
Discuss in five hundred words or more a situation at work where you felt you had to consider the ethics of something you were being asked to do. 

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Use at least three sources.  Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosing the copied words in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragraphs. Do Not Doublespace.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 

Ethics are relatively crucial for any organization. Proper ethics in work helps build trust between employees, managers, executives, suppliers, and other people. Ethics are mainly defined as a set of moral values or rules that help in the proper conduct and behavior of a person in a society or workplace. They mainly help to guide the values so that the person can show appropriate behavior. By demonstrating this behavior, appropriate behavior is visualized by the manager. It becomes a reliable model for employees, through personal actions and interpersonal relationships, supported with bidirectional communication and decision making” (Redondo et al., 2018).

Ethics is particularly important for a workplace. It paves the pathway for principal-based decision-making. In a particular workplace, there can be a tremendous amount of peer pressure. This can make it relatively difficult for the younger generation to work properly and follow the fundamental values. Ethics are some principles that help to differentiate between right and wrong. These values help a person deal with a particular situation that is mainly dilemmas related to ethics and helps a person make proper and rational decisions. Diverse workplaces have different ethical cultures or EC. “EC is related to positive workplace behavior” (Kancharla & Dadhich, 2020). Ethics is mainly related to the different types of choices that a person makes, and those choices can easily affect our lives.

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A situation at work where I felt that I had to evaluate the ethics of something I was asked to do was during my internship. I worked with a particular company as an intern, and I had to make a proper presentation that needed to be presented to a client. However, while preparing the presentation, I mistakenly added a nowhere-mentioned value but could have brought significant profits to the company. If the client were to see the presentation, he would have never known of the error, and our company would have had great success. However, I decided that this error can cause a problem in the coming years. So, I informed my team leader about the mistake that I committed and apologized to the client for making him wait for some more time. I omitted the wrong value and made sure that the whole presentation was accurate to the company. My team leader praised me for showing good ethical and moral conduct, and the presentation drew massive appreciation.

Ethics is mainly about a specific person’s character. It corresponds to the total amount of qualities that a person holds. There needs to be proper awareness of ethics in technology and engineering. “While ethical awareness is a key concern in many engineering, technology, and design disciplines—even an accreditation requirement in many fields” (Gray & Boiling, 2016). The different types of ethical qualities help determine a person’s ideas, strategies, mindset, and many more. “Engineering education must offer proficient technical competencies and also train engineers to think and act ethically” (Taajamaa et al., 2018). Being ethical is very much crucial as it helps to define an individual and a society.


Gray, C. M., & Boling, E. (2016). Inscribing ethics and values in designs for learning: a problematic. Educational technology research and development, 64(5), 969-1001. 

Kancharla, R., & Dadhich, A. (2020). Perceived ethics training and workplace behavior: the mediating role of perceived ethical culture. European Journal of Training and Development.

Redondo, C. M., Martelo, R. J., & Granados-Conde, C. (2018). Managerial Ethics and Workplace Harassment in the Public Sector. 

Taajamaa, V., Majanoja, A. M., Bairaktarova, D., Airola, A., Pahikkala, T., & Sutinen, E. (2018). How engineers perceive the importance of ethics in Finland. European Journal of Engineering Education, 43(1), 90-98.

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