Ethics and conduct of accounting profession

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Scenario– Audit Time Budget Pressure

Rehab after completing her bachelor’s degree in Accounting has joined the CPA firm ACE Auditing & Consultancy Services as an Audit Trainee on 01st July 2020. Rehab has been assigned to the audit of Star LLC. The audit supervisor Jawahar was informing Rehab that she is taking more time in completing the audit work assigned to her and because of her delay the audit team is facing with the problem to complete the audit within the budgeted time period.

Last week the partner in charge of the firm – Mr. Waleed have asked Rehab to meet him in his office. During the meeting, the following conversation took place:

Mr. Waleed: Rehab, the reason why I asked you to see me is the time record sheet. We found that your time record sheet indicate that it takes you 50 percent longer time to complete the audit work than the other colleagues in your audit team.


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I understand, but Mr Waleed, I just joined three months before and still learning on the job.

Mr. Waleed:

That’s true, but you know that we have fixed budget for this audit. Every hour you spend more than the budgeted time will cost money for the firm. If this continues, we must bill extra to the client whose audit you work on, which the client will be reluctant accept. We do not want to lose our clients.


I do understand Mr. Waleed, However, it is taking more time than I expected

too. If I am to cut down the time it will affect the quality of the audit as I am

unable to reconcile in the given short period.

Mr. Waleed:

I would never compromise the quality of our audit. I am trying to figure out why it takes you so much longer than other staff members.


If this is the case, am I allowed take some of the work home at night and on

weekends, complete it. This will not charge the firm or the client for the extra time I am spending on the audit.

Mr. Waleed was surprised by the Rehab’s openness. He valued the character of Rehab, but he could not provide an answer as ‘yes’ for Rehab’s request. He concluded the meeting by stating that it is Rehab’s call to decide on how to increase her productivity on audits. As her progress on the discussed matter decides her future with the firm.

With the effort to deal with the problem, Rehab approached Muna, one of the senior auditors in her team and asked whether Muna had faced such problem. Muna stated, ‘Yes Rehab, I initially found it difficult to complete my work within the budgeted time. Later, I handled it by ghost ticking. (Documenting audit procedures that have not been completed is called the ‘Ghost ticking’). Further she insisted Rehab to do the same to overcome the problem as no one will be watching.

Assume you are in the position of Rehab; Explain how you would be reacting to the situation in the given scenario.

Your report should:

i. Discuss your (Rehab’s) ethical obligation as an Audit Trainee,

ii. Evaluate using the ethical theories (consequential, non-consequential and virtue), whether to take work home to complete and not to charge for the job or to involve in ghost ticking

iii. Discuss your approach in explaining your stance to Mr. Waleed in your next meeting with him regarding the problem in the given scenario.

(Total Marks – 20)

(maximum word limit – 2000 words)

Your assignment should be structured as follows

· Title page

· Introduction

· Content

· Conclusion

· References

· Annexures (If any)

Specific requirement – Rules for formatting

Font and Size

Times New Roman, 12 point


keep a margin of 1 inch on all the sides


line spacing should be 1.5

Paragraph spacing should be 6pt

All paragraph should start left, aligned and justified

















Shows wellcoordinated understanding of subject

Sound understanding of subject matter

Major facts are understood

Shows understanding of basic issues/theory

Minimal understanding of basic issues/topic

No understanding of the topic/subject area


Touches upon all relevant issues/theory. Concise analysis

Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory. Reasonable coverage of subtle issues/theory

Reasoned argument and sequencing

Shows evidence of understanding of concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas.

Fails to identify subtle issues/theory. Captures obvious ideas.

No or minimal understanding of the key theories/topic


Excellent referencing and reading in all areas

Use of up to date resources. Well informed and generally accurate information provided. Clear referencing

Appropriate referencing

Adequate referencing and reading.

Weak reading and referencing

Poor referencing. Shows lack of reading/references
out of date


All material used is of relevance

Material used is relevant

Discussion shows relationship to theory

Some material repetitive

Some repetitive matter. Irrelevant

No relevance to subject matter


Excellent conclusion. Brings together all concepts and adds an original perspective

Intelligent conclusion. Good application of knowledge

Methods incorporate modifications used

Conclusion in place but key points missing. Reasonable application of knowledge

Weak conclusion and content. Satisfactory application of ideas/theory

Poor conclusion. Poor knowledge application.


Excellent articulation. Accurate grammar/spelling

Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner. Language fluent and grammar/spelling accurate

Clarity in writing is evidenced

Language fluent. No major
grammatical/spelling errors

Frequent errors in writing

Poor written skillsspelling, grammar construction of sentences


Clear and coherent Structure with excellent presentation

Structure is clear and supports argument. Presentation appropriate

Appropriate structure

Coherent structure. Satisfactory
presentation of matter



Ethics and conduct of accounting
by Wejdan AL Yaqoobi

Submission date:


6-Nov-2020 01:19PM (UTC+0400)
Submission ID: 14476


File name: EthicsinAccounting_1 x (66.14K)
Word count: 2014
Character count: 9614



Discuss the fundamental ethical principles that the accountant should follow Integrity,
objectivity, confidentiality…..

Discuss the egoism







1 2%
2 1%

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Exclude matches < 20 words

  • Ethics and conduct of accounting profession


    Submitted to St. Patrick’s


    Student Paper
    Internet Source



    Ethics and conduct of accounting profession



    The formative feedback provided is for the
    individual assignment.

    Fair attempt.

    There are few suggestions for improvement provided.
    Please refer to in-text comments.

    – Shows understanding of basic issues/theory

    -Shows evidence of understanding of concepts

    -No major grammatical/spelling errors

    Satisfactory presentation of matter

    PAGE 1

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    Additional Comment


    PAGE 2

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    Comment 1

    you are repeating what is said in the scenario here. Requirement is to discuss the ethical obligation
    of Rehab as an audit trainee.

    P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to
    emphasize in the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

    PAGE 3

    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word. Consider using the article the.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    Confused You have used its in this sentence. You may need to use it’s instead.

    Article Error You may need to remove this article.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    Comment 2


    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    Text Comment. Discuss the fundamental ethical principles that the accountant should follow
    Integrity, objectivity, confidentiality…..

    PAGE 4

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Confused You have used its in this sentence. You may need to use it’s instead.

    Text Comment. Discuss the egoism theory

    Text Comment. good.

    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.

    Article Error You may need to remove this article.

    Sp. This word is misspelled. Use a dictionary or spellchecker when you proofread your work.

    PAGE 5

    Comment 3

    based on the deontological ethics – expectation is to follow the moral rules and perform your duties
    according to rules. Explain the given action based on deontological ethical theory.

    Verb This verb may be incorrect. Proofread the sentence to make sure you have used the correct form
    of the verb.

    Prep. You may be using the wrong preposition.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.

    P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in
    the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

    Sp. This word is misspelled. Use a dictionary or spellchecker when you proofread your work.
    Article Error You may need to remove this article.

    PAGE 6

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.
    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word. Consider using the article the.
    P/V You have used the passive voice in this sentence. Depending upon what you wish to emphasize in
    the sentence, you may want to revise it using the active voice.

    Possessive You may need to use an apostrophe to show possession.

    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.

    PAGE 7

    S/V This subject and verb may not agree. Proofread the sentence to make sure the subject agrees
    with the verb.

    Article Error You may need to use an article before this word.
    Verb This verb may be incorrect. Proofread the sentence to make sure you have used the correct form
    of the verb.
    Missing “,” You may need to place a comma after this word.

    PAGE 8


    SEC A – Q 1A (20%)

    SCALE 1

    SCALE 2

    SCALE 3

    SCALE 4

    SCALE 5

    SCALE 6


    SCALE 7


    SCALE 8

    0 / 100

    0 / 100

    a) Discuss the motive for earnings management with suitable examples

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure

    of presentation

    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few motives were listed. Information provided deviates from the
    requiremetn. Weak conclusion. Generally understandable, but lanugate contains
    frequesnt errors which distract from the requirement. Shows limited organisation. Poor
    structure of presentation

    “Minimal acceptable. Motives of earnings management were listed. Expected the student
    to discuss the motives with suitable examples. Shows lack of understainding in basic
    topic. Weak conclusion. Main points lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little
    evidence of critical thinking.Generally understandable, but language contains errors which
    detract from the requirement. Poor structure of presentation”

    Acceptable. The motives of earnings management were discussed. Few key points were
    missing. Expected the student to elaborate on the given key points. Main points are
    present with limited detail and development. Some critical thinking is present.Minimal
    understanding of basic topic. Appropriate examples were not provided.

    Good attempt the motives of earnings management were discussed with few examples.
    here are few more key points which is expected by the student to elaborate further.
    Shows understanding of basic issues/theory. Shows evidence of understanding of
    concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are relevant. Conclusion in place
    but key points missing. Reasonable application of knowledge.

    Good the motive of the earnings management were discussed with few suitable
    examples. There is room for improvements. Major facts are understood. Reasoned
    argument and sequencing. Few key points were not discussed could have improved
    further. Discussion shows relationship to theory. Conclusions well developed, analytical,

    and show some originality. They are thoroughly grounded in theory and/or evidence
    and/or literature and use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, forming an integrated
    part of overall argument and/or discussion.

    “Very good the motive of the earnings management were discussed with suitable
    examples. There is room for imporvement. Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory.
    Reasonable coverage of subtle issues/theory. Main points well developed with quality
    supporting details and quantity. Critical thinking is weaved into points Well informed and
    generally accurate information provide. Material used is relevant. Intelligent conclusion.
    Good application of knowledge. Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner. “

    SCALE 9

    SCALE 10

    SEC A – Q 1B (10%)

    SCALE 1
    SCALE 2
    SCALE 3
    SCALE 4
    SCALE 5

    SCALE 6

    SCALE 7

    Excellent the motive of earnings management were discussed with suitable examples. All
    materials used were relevant. Touches upon all relevant issues/theory. Concise analysis.
    Information provided were material. There is room for improvement. Excellent conclusion.
    Brings together all concepts and adds an original perspective

    Outstanding the motive of earnings management were discussed with suitable examples.
    Content indicates synthesis of ideas, indepth analysis and evidences original thought and
    support for the topic.Main points well developed with high quality and quantity support.
    Reveals high degree of critical thinking. Essay is free of distracting spelling, punctuation,
    and grammatical errors; absent of fragments, comma splices, and run-ons.

    0 / 100

    b. Evaluate earnings management from the utilitarian perspective. Can earnings management be an ethical
    practice? Explain why or why not.

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure
    of presentation

    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few points related to earnings management / utilitarian theory is
    listed. Information provided deviates from the requiremetn. Weak conclusion. Generally
    understandable, but lanugate contains frequesnt errors which distract from the
    requirement. Shows limited organisation. Poor structure of presentation

    “Minimal acceptable. Few points related to earnings management / utilitarian theory is
    listed/ stated. Failed to evaluate and justify. Shows lack of understainding in basic topic.
    Weak conclusion. Main points lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little
    evidence of critical thinking.Generally understandable, but language contains errors which
    detract from the requirement. Poor structure of presentation”

    Acceptable. The rationalization based on utlitarian aspect for earnings management
    discussed. Few key points were missing. Expected the student to evluate and justify the
    given key points. Main points are present with limited detail and development. Some
    critical thinking is present.Minimal understanding of basic topic. Appropriate examples
    were not provided.

    Good attempt the rationalization based on utiliatirianism for earnings management is
    explained. Few key points are missing. Further student is expected to evaluate and justfy
    the argument. Shows understanding of basic issues/theory. Shows evidence of
    understanding of concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are relevant.
    Conclusion in place but key points missing. Reasonable application of knowledge.

    Good. Student had evaluated the earnings management under the utilitarianism
    perspective. There is room for improvements. Major facts are understood. Reasoned
    argument and sequencing. Few key points were not discussed could have improved
    further. Discussion shows relationship to theory. Conclusions well developed, analytical,

    SCALE 8
    SCALE 9
    SCALE 10

    SEC A – Q2 (30%)

    SCALE 1
    SCALE 2
    SCALE 3
    SCALE 4
    SCALE 5
    and show some originality. They are thoroughly grounded in theory and/or evidence
    and/or literature and use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, forming an integrated
    part of overall argument and/or discussion.

    “Very good. Student had evalutaed the earnings mangement under the utlitarian
    perspective. There is room for imporvement. Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory.
    Reasonable coverage of subtle issues/theory. Main points well developed with quality
    supporting details and quantity. Critical thinking is weaved into points Well informed and
    generally accurate information provide. Material used is relevant. Intelligent conclusion.
    Good application of knowledge. Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner. ”

    Excellent. The student had evaluated the earningas management with relation to
    utilitarian perspective. And clearly justify on whether it is acceptable or not. All materials
    used were relevant. Touches upon all relevant issues/theory. Concise analysis.
    Information provided were material. There is room for improvement. Excellent conclusion.
    Brings together all concepts and adds an original perspective

    Outstanding. The student had evaluated the earningas management with relation to
    utilitarian perspective. And clearly justify on whether it is acceptable or not.. Content
    indicates synthesis of ideas, indepth analysis and evidences original thought and support
    for the topic.Main points well developed with high quality and quantity support. Reveals
    high degree of critical thinking. Essay is free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and
    grammatical errors; absent of fragments, comma splices, and run-ons.

    0 / 100

    Craft a response that you feel comfortable by describing the characteristics of ethical leaders, the role of moral
    intensity in developing ethical organisations and evaluating the importance of ethical leadership in accounting
    firms with suitable examples

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure
    of presentation
    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few points related to ethical leadership/ moral intesity / organisational
    culture is listed/ stated. Information provided deviates from the requiremetn. Weak
    conclusion. Generally understandable, but lanugate contains frequesnt errors which
    distract from the requirement. Shows limited organisation. Poor structure of presentation

    Minimal acceptable. points related to ethical leadership/ moral intesity / organisational
    culture is listed/ stated. Shows lack of understainding in basic topic. Weak conclusion.
    Main points lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical
    thinking.Generally understandable, but language contains errors which detract from the
    requirement. Poor structure of presentation

    Acceptable. The organisational culture, ethical leadership and moral intensity were breifly
    explained Few key points were missing. Failed to create a link between the ethical

    SCALE 6
    SCALE 7
    SCALE 8
    SCALE 9
    SCALE 10

    SEC B -1 (9%)

    SCALE 1

    leadership, moral intensity and organisational culture. Main points are present with limited
    detail and development. Some critical thinking is present.Minimal understanding of basic
    topic. Appropriate examples were not provided.

    Good attempt. Student had explained the concepts of organisational culture, ethical
    leadership and moral intensity. Few key points are missing. Could have created the link
    between the discussed topics Shows understanding of basic issues/theory. Shows
    evidence of understanding of concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are
    relevant. Conclusion in place but key points missing. Reasonable application of

    Good. Student had explained the concept of organisational culture, moral intensity and
    ethical leadership. Further attempt to discuss the link between the given three concept
    There is room for improvements. Major facts are understood. Reasoned argument and
    sequencing. Few key points were not discussed could have improved further. Discussion
    shows relationship to theory. Conclusions well developed, analytical, and show some
    originality. They are thoroughly grounded in theory and/or evidence and/or literature and
    use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, forming an integrated part of overall argument
    and/or discussion.

    “Very good. Student had discuss the concept of organisational culture, ethical leadership
    and moral intensity. Further discussed on few points how the high degree of moral
    intensity and ethical leadership leads to ethical organisational culture There is room for
    imporvement. Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory. Reasonable coverage of subtle
    issues/theory. Main points well developed with quality supporting details and quantity.
    Critical thinking is weaved into points Well informed and generally accurate information
    provide. Material used is relevant. Intelligent conclusion. Good application of knowledge.
    Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner. ”

    Excellent. Student had evaluated the concept of organisational culture, ethical leadership
    and moral intensity. Further analysed on how the high degree of moral intensity and
    ethical leadership leads to ethical organisational culture All materials used were relevant.
    Touches upon all relevant issues/theory. Concise analysis. Information provided were
    material. There is room for improvement. Excellent conclusion. Brings together all
    concepts and adds an original perspective

    Outstanding. Student had evaluated the concept of organisational culture, ethical
    leadership and moral intensity. Further analysed on how the high degree of moral intensity
    and ethical leadership leads to ethical organisational culture Content indicates synthesis
    of ideas, indepth analysis and evidences original thought and support for the topic.Main
    points well developed with high quality and quantity support. Reveals high degree of
    critical thinking. Essay is free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors;
    absent of fragments, comma splices, and run-ons.

    0 / 100

    key fundamental ethical principles for accountants that are more relevant for the given scenario

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure

    SCALE 2
    SCALE 3
    SCALE 4
    SCALE 5
    SCALE 6
    SCALE 7
    SCALE 8
    SCALE 9
    SCALE 10
    of presentation
    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few points related to fundamental ethical principles were listed.
    Information provided deviates from the requiremetn. Weak conclusion. Generally
    understandable, but lanugate contains frequesnt errors which distract from the
    requirement. Shows limited organisation. Poor structure of presentation

    Minimal acceptable. All points related to fundamental ethical principles were listed
    barely/not explained / inaccurate explanaiton. Shows lack of understainding in basic topic.
    Weak conclusion. Main points lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little
    evidence of critical thinking.Generally understandable, but language contains errors which
    detract from the requirement. Poor structure of presentation

    Acceptable. The fundamental ethical principles were stated/ breifly explained. Not related
    to the given scenario. Main points are present with limited detail and development. Some
    critical thinking is present.Minimal understanding of basic topic. Appropriate examples
    were not provided.

    Good attempt. Student had explained fundamental ethical principles. Few key points are
    missing. Could have linked with the given scenario. Shows evidence of understanding of
    concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are relevant. Conclusion in place
    but key points missing. Reasonable application of knowledge.

    Good. Student had explained the fundamental ethical principles. Could have been more
    accurate in relating to the given scenario Major facts are understood. Reasoned argument
    and sequencing. Few key points were not discussed could have improved further.
    Discussion shows relationship to theory. Conclusions well developed, analytical, and
    show some originality. They are thoroughly grounded in theory and/or evidence and/or
    literature and use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, forming an integrated part of
    overall argument and/or discussion.

    “Very good. Student had explained the fundamental ethical principles related to given
    scenario There is room for imporvement. Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory.
    Reasonable coverage of subtle issues/theory. Main points well developed with quality
    supporting details and quantity. Critical thinking is weaved into points Well informed and
    generally accurate information provide. Material used is relevant. Intelligent conclusion.
    Good application of knowledge. Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner. ”

    Excellent. Student had explained the key fundamental ethical principles relating
    accuatedly with the given scenario All materials used were relevant. Touches upon all
    relevant issues/theory. Concise analysis. Information provided were material. There is
    room for improvement. Excellent conclusion. Brings together all concepts and adds an
    original perspective

    Outstanding. Student had evaluated the key fundamental ethical principles relating
    accuatedly with the given scenario. Content indicates synthesis of ideas, indepth analysis
    and evidences original thought and support for the topic.Main points well developed with
    high quality and quantity support. Reveals high degree of critical thinking. Essay is free of

    SEC B – 2 (6%)

    SCALE 1
    SCALE 2
    SCALE 3
    SCALE 4
    SCALE 5
    SCALE 6
    SCALE 7
    SCALE 8

    distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; absent of fragments, comma
    splices, and run-ons.

    0 / 100

    threats to independent faced my Mariam

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure
    of presentation
    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few points related to threats to independence were listed.
    Information provided deviates from the requiremetn. Weak conclusion. Generally
    understandable, but lanugate contains frequesnt errors which distract from the
    requirement. Shows limited organisation. Poor structure of presentation

    Minimal acceptable. All points related to threats to independence were listed barely/not
    explained / inaccurate explanaiton. Shows lack of understainding in basic topic. Weak
    conclusion. Main points lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of
    critical thinking.Generally understandable, but language contains errors which detract
    from the requirement. Poor structure of presentation

    Acceptable. The threats to independence were stated/ breifly explained. Not related to the
    given scenario. Main points are present with limited detail and development. Some critical
    thinking is present.Minimal understanding of basic topic. Appropriate examples were not

    Good attempt. Student had explained threats to independence. Few key points are
    missing. Could have linked with the given scenario. Shows evidence of understanding of
    concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are relevant. Conclusion in place
    but key points missing. Reasonable application of knowledge.

    Good. Student had explained the threats to independence. Could have been more
    accurate in relating to the given scenario Major facts are understood. Reasoned argument
    and sequencing. Few key points were not discussed could have improved further.
    Discussion shows relationship to theory. Conclusions well developed, analytical, and
    show some originality. They are thoroughly grounded in theory and/or evidence and/or
    literature and use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, forming an integrated part of
    overall argument and/or discussion.

    Very good. Student had explained the threats to independence related to given scenario
    There is room for imporvement. Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory. Reasonable
    coverage of subtle issues/theory. Main points well developed with quality supporting
    details and quantity. Critical thinking is weaved into points Well informed and generally
    accurate information provide. Material used is relevant. Intelligent conclusion. Good
    application of knowledge. Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner.

    SCALE 9
    SCALE 10

    SEC B – 3 (5%)

    SCALE 1
    SCALE 2
    SCALE 3
    SCALE 4
    SCALE 5
    SCALE 6
    SCALE 7

    Excellent. Student had explained the key threats to independence faced by Maryam . All
    materials used were relevant. Touches upon all relevant issues/theory. Concise analysis.
    Information provided were material. There is room for improvement. Excellent conclusion.
    Brings together all concepts and adds an original perspective

    Outstanding. Student had evaluated the key threats to independence relating accuatedly
    with the given scenario. Content indicates synthesis of ideas, indepth analysis and
    evidences original thought and support for the topic.Main points well developed with high
    quality and quantity support. Reveals high degree of critical thinking. Essay is free of
    distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; absent of fragments, comma
    splices, and run-ons.

    0 / 100

    ethical issue faced by Mariam in the given scenario

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure
    of presentation
    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few points related to ethical issues were stated. Information provided
    deviates from the requiremetn. Weak conclusion. Generally understandable, but lanugate
    contains frequesnt errors which distract from the requirement. Shows limited organisation.
    Poor structure of presentation

    Minimal acceptable. ethical issue is written but most of the points deviates from the
    requirement. Shows lack of understainding in basic topic. Weak conclusion. Main points
    lack detailed development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical
    thinking.Generally understandable, but language contains errors which detract from the
    requirement. Poor structure of presentation

    Acceptable. The ethical issue faced by Maryam is breifly stated. Main points are present
    with limited detail and development. Some critical thinking is present.Minimal
    understanding of basic topic. Appropriate examples were not provided.

    Good attempt. Student had attemped explain the ethical issue faced by Maryam. Few key
    points are missing. Could have linked with the given scenario. Shows evidence of
    understanding of concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are relevant.
    Conclusion in place but key points missing. Reasonable application of knowledge.

    Good. Student had explained the ethical issue faced by Maryam. Could have been more
    accurate in relating to the given scenario Major facts are understood. Reasoned argument
    and sequencing. Few key points were not discussed could have improved further.
    Discussion shows relationship to theory. Conclusions well developed, analytical, and
    show some originality. They are thoroughly grounded in theory and/or evidence and/or
    literature and use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, forming an integrated part of
    overall argument and/or discussion.

    SCALE 8
    SCALE 9
    SCALE 10

    SEC B – 4 (5%)

    SCALE 1
    SCALE 2
    SCALE 3
    SCALE 4
    SCALE 5
    SCALE 6
    SCALE 7

    Very good. Student had explained the ethical issue faced by Maryam relating to given
    scenario There is room for imporvement. Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory.
    Reasonable coverage of subtle issues/theory. Main points well developed with quality
    supporting details and quantity. Critical thinking is weaved into points Well informed and
    generally accurate information provide. Material used is relevant. Intelligent conclusion.
    Good application of knowledge. Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner.

    Excellent. Student had explained the key ethical issue faced by Maryam . All materials
    used were relevant. Touches upon all relevant issues/theory. Concise analysis.
    Information provided were material. There is room for improvement. Excellent conclusion.
    Brings together all concepts and adds an original perspective

    Outstanding. Student had evaluated the key issues faced by Maryam relating accuatedly
    with the given scenario. Content indicates synthesis of ideas, indepth analysis and
    evidences original thought and support for the topic.Main points well developed with high
    quality and quantity support. Reveals high degree of critical thinking. Essay is free of
    distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; absent of fragments, comma
    splices, and run-ons.

    0 / 100

    the stakeholders who will affected due to the given practices

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure
    of presentation
    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few stakeholders were generally listed. Generally understandable,
    but lanugate contains frequesnt errors which distract from the requirement. Shows limited
    organisation. Poor structure of presentation

    Minimal acceptable.few stakeholders were generally stated, not related with the given
    scenario. Shows lack of understainding in basic topic. Weak conclusion. Main points lack
    detailed development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking.Generally

    understandable, but language contains errors which detract from the requirement. Poor
    structure of presentation

    Acceptable. Few key stakeholders were discussed. Main points are present with limited
    detail and development. Some critical thinking is present.Minimal understanding of basic
    topic. Appropriate examples were not provided.

    Good attempt. Student had attemped state the key stakeholders. Few key points are
    missing. Could have linked with the given scenario. Shows evidence of understanding of
    concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are relevant. Conclusion in place
    but key points missing. Reasonable application of knowledge.

    Good. Student had stated the few key stakeholders Major facts are understood.

    SCALE 8
    SCALE 9
    SCALE 10

    SEC B – 5 (5%)

    SCALE 1
    SCALE 2
    SCALE 3
    SCALE 4
    SCALE 5
    SCALE 6

    Reasoned argument and sequencing. Few key points were not discussed could have
    improved further. Discussion shows relationship to theory. Conclusions well developed,
    analytical, and show some originality. They are thoroughly grounded in theory and/or
    evidence and/or literature and use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, forming an
    integrated part of overall argument and/or discussion.

    Very good. Student had stated the key stakeholders. There is room for imporvement.
    Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory. Reasonable coverage of subtle
    issues/theory. Main points well developed with quality supporting details and quantity.
    Critical thinking is weaved into points Well informed and generally accurate information
    provide. Material used is relevant. Intelligent conclusion. Good application of knowledge.
    Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner.

    Excellent. Student had explained key stakeholders . All materials used were relevant.
    Touches upon all relevant issues/theory. Concise analysis. Information provided were
    material. There is room for improvement. Excellent conclusion. Brings together all
    concepts and adds an original perspective

    Outstanding. Student had explained in detail the key stakeholders and the impacts.
    Content indicates synthesis of ideas, indepth analysis and evidences original thought and
    support for the topic.Main points well developed with high quality and quantity support.
    Reveals high degree of critical thinking. Essay is free of distracting spelling, punctuation,
    and grammatical errors; absent of fragments, comma splices, and run-ons.

    0 / 100

    who are the people Mariam can get connected to resolve the ethical issue.

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure
    of presentation
    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few people were listed but not related to given scenario. Generally
    understandable, but lanugate contains frequesnt errors which distract from the
    requirement. Shows limited organisation. Poor structure of presentation

    Minimal acceptable.few people were listed that Maryam can connet with. Shows lack of
    understainding in basic topic. Weak conclusion. Main points lack detailed development.
    Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking.Generally understandable, but
    language contains errors which detract from the requirement. Poor structure of

    Acceptable. The people who Maryam connect to ethical dilemma were listed. Main points
    are present with limited detail and development. Some critical thinking is present.Minimal
    understanding of basic topic. Appropriate examples were not provided.

    Good attempt. Student had stated few people who Maryam can connect to resolve the

    SCALE 7
    SCALE 8
    SCALE 9
    SCALE 10

    SEC B – 6 (10%)

    SCALE 1
    SCALE 2
    SCALE 3
    SCALE 4

    ethical dilemma. key points are missing. Could have linked with the given scenario. Shows
    evidence of understanding of concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are
    relevant. Conclusion in place but key points missing. Reasonable application of

    Good. Student had stated the few main peope Maryam can connect with during resolving
    the ethical dilemma faced by her. Reasoned argument and sequencing. Few key points
    were not discussed could have improved further. Discussion shows relationship to theory.
    Conclusions well developed, analytical, and show some originality. They are thoroughly
    grounded in theory and/or evidence and/or literature and use appropriate forms of
    conceptualisation, forming an integrated part of overall argument and/or discussion.

    Very good. Student had stated the few main people who Maryam can get connect and
    breifly explained. There is room for imporvement. Detailed coverage of basic
    concepts/theory. Reasonable coverage of subtle issues/theory. Main points well
    developed with quality supporting details and quantity. Critical thinking is weaved into
    points Well informed and generally accurate information provide. Material used is
    relevant. Intelligent conclusion. Good application of knowledge. Ideas expressed in a
    clear and coherent manner.

    Excellent. Student had stated the main people who Maryam can get connect and
    explained . All materials used were relevant. Touches upon all relevant issues/theory.
    Concise analysis. Information provided were material. There is room for improvement.
    Excellent conclusion. Brings together all concepts and adds an original perspective

    Outstanding. Student had stated the main people who Maryam can get connect and
    clearly justified the reason. Content indicates synthesis of ideas, indepth analysis and
    evidences original thought and support for the topic.Main points well developed with high
    quality and quantity support. Reveals high degree of critical thinking. Essay is free of
    distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; absent of fragments, comma
    splices, and run-ons.

    0 / 100

    the possible course of action that should be taken to resolve the ethical issue

    Little or no relevant knowledge included in discussing the motives of earnings
    management. No or minimal understanding of the key theories. Poor knowledge
    application. Poor written skills-spelling, grammar construction of sentences. Poor structure
    of presentation
    Failed to discuss the key points related to the topic. hows minimal understanding of the
    topics. Poorly presented and structured but partially. Poor structure of presentation
    understandable. Meaning often unclear

    Minimal acceptable. Few points were generally discussed not related to the scenario.
    Generally understandable, but lanugate contains frequesnt errors which distract from the
    requirement. Shows limited organisation. Poor structure of presentation

    Minimal acceptable. the steps were discussed but not related to given scenario. Shows
    lack of understainding in basic topic. Weak conclusion. Main points lack detailed
    development. Ideas are vague with little evidence of critical thinking.Generally

    SCALE 5
    SCALE 6
    SCALE 7
    SCALE 8
    SCALE 9
    SCALE 10
    understandable, but language contains errors which detract from the requirement. Poor
    structure of presentation

    Acceptable. Few actions that Maryam should follow to the resolve the issue were stated .
    Main points are present with limited detail and development. Some critical thinking is
    present.Minimal understanding of basic topic. Appropriate examples were not provided.

    Good attempt. Few actions that Maryam should follow to the resolve the issue were breifly
    explained . key points are missing. Could have linked with the given scenario. Shows
    evidence of understanding of concepts. Coverage of obvious ideas. Materials used are
    relevant. Conclusion in place but key points missing. Reasonable application of

    Good. Student had stated few actions that Maryam should follow to the resolve the issue
    were explained . Reasoned argument and sequencing. Few key points were not
    discussed could have improved further. Discussion shows relationship to theory.
    Conclusions well developed, analytical, and show some originality. They are thoroughly
    grounded in theory and/or evidence and/or literature and use appropriate forms of
    conceptualisation, forming an integrated part of overall argument and/or discussion.

    Very good. Student had explained the actions that Maryam should follow to the resolve
    the issue. There is room for imporvement. Detailed coverage of basic concepts/theory.
    Reasonable coverage of subtle issues/theory. Main points well developed with quality
    supporting details and quantity. Critical thinking is weaved into points Well informed and
    generally accurate information provide. Material used is relevant. Intelligent conclusion.
    Good application of knowledge. Ideas expressed in a clear and coherent manner.

    Excellent. Student had explained the actions that Maryam should follow to the resolve the
    issue in detail. . All materials used were relevant. Touches upon all relevant
    issues/theory. Concise analysis. Information provided were material. There is room for
    improvement. Excellent conclusion. Brings together all concepts and adds an original

    Outstanding. tudent had explained the actions that Maryam should follow to the resolve
    the issue in detail. and clearly justified the reason. Content indicates synthesis of ideas,
    indepth analysis and evidences original thought and support for the topic.Main points well
    developed with high quality and quantity support. Reveals high degree of critical thinking.
    Essay is free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors; absent of
    fragments, comma splices, and run-ons.

      Ethics and conduct of accounting profession
      by Wejdan AL Yaqoobi
      Ethics and conduct of accounting profession
      Ethics and conduct of accounting profession


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