Evidence-Informed Public Health and Knowledge Management Strategies

Evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) involves the incorporation of the best available evidence from a systematically collected, appraised, and analyzed body of knowledge” (Liebowitz, Schieber, and Andreadis, 2010). Academic libraries are argued to be considered knowledge management tools.

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Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research healthcare IT and their standards. Based on your research on a current Public Health issue and understanding, respond to the following:

  • Defend and argue your position on the role that academic libraries such as South University Online Library play as Knowledge Management Tools.
  • Identify and describe the desired results of your library research on a current public health issue.
  • Assess the process and identify the gaps in the key terms used to find the desired data and information.
  • Describe and discuss if the principles of knowledge management can close the gaps in the lack of data and information.
  • Develop a strategy to engage the right people and technology to assist in finding the necessary data and information and convert it to knowledge.
  • Formulate a summary of the new knowledge you have gained from at least three research articles related to the current public health issue researched.

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