Ethics in business case study

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• This is an individual task.

• The professor will provide a list of organizations for every student to choose one. It is very important that every student has a different organization.

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• Students must do research about this organization and develop a case study following the questions/guide here below:

A. A brief description of the organization.

B. Mention and briefly define its objectives.

C. What are the ethical values or principles guiding the organization according to their website?

D. To what extent does the organization apply those principles or values? Use examples to support your conclusions.

• Contextual information:

o The student must make sure:

▪ That the challenges related to operating at an international level are considered in the answer. This topic is discussed in class session 2.

▪ That the evaluation whether of the extent to which the organization applies those principles is based on the theoretical frameworks and

concepts/concepts discussed from session 1 to 3.

• Expected table of contents:

o Introduction

o Body

o Conclusions

o References

• Students must upload a case study in pdf format.


• Wordcount: 1,500 +/-10%

• Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.

• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.

• Text alignment: Justified.

• The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission: Week 4 – Via Moodle (Turnitin). February the 19th, 2021 22:00 CET.

Weight: This task is a 30% of your total grade for this subject.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

• Outcome 1: Understand the concept of sustainability and its implications and become familiar with the main approaches to business ethics and corporate social

• Outcome 4: Understand commonly-occurring ethical issues and dilemmas in managing businesses;

• Outcome 7: Communicate in terms of responsibility and accountability.


Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69 Fail <60

Knowledge &
Understanding (30%)

Student demonstrates
excellent understanding of
the task and basic key
concepts or theories.
Student uses a wide range
of vocabulary in an entirely
appropriate manner.

Student demonstrates
good understanding of the
task and mentions some
relevant basic concepts or
theories. The student uses
some vocabulary in an
appropriate manner.

Student demonstrates fair
understanding of the task
and mentions few relevant
basic concepts or theories.
The student uses little
vocabulary in an
appropriate manner. Some
of the vocabulary might be
used inaccurately.

Student demonstrates
marginally inadequate
understanding of the task
and does not mention key
basic concepts or theories.
The student uses very little
amount of relevant
vocabulary or uses it in an
entirely inadequate manner.

Student fails to
demonstrate an
understanding of the task
and does not mention
any basic key concepts or


Student makes an excellent
evaluation of the
organization’s ethical
performance. Provides
excellent conceptual
(concepts or theories) and
factual (examples or data)
grounds for said evaluation.

Student makes a good
evaluation of the
organization’s ethical
performance and considers
different approaches to
ethics. Provides some
conceptual (concepts or
theories) or factual
(examples or data) grounds
for said evaluation.

Student makes a fair
evaluation of the
organization’s ethical
performance. Provides little
conceptual (concepts or
theories) or factual
(examples or data) grounds
for said evaluation.

Student makes little attempt
to evaluate the
organization’s ethical
performance. There is very
little or no consideration of
different approaches.

Student makes no
appreciable attempt to
evaluate the
organization’s ethical


The student communicates
the results of their work
very accurately and
reliably, and with very well
structured and coherent
arguments, respecting
word count, grammar and
spellcheck. The student
makes excellent use of
Harvard citation style at all

The student communicates
the results of their
study/work with some
accuracy and reliability, and
with structured and
coherent arguments and
respecting word count.
There may be very few
grammar and spellcheck
errors. The student uses
Harvard citation style most
of the time and with very
few errors.

The student communicates
the results of their
study/work with some
accuracy and reliability. The
arguments may lack some
structure and coherence.
The work falls below or
above the word count by
20%. There are some
grammar and spellcheck
errors. The student
attempts to cite and
reference their work but
does not use Harvard style.

The student communicates
the results of their work with
very little accuracy and
reliability. The arguments
lack structure and
coherence. The work falls
below or above the word
count by 20% to 30%. There
are several grammar and
spellcheck errors. The
students presents sources
but there is no attempt to
cite or reference them.

The student
communicates the results
of their work with no
accuracy nor reliability.
The arguments entirely
lack structure and
coherence. The work falls
below or above the word
count by more than 30%.
There are many grammar
and spellcheck errors
that make it very difficult
to read the work. The
student does not present

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