Evaluation of evidence-based family interventions. For the Santiago Family provide the following:


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This assignment is to provide a 500-word paper on Evaluation using evidence-based family interventions. For the Santiago Family provide the following:

Define and Describe how Evaluation is used in Social Work

– Evaluation: Describe how a social worker could evaluate treatment outcomes for this family to determine the effectiveness of the interventions of Solution Focused Therapy and Mindfulness.

– Make sure your articles are no more than 5 years old. A minimum of four (4) references are required for this section. 

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Thisassignment is to provide a 500-word Literature review of evidence-based family interventions. For the Santiago Family provide the following:

Define and Describe how Evaluation is used in Social Work

Evaluation: Describe how a social worker could evaluate treatment outcomes for this family to determine the effectiveness of the intervention methods of Solution Focused Therapy and Mindfulness.

· Make sure your articles are no more than 5 years old. A minimum of four (4) references are required for this section.

CASE PRESENTATION – The Santiago Family


INTAKE DATE: Nov 30, 2020


IDENTIFYING/DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: The Santiago Family consists of Maria a 32-year-old single parent with two children Johnathan age 14 (9th grade) and Sam age 9. Maria is unable to control Johnathan who has been acting out, failing the 9th grade and recently went joyriding in their grandmother’s car.

Maria is 32 years old and the oldest child of two working-class parents. Both of Maria’s parents immigrated from Latin America.


CHIEF COMPLAINT/PRESENTING PROBLEM: Maria is unable to control Johnathan who has been acting out, failing the 9th grade and recently went joyriding in their grandmother’s car.


HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Maria works 2 jobs and has difficulty making ends meet. She knows that she hasn’t been providing the best parenting but is very tired when she gets home from work. Johnathan reports that some kids are bullying him because he wears glasses and doesn’t have the most fashionable clothes to wear. Johnathan always received good grade up until this year. Teachers have stated that he seems distracted in class, Johnathan reports that he enjoys arts and crafts, and participating in school social events and social media. At times, he experiences mood fluctuations and irritability. Johnathan noted that his anger and frustration tend to be connected with his sadness. Johnathan indicates that drawing, listening to music, and playing sports help him to relax.

Since first entering school, Johnathan has experienced difficulties with school work completion, inattentiveness and distractibility, disorganization, impulsivity, and mood fluctuations. Johnathan’s teachers describe him as a hard-working, cooperative student, but they indicate that homework responsibilities have been an issue since Johnathan losses his notes and does not remember what was assigned. They also note that he is a very reluctant reader, and has consistently scored lower than average on reading comprehension and vocabulary tests. Psychoeducational testing indicated average cognitive abilities.

Johnathan indicates that he often becomes anxious when he is asked to speak in public, or to spend time with people he does not know. Johnathan experiences ongoing sleep difficulties, primarily with settling into routines at night. Johnathan reports feeling nervous when going to school because of presentations and homework since it takes a lot of effort to prepare the presentations. Everyone will be watching him and know he is anxious. He describes hating school and experiencing difficulties completing his work on time because “he can never focus.”

PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: Johnathan reports no involvement with mental health facilities prior to this appointment.

SUBSTANCE USE HISTORY: Johnathan denies any drug or alcohol use.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Johnathan has had all the childhood vaccinations. There were no reported major illnesses.


CURRENT FAMILY ISSUES AND DYNAMICS: Maria works 2 jobs and has difficulty making ends meet. She knows that she hasn’t been providing the best parenting but is very tired when she gets home from work. Johnathan reports that some kids are bullying him because he wears glasses and doesn’t have the most fashionable clothes to wear. Johnathan states that he struggles to meet expectations at home and at school, complete academic work, and communicate effectively with others who do not share his interests. Maria notes that Johnathan has difficulties making new friends and taking risks – he reports

increased anxiety around school participation this year.

MENTAL STATUS EXAM: Johnathan presents as a casually dressed teenager who appears his stated age of 14. He is a bit anxious during the interview. His affect is appropriate but worries about disappointing his mom. Motor activity is appropriate. Speech is clear. At times during the interview, he lost his train of thought and had to be redirected to the subject. There is no evidence of delusions or hallucinations. Johnathan’s intelligence appears average. He is oriented to time, place, and person. Johnathan denies any thoughts about homicide or suicide.


F90.0 ADHD – Predominantly Inattentive Presentation

Z55.9 – Academic or Educational Problem

F41.1 – Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Z55.3 – Underachievement in school

Z55.8 – Other problems related to education and literacy


F90.0 ADHD – Predominantly Inattentive Presentation


Criterion A1 (Inattentive)

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