Ethical hacking Assignments

Wk 6 Writing Assignment(250 Words)

Select one network scanning software tool (there is a list in your required reading slides) and explain in detail how it works and how detects network vulnerabilities. Provide the site where you obtained your information and include that in your assignment write-up.

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Wk 8 Research Assignment (250 Words)

Locate an article on a system breach (Target stores, Sony Pictures, US Government, and many more).In 2-3 paragraphs, briefly explain the situation and what kind of information was compromised. How large was the breach and how long did it take to find the problem. Include a link to any of your Internet resources.

Wk 9 Written Assignment(250 words)

Using the following link as your reference, select TWO and explain the differences

(viruses, worms, trojans, and bots).

What Is the Difference: Viruses, Worms, Trojans, and Bots?

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