
• Call for back up if a line begins to form.

Paid Training:
It is important that as the Executive Manager I make sure you all feel comfortable and knowledgeable
when serving our customers. We will have mandatory training meetings every week. Your training dates
will take the place of one of your shifts.

• Each of you will learn to be an expert in every department over time.
• All questions and dilemmas you may have will be addressed during this time.
• Snacks and drinks will be provided.

New Policies and Rules:

• Please refrain from personal conversations with co-workers in the presence of our customers.
• Please leave ALL food and drinks in the breakroom.
• ABSOLUTELY no cell phones allowed on the floor. (Use them during your break/lunch time.) Any

electronic devices needed for the job or research will be provided.
• Please come to work dressed to impress (refer to dress code guidelines). If you look good, you feel

• Once a month there will be a “Best Service” contest. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.

(Extended breaks, paid days off, cash, gift cards, movie tickets and more, randomly selected from our treasure box.)
(Surveys, online reviews, and in person compliments will all be considered.)

Good service is good business. Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their
friends. If we do not take care of our customers, someone else will. Our best customers leave quite an
impression. Do the same, and they will not leave at all. Good Luck! Let the excellent service begin! If
you have any questions, please contact me.


To: Jesse Owens

From: Student Sample

Subject: Political Activism for 306 Industries

Date: November 5, 2018

The founding fathers of our country created a constitution that allows citizens to have a voice in our

government. Political activism is essential in functioning our government and private companies are often

given louder voices to express their political opinions. Once a company speaks out onto an issue it not

only speaks volumes on the issue but also shows the importance of being politically active. Below I have

stated three reasons we should become politically involved with our country.

Political Gain for the Company

Several companies such as In-n-out and Chick-fil-a have donated their private money to candidates and

issues based parties to have some influence. At 306 Industries, we often have several issues with finding

land for factories and warehouses. This is due to policy’s being implemented by local governments that

effect our company. Being involved politically can assist in expanding our company,

Donating or even endorsing a candidate which you approve will help then get elected. If not get elected

the company and yourself will be approving the right to free speech. The candidate you approve of will

often help us in the long run. Their approval carries on into their term and will help implement our needed

expansion for the company.

The Candidate which we help get elected will often remember us when policies are being passed. For

example, if we need to expand our warehouse and its approval is being voted on by the City council. The

city Council will most likely help push our vote for approval.

Promotes Political Activism

The 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920 allowing women to vote. It hasn’t even been 100 years yet

only 55% of our citizens turnout to vote for our president. America is the least politically involved

developed country. As CEO of our company you would be an example in promoting political activism

and having a voice.

American eagle has voiced out their opinions on gun control and it has had the approval of both sides of

the political spectrum. Voting Interest groups commend these companies not for their actual opinions but,

their ability to voice their opinion. Nike: Nike recently stepped into the political arena with the Colin

Kaepernick advertisement. Many viewed this statement as a money grab however I perceived it as a bold

statement. His voice and ability to step up promoted political activism and having an opinion in any


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Before working at 306 Industries I worked at Chick-Fil-A for 4 years. In my time, I had seen the Same-

Sex protest and the Love Wins protest. Both have been the busiest days at our store and had seen Line out

of our parking lots. This was due to the massive following of the same sex marriage issue. The CEO had

spoken out on the issue and it had welcomed people of the same beliefs to show support.

When Chick-fil-a owner, Truett Cathy, had spoken out about the issue it had gotten Mass Media coverage

for months. Many News outlets cover company CEOs who advertise a politician or issue. Nike, In-n-out,

American Eagle, and CFA are all examples. With their name in the media it acts almost as a commercial.

The name recognition of the company increases and it reaches far more people. The news outlets allow

for free commercials essentially. The news covers the topic and explains the company’s involvement.

Commercials usually run for 30 seconds but a news segment can last minutes.

Political Activism is important to our country and should not be left out of private corporations. 306

Industries has nothing to lose and all to gain when getting involved in local elections. Voting rights have

always been abused throughout our history and promoting a political candidate will do nothing but for

this country. As CEO and also American citizen it would be in your best interest to support a political

candidate and allow our company to have a voice.

To: All Ill-Tech Staff

From: Ill-Tech Management

Subject: NEW FUN and EXCITING workplace programs/incentives!

Date: January 29, 2015

Effective Monday, February 1, 2015 all Ill-Tech employees should be prepared for the
implementation of new fun and exciting programs and incentives. It is management’s hope that
each hard working employee will be excited to come to work and feel proud to call Ill-Tech his
place of employment.

Employee Morale Building
The morale building program is designed to establish a fun and motivating work environment
where each employee can work effectively with one another and enjoy being at work.

➢ Themed Office Potluck. On the first of each month employees will have the
opportunity to vote for a specific food theme for the potluck (chinese, mexican, italian,
etc.) On the 15th of the each month the potluck will take place in the theme decorated
breakroom. The concept is to bring employees together with something everybody

➢ Team Stretching. Every morning management and employees will have the
opportunity to stretch in an effort to remove stress, muscle tension and excited for the
day. This program is aimed to keep employees stress free and focused on continuing to
make Ill-Tech successful.

➢ Casual Communication. Every Wednesday and Friday managment will announce a
time during the workday when employees will have 30 minutes to converse with their co-
workers throughout the workplace while on the clock. Employees that choose not to
participate in “casual communication” will have permission to leave work 30 minutes
early. However, we do encourage communicating with co-workers as communication
builds healthy relationships. “Casual Communication” times will vary based on workload

Rewards and Incentives Program
The rewards and incentives program is designed to recognize employees for their hard work.
Employees that make this company great deserve to be treated great in return.

➢ Annual Business Trip. Each year if quotas are met, employees will have the
opportunity to join management on a business trip. Employee discount rates will be given
for travel, food, and accommodations. Location is based on majority votes.

➢ Team Projects/Contests. Teams are randomly chosen by management for each
project. Projects and contests will consist of creative thinking and teamwork. These
projects and contests are designed to bring the best out of employees and be apart of
building Ill-Tech. Winning teams will will receive prize.
○ Creative Tech Marketing Project. Teams will create a new marketing commercial

that will be scored by management. The commercial should be creative with new
ideas aimed to promote why the team believes customers should should be apart
of the Ill-Tech movement.

○ Innovative Minds Contest. Employees will be asked to create new and innovative
ideas to make work production more efficient, time effective, and cost effective.
These ideas can be anything, as long as the idea is new, creative, and innovative.
The ideas must be presented in a professional manner to Ill-Tech Management.
Winners will receive a bonus and an opportunity to build future business
partnerships with the owner of Ill-Tech.

Program Ill-Technolympics
Program Ill-Technolympics is a program designed to generate fun in the workplace, while
keeping a competitiveness amongst employees.

➢ Family Sports Day/Trivia. Once every other month employees will have the
opportunity to bring their family to participate in Ill-Tech’s illtechnolympics. These
games will involve using brains, teamwork, and toughness. BRING YOUR A GAME!
○ Illtechnolympics. Employees and their families will compete in fun competitive

brain games, races through obstacle courses, and various sporting activities.
○ Trivia. Each day employees will be given two trivia questions. At the end of each

week the employees with with most points will receive lunch of choice.
Employees who tie with points will have a trivia face off on the last day of the
week and the winner will be determined.

Ill-Tech Management designed these programs and incentives to recognize employees for their
hard work, as well as bring EXCITEMENT and FUN to the workplace.


To: Chris N. Charge

From: Rob H. Student

Subject: Improving the Overall Health of our Employees

Date: October 15, 2015

The health of our 2,800 office employees is not only important to their overall well-being, but to
the success of our company as well. Like many Americans, our employees have poor health and
live unhealthy lifestyles. Our company has been affected by an increase in absenteeism and
health care costs, as well as lower overall job performance and productivity. This has resulted in
lower profitability for the company and our shareholders.

In response to improving the health of our employees, I have come up with three different ideas
on how to make our employees healthier:


Establishing an Employee Health and Wellness Center

! Constructing an Onsite Company Gym

! Implementing a Health Conscious Corporate Culture

Establishing an Employee Health and Wellness Center

Creating a health and wellness center for our employees will provide them with valuable
resources and information to promote healthy lifestyles. This will give the employees an
opportunity to improve and gain control of their overall health. Features of our health and
wellness center will include:

! Stress Management. A licensed psychologist will be onsite to help employees develop
coping strategies to manage their stress and anxiety levels.

! Health Screenings. Employees will receive routine screenings to measure their weight,
glucose, cholesterol, body fat, and blood pressure levels. Early detection of potential medical
issues is a key factor in preventing illness. Annual flu shots will also be given to employees,
which will reduce absenteeism during the flu season.

! Nutrition Counseling. A registered dietician will help promote healthy eating and will
counsel employees on how to read food labels, prepare healthy meals and snacks, and
prevent and control diseases with specific foods.

! Wellness Library. Books, pamphlets, and other reference materials will be available to
employees on a variety of health-related topics as knowledge is a powerful tool in helping to
lead a healthy lifestyle.

! Lectures. Guest speakers will educate employees on topics such as weight management,
diabetes, benefits of exercising, heart health, and smoking cessation.

Constructing an Onsite Company Gym

Physical fitness is one of the most important aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. Exercising
increases energy levels and reduces stress, which leads to increased job performance and
productivity. An onsite gym will be a great addition to our company as it provides easy access
and convenience for our busy employees to exercise. This will allow them to use their time more
productively. Features of our onsite company gym will include:

! State of the Art Fitness Equipment. The gym will have the latest treadmills, elliptical cross
trainers, steppers, rowers, and exercise bikes to ensure that our employees are getting the
most out of their workouts.

! Personal Trainers. Certified personal trainers will be onsite to help employees develop
exercise programs and achieve their fitness goals.

! Fitness Classes. Pilates, yoga, tai chi, aerobics, kickboxing, dance, and other fitness classes
will be available for employees to participate in. This will accommodate our employees’
varied interests and fitness levels.

! Extended Hours. The gym will be open from 5:00 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. to accommodate the
busy schedules of our employees.

! Refreshment Bar. Gatorade, water, protein shakes, fruit and vegetable drinks, and other
healthy beverages will be available for employees.

Implementing a Health Conscious Corporate Culture

Management needs to lead by example. Managers at all levels must not only support a health
conscious corporate culture, but be active participants as well. Everyone in the company needs to
commit to improving their overall health. A health conscious corporate culture will promote a
healthy lifestyle to all of our employees. We have a huge investment in our employees who are
the lifeblood of our company. We need to protect our investment. Features of our health
conscious corporate culture will include:

! Healthy Food Options. The cafeteria and vending machines will have more nutritious food
choices including the addition of a salad bar. Employees will choose healthier food options if
more are made available.

! Smoking. Smoking will be prohibited in all areas of the corporate campus.

! Corporate Sponsorships. The company will support our employees and the local community
by helping to sponsor the Bay to Breakers marathon and other events that promote physical
fitness. Special corporate t-shirts will be designed and worn by all employees who choose to
participate, showing our corporate commitment to fitness.

! Company Sports Teams. Basketball, volleyball, and baseball teams will be formed so that
employees can exercise and participate in some of their favorite sports. This promotes
physical fitness, team building, and strengthening of relationships among employees.

! Incentives. Encouraging employees to stay healthy by reducing their share of health care
premiums if the company’s overall health care costs decline.

By implementing my ideas, we can improve the overall health of our employees. The
profitability of the company will increase by over 8%, and we will have happier, healthier, and
more productive employees.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon to
discuss my proposed ideas.


To: Chris N. Charge, Department Manager
From: Jonathan B., HR supervisor
Subject: Ideas for a healthier worker
Date January 31, 2016

Today, the American worker is seen as one of the unhealthiest employee workforce in the
world. Americans have developed bad habits of drinking, smoking and poor diets coupled
with no exercise that has significantly hindered their performance in the workplace. In
response to this dilemma, I have generated a few ideas to improve the health and the
overall wellbeing of our employees.

In House Kitchen:
Many of our workers will leave the office on lunch in search of a meal. The majority of
restaurants that surround our office are fast food locations and the few healthier
restaurants take too much time for the meal to be made and finished on a lunch break.

! Having an in house kitchen allows for the employees to have a lunch option that
is in the office and takes minimal time to get a nutritious meal.

” Stocking the kitchen with healthy whole foods of both ingredients and
small ready-made meals that employees can use to make themselves a
lunch or quick healthy snack.

” Offering this ease of use will excite the employee to get up and walk over
to the kitchen to make a meal that is healthy for them.

! Hiring a personal chef for an allotted 1 to 2 hours who creates small healthy lunch
meals that the employees can look forward to.

” Employees will be more excited to stay in the office and walk over on
lunch to see what the chef has cooked for lunch that day.

” Having a personal chef will ensure far healthier choices than going to a
fast food restaurant.

” Employees who are unable to make it to lunch could place an order to
reserve a prepared lunch by the chef.

! Employees have a social spot within the office where they can go on break or
during lunch to relax and socialize.

” Our employees can walk down to the kitchen on lunch and actually
socialize and bond with fellow employees instead of leaving to go find a
meal and neglect each other.

” Employees also have a location they can walk over to when they are on a
break instead of sitting at their desk.

Having a Gym:
A lot of people neglect working out and thus have an unhealthy body. Employees neglect
going to a gym solely from a busy work schedule. Having a gym within our office will
empower and motivate our employees to become more active.

! Having a gymnasium in the office will make working out and becoming more
active less of a chore for our employees.

” Many of our employees can use the gym before work or after work
without having to go home than drive back to the gym.

” This convenience will generate more excitement to come to work because
they can exercise after they have completed the day.

” Providing the employees with Fitbit heart rate monitors they can wear on
their wrists that help track many life signs from heart rate and even step

! The Gym will be fully equipped with plenty of exercise equipment for all styles of

” Employees can go into the gym and try a wide variety of exercise
techniques and methods.

” Having a wide selection of weights and cardio equipment creates hundreds
of possibilities for extensive training to simply walking on a treadmill.

! Excitement in the office will greatly increase as people have another health

” Employees will become excited to come to work because they have an
avenue to workout and burn calories and get into a healthier lifestyle.

” Having a gym will greatly reduce stress on the employee as studies have
shown that working out and being active greatly reduce health risks and
internal stress by releasing endorphins.

Constant Health Awareness:
Creating and implementing health awareness for the employees has opened the door of
knowledge to the employees by making them aware of the positive and negative health
choices they make.

! Having motivational signs around walkways can motivate employees.

” Placing walking and calorie counter signs around a stairwell can help to
give employees an idea about how many calories they burn by simply
taking the stairs.

” Having several motivational messages on doorways and small signs
around the office that can make the employee feel a sense of
empowerment and mental wellbeing.

! Having presentations and flyers about current health trends can inspire and
motivate employees to try new health kicks.

” During meetings a small 5-minute presentation can be displayed to show a
bad habit or show possible ways to improve one health.

” Brochures can be handed out that are informative and give health
conscious ideas to employees so they can be more informed about the
health choices they make.

There is no surprise that today’s worker is unhealthy both physically and mentally but
instilling and working towards some of the ideas above I believe our employees will be
healthier and happier.

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