ESSAYS 2 {Change in your topic or conducting your own study}


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  • Each essay must make a well-supported argument with well-integrated sources and be based on the assigned prompts below. To get a passing grade: you must support an arguable thesis based on your own thoughts about your topic and the sources you have read and the research you have conducted; each must also be a 1,000-1,300 words, have 5-6 sources minimum (see the individual requirements for each essay) that are cited in the style required for each essay. See the syllabus about the other requirements as far as rough draft, final draft, and revision submissions.
  • Sources must be well-integrated in the text of the essay with the use of direct quotation, summary, and paraphrase as well as in-text citations. A Works Cited must be included, and though it is the last page of your essay it does not count as part of the word requirement!
  • You will upload your drafts on Moodle. 
  • You will be asked to identify the portions of the sources you used and submit hard copies of your sources in a folder or files of your sources online.
  • Be sure to review the rubrics and checklist in The Composition and Rhetoric Guide as you draft and revise!


 Option 1: Argue a significant change in the group or factor related to happiness.

 Option 2: You’ll do your own study on your topic, and then in an essay modeled off a scholarly research article, you will report what previous scholars have said, how you conducted your study, your findings from your own field research, and your conclusions based on your research.

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 NEW OPTION 2: Those who have planned to do your own study will refocus your topic by trying to do library research on your group/focus point on the narrowed topic you brought up in your prospectus but you’ll no longer just apply it to your university –it will apply to all colleges and universities (you are allowed to focus on certain regions of the country or certain type of colleges, for instance, smaller, mostly commuter universities that serve a specific region). You are welcome to work in some interviews to help you get a range of ideas to use as possible examples. If you plan to do this, you will need to use a consent form that I’ll have available on Moodle. If you are conducting interviews, you must be aware that only interviewing a few people will only give you limited information and you’ll have to be careful about what assumptions you make and how you use the interviews in your essays. 

  • Things to consider if you are writing about change: Have things always been this way? If not, what sparked a change? What caused the problem/issue to begin or become significant? What kind of impact did the significant change have on members of your selected group or on the impression of the factor you are focused on? How do current college students reflect/or not reflect this change?
  • If you are doing the new option 2, you’ll figure out an argument based on your narrowed prospectus focus and how it applies to your group or factor in colleges and universities. 

Required minimum source guidelines:

  • at least 2 scholarly secondary source from an academic journal 
  • at least 1 secondary nonfiction book source (does not need to be scholarly) 
  • at least 1 primary nonfiction source or at least 1 creative media primary source (try to have both of these because you’ll be more likely to meet the final essay 4 required sources)
  • a reliable source of any type (student’s choice) that is appropriate for an academic audience and purpose 

Investigating Happiness at College


TOPIC Either a specific group related to college or a factor within

college life that possibly affects a specified group of college
students or students in general.

PITCH Present your topic and your research question to the class—

shark tank! Sound too scary? How about guppy tank ?).
Tentative due date: 2/5 & 2/7

ESSAY 1 The prospectus and the annotated bibliography.
Tentative due date: 2/21

ESSAY 2 Change in your topic or conducting your own study

Tentative due date: 3/16

ESSAY 3 Argument about a specific controversy within your topic

Tentative due date: 4/6

ESSAY 4 Answers and argues your refined research question about the
importance of your topic.

Tentative due date: 4/24

♥ Rough drafts with reflections about what is working and not working and
WHY will be required for the prospectus and essays 2 and 3. The work
on the rough draft and the reflections will count toward your essay grade.

♥ Final reflections submitted the class period after you submit your final
draft for essays 2-4 will also count as part of your essay grade.

♥ You will upload your drafts on Moodle. You will be asked to identify the
portions of the sources you used and submit hard copies of your sources
in a folder or files of your sources online.

Investigating Happiness at College:

Some questions that will help you form your own research

● Is happiness a necessity or a perk in college life?
● What do the expectations of happiness and the pursuit of

happiness reveal about a specific college group, college
students in general, or another college-related group?

● Considering both on-campus factors and off-campus factors
(at least at first), what most influences your group’s
happiness (or unhappiness)?

● Is there one major factor (on campus or off campus) you
would want to investigate that affects students’ happiness?

● How do the expectations about happiness that society has in
general or a certain specific segment of society (for
instance, parents) has, relate to college or college students?

● How much do preconceived notions and expectations about
college life affect student happiness?

● Hard work is hard to enjoy. So how do students balance that
hard work with the other joys of life?

This semester you will be investigating happiness and some aspect of college life. You will either pick
some SPECIFIC GROUP you are interested in studying. Here are some examples of a SPECIFIC
GROUP : first-year athletes (or better: freshman football redshirts), sorority members, RAs, members of
religious groups, art students, students who work on campus, international students (or better: Puerto
Rican college students), cafeteria workers, and so forth.

OR you will investigate a certain aspect of college life that FACTORS into either the overall college
students’ happiness or some segment of college students’ happiness. Here are some examples of
FACTORS : technology, parking, textbooks, teaching style, major selection, on-campus jobs, work,

parental pressure, procrastination, and so forth—though I would suggest tying these to a specific group,
such as first-year students or early admission students, I won’t require it.

Just note : it is better to start too specifically on a narrow GROUP or FACTOR ; then, if the need arises,
you can broaden the GROUP or FACTOR . You might start your investigation with Puerto Rican
students, but find you have to expand it to students from US territories, then students whose first
language is Spanish, and so forth.

Note that it is usually more interesting to study a group that you are not a member of or that you want to
understand better; however, this is not a requirement. MOST IMPORTANTLY : FOLLOW WHAT


● The Pitch
● Prospectus & Annotated Bibliography Essay 1

● Essays 2 & 3
● Essay 4

THE PITCH (tentative due date 2/5 & 2/7)

You will make a minute-long pitch in class (each class decided to do this method). You will justify your
planned topic and why you want to research it. You will center the pitch around your research question.
By the time you submit your pitch, you will have familiarized yourself with preliminary research about
your topic to get a general view of it and its viability. What is the question about your topic that you
want an answer to this semester? What have you found in your preliminary research about it? Why is it
valuable to research and study this specific topic? Think Shark Tank–or how about guppy tank .


1) In the Prospectus (500-750 words/MLA format), you will explain your research topic for the semester
and what you plan to do for each essay. The prospectus is more informal and you can use “I” in it; it
won’t include sources because you should be writing it from your general knowledge of the topic
without referring to specific sources. See pages 215-18 in C&RG and my guidelines below. Note that
this is not just something you can write from the top of your head. This takes a lot of legwork and
preliminary thinking, discussing, and research to be sure it is a viable topic with viable mini-topics for
essays 2 and 3.

2) The annotated bibliography is a list of sources that will serve as the foundation for your research this
semester. It is a list of at least 10 sources (see the specific requirements below) in MLA Works Cited
style, but in addition to the source information, you provide information about the sources such as author
information and context, the type of source it is, a summary of the source, quick evaluation, specific
sections that are of interest, your reactions to it, and how you might use this in your essays this semester.
See the specific directions in C&RG 219-220 about multi-source annotated bibs and my example that is
linked in the assignment when we did our first annotated bib entry. Please note, that the summary of the
source must be your own summary—you cannot just use the abstract that comes with the article!
Plagiarism rules apply! In each entry think: context , main point, summary, evaluation, and reflection
about how it might work into your essays this semester.

The bibliography must contain the following types of sources, but you are welcome and encouraged to
have more:

● at least 4 scholarly secondary sources (from academic journals)
● at least 1 other secondary source (reliable but not necessarily scholarly)
● at least 2 nonfiction primary sources
● at least 1 creative primary source
● the remaining sources should be reliable and appropriate for academic essays.

See the section about the prospectus in the Composition and Rhetoric Guide for more specific help.

Describe your group or the factor you are investigating and the connection to happiness. Why
you chose this group or factor and what about it interests you. Say what you hope to argue/prove
OR, best, present your research question. You might find writing and reviewing this paragraph
helps you with your pitch.

Each Body section 1-3 should develop most of the following areas:
What you hope to discover/prove in this essay or your limited research question geared to this

essay and any necessary explanation that will help your audience. What opposition might say
(and perhaps how you might persuade them). What specific categories of sources you might
look for and what sources do you already plan to use. What primary sources you might use to
illustrate your point. What troubles you anticipate having.

Body Section 1 (this corresponds to Essay 2– make sure you review the prompt for this essay below
before you tackle this !). For this essay you’ll have two choices:

Option 1: explain a significant change in the group or factor related to happiness and what you might
argue about it.

Option 2: You’ll do your own study on your topic, and then in an essay modeled off a scholarly
research article, you will report what previous scholars have said, how you conducted your study,
your findings from your own field research, and your conclusions based on your research.

*For both options, you’ll discuss what type of field study you are planning to conduct to gather
first-hand information and why you plan to use that type.

Body Section Two (this corresponds to Essay 3–make sure you review the prompt for this essay below!)

identifies and explains a controversial issue within your topic and how you will tackle the argument.

Body Section Three (this corresponds to Essay 4–make sure you review the prompt for this essay

explain why your research is important to pursue and what impacts it might reveal. This essay will try
to answer in an argument your main research question for the semester. Also consider why your
audience should care about the group/factor you focused on and what is the impact of your
findings on the group itself, students, colleges, and possibly communities? You may also end up
discussing some of the implications for the future.


Why it is worth studying? Why is it important to study? Overall opposition/what different sides will
say? Return to your thesis or research question and consider what you think you’ll discover and

Your annotated bibliography will then follow on a new page but will be submitted in the same file as the

● Each essay must make a well-supported argument with well-integrated sources and be

based on the assigned prompts below. To get a passing grade: you must support an
arguable thesis based on your own thoughts about your topic and the sources you have
read and the research you have conducted; each must also be a 1,000-1,300 words, have 5-6
sources minimum (see the individual requirements for each essay) that are cited in the style
required for each essay. See the syllabus about the other requirements as far as rough
draft, final draft, and revision submissions.

● Sources must be well-integrated in the text of the essay with the use of direct quotation,
summary, and paraphrase as well as in-text citations. A Works Cited must be included, and
though it is the last page of your essay it does not count as part of the word requirement!

● You will upload your drafts on Moodle.
● You will be asked to identify the portions of the sources you used and submit hard copies of

your sources in a folder or files of your sources online.
● Be sure to review the rubrics and checklist in The Composition and Rhetoric Guide as you

draft and revise!

(tentative due date 3/16)

Option 1: Argue a significant change in the group or factor related to happiness.
Option 2: You’ll do your own study on your topic, and then in an essay modeled off a scholarly

research article, you will report what previous scholars have said, how you conducted your study,
your findings from your own field research, and your conclusions based on your research.

Things to consider if you are writing about change: Have things always been this way? If not, what
sparked a change? What caused the problem/issue to begin or become significant? What kind of impact
did the significant change have on members of your selected group or on the impression of the factor
you are focused on? How do current college students reflect/or not reflect this change?

If you are going to conduct your own study, you’ll figure out the best way to try to collect information
about the group or factor, how you’ll conduct your study, how you plan to collect information from the
subjects you are studying. You’ll also consider what other researchers have found as you figure this all
out. Finally, you’ll make some conclusions about your findings.

Required minimum source guidelines:
● at least 1 scholarly secondary source from an academic journal
● at least 1 secondary nonfiction book source (does not need to be scholarly)
● at least 1 field research primary source that you conducted yourself.
● at least 1 primary nonfiction source or at least 1 creative media primary

source (try to have both of these because you’ll be more likely to meet the
final essay 4 required sources)

● a reliable source of any type (student’s choice) that is appropriate for an
academic audience and purpose


(tentative due date 4/6)

For the third research essay, you will make a formal argument regarding a controversial issue within
your topic having to do with the group or factor you have been studying this semester. This will be an

academic essay, but if you wish you could gear your argument to your particular group or college
students in general. So for instance, if you are studying how parents affect college student happiness,
you might choose to write to an audience of college students to convince them of something about their
parents OR you might write to an audience of parents to try to convince them of something about their
college students. If you don’t want to aim toward a specific audience, you’ll be writing to a general

Required minimum source guidelines:
Three scholarly secondary sources
Two primary

(tentative due date 4/24)
All of the same submission standards for Essays 2-3 listed above apply to this essay except the word
count and number of sources: 2000 words and a minimum of 10 sources as listed below.

This essay is the culmination of all your work this semester. Based on what you have learned this
semester, you will argue the role of happiness in your group or how it relates to the factor you’ve
chosen. Can happiness factor into student success? What is student success: social? academic?
self-confidence? resiliency? a good job? a proud family? Should students expect to be happy most of the
time in college? Alternatively, do students understand that hard work and tough choices may lead to
greater happiness later? Should colleges (including students) do more to promote happiness and
well-being? Should students care more about their own foundational happiness? What are the
implications for the future? What needs to be studied more?

You will be using parts of your other essays to complete this one, BUT this should feel like a new essay
and not just a copy and paste job! You most likely have to do some new research to support your thesis.

Required minimum source guidelines:
Seven scholarly (at least three academic journals)
Three primary (at least one creative source)

See my syllabus about what to do if Essay 1 doesn’t go well & revising Essays 2, & 3 for a new grade
and the required procedure and last day of submission for doing this. If you are unhappy with your
grade, you should come to see me immediately and use the writing center to get help. There is a

portfolio review option as well if you have made improvements over the semester—see the explanation
in the Composition and Rhetoric Guide . Please ask for help if you are feeling stuck!


You will be asked to submit a rough draft with a detailed description of what you think is working
and not working and why. Failure to reflect in depth will lower your essay grade and I will not give
feedback on any essay that does not include this detailed reflection. This draft and your reflections on it
may count toward your overall grade on that essay.

When you finish a final draft of essays 2, 3, and 4, on the next class day, you will submit a reflection
that’s at least three paragraphs that contain the following:

♥ Paragraph 1: You will reflect on what’s working and not working on the essay and WHY this is
and assign a letter grade to your essay that you believe would be fair based on the final product
(not necessarily the effort you put into it)—you can use the self-analysis rubric to guide you.

♥ Paragraph 2: You’ll discuss the decisions you made during the writing of the essay, both on the
page and in how you allotted time and effort. So you might discuss why you tried an informal
but catchy introduction and your decision to have a two-paragraph conclusion with sources cited
in it, and then discuss that you really thought a lot about writing the essay for the whole week but
when it came down to it you started to work on the final draft at 9PM before it was due and you
ran out of time and energy.

♥ Paragraph 3: You’ll reflect on what you are learning about writing and yourself as a writer.

Please be extra careful to follow my submission instructions for drafts and final drafts.


I give ,____________________________________________,

     [interviewer/person doing the interview–please print]

permission to use my interview response for academic purposes. I am aware that these 

responses may be used, including my name, in an essay that may be available to the public. 

Print name: _____________________________________________________

  [interviewee/person being interviewed]

Sign & Date:  ____________________________________________________   


   [interviewee/person being interviewed]

I, the interviewer, promise to keep the response in context and not misrepresent it as I quote, summarize, and/or paraphrase the response in ways that best suit the assignment’s purpose and its audience.

Print name: _____________________________________________________

  [interviewer/person doing the interview]

Sign & Date:  ____________________________________________________   

   [interviewer/person doing the interview]


Humor is a Weapon That Keeps College Students Happy

Humor is the act of making some funny jokes to make people laugh. When a person smiles, even if they were angry about something, they will tend to forget it. For college students who are angry over some issues, I find laughter to be the best weapon for them to forget their anger. For example, athletic students may come from a competition where they did not win. It makes them gloomy because of the thought. Therefore, humor can be the best medicine for them.

Humor has been difficult to analyze over time. If a joke is mentioned and people do not laugh, then the joker has to explain it, which makes it less of a joke and more of an elaboration. Hence, people will not laugh as they were supposed to. Humor is a social phenomenon that is enjoyable and pleasant when enjoyed by a group of people. For example, when watching something funny alone, one cannot laugh as much as they would when with a group of people. Thus, the question of interest is, can laughter defuse anger in college students and bring happiness? The problem is crucial because it helps in the understanding of how humor can get rid of anger. The college athletic team might disagree with the thesis because they feel like the anger they have can only disappear with time and not with the help of humor.

Most people do not believe that humor can defuse anger and bring happiness, but research has been done on the field and found that laughter is indeed a weapon. Satisfaction is not only shown by laughter, but also with smiles and grins. Humor is a form of communication where the person experiencing the humor passes it on to others for them to laugh. Thus, for it to work, the audience must be a group of many people.

Humor is vital in keeping college students happy because they will tend to make a joke out of every bad situation. For instance, if the athletic students are a bit in a competition, they can make fun of the moments they experienced, and no one will be angry about the experience. Staying as a group is also important because one will not find someone to laugh with if they are alone. Also, people grow stronger and healthier when they laugh because they will not have time to think of bad moments that can stress them.

Overall, to make humor essential tools to release anxiousness and stresses for college students, humor should be understandable. For one to laugh when humor is presented, they must first be able to understand what is said. So, humor should be composed using understandable words for every individual in a group to interpret it and laugh. Thus, laughter is a weapon and a form of communication that is important in a college setup.

Annotated Bibliography

Baisley, Margaret C., and Neil E. Grunberg. “Bringing humor theory into practice: An interdisciplinary approach to online humor training.” New Ideas in Psychology 55 (2019): 24-34.

The research is about humor theories and their elements. It also talks about the importance of humor in health and education. It is good because a positive association was obtained. Further research should be conducted to show the association between humor and health outcomes.

Gilliam, Linda Marie. Magical Management in the Classroom: Using Humor to Speak Their Language. Rowman & Littlefield, 2019.

The book talks about how humor can be used to get the attention of others. It is good, and if a person does not seem to be interested in what you say, it is good to be patient and learn their ways; therefore, humor can be the best form of communication.

Golembeski, Jordan. “: Designing Humor—Employing Humor, Wit, and Play as a Strategy to Address Serious Issues.” (2019).

Here, humor is seen as a serious help in dealing with serious issues such as blood pressure, also used as a tool in reducing tension. The article is useful because positive results can be observed. More research should be conducted on the positive and negative consequences.

King, Brian. The Laughing Cure: Emotional and Physical Healing—A Comedian Reveals Why Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine. Skyhorse, 2016.

The book talks about how humor acts as a medicine that cures people because happiness comes along with humor. The book is good for this particular research because it shows that humor can reduce depression. I suggest that more research should be conducted to support the idea.

Kalaivani, S., and Karaline Rajkumar. “Laughter is the best medicine for stress relief.” International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management 5.3 (2017): 262-264.

The journal explains that laughter is the best medicine in relieving stress. It is good, and the results reveal that when one is happy, they tend to forget about their worst moments. I suggest more research to be conducted.

Laursen, Julie. “(No) Laughing Allowed—Humour and the Limits of Soft Power in Prison.” British Journal of Criminology 57.6 (2017): 1340-1358.

The journal talks about how humor helps keep prisoners in a happy mood. It can also relate to college students. It is partially good because prisoners may be slightly different from students. I suggest more research to be done on the field.

Mahan, Robert. The Experience of Using Humor in the Workplace: A Case Study. Diss. Capella University, 2019.

Humor is best when a group of people handles it and not alone. It is good, and the results show that when working, humor keeps people motivated to accomplish a specific task when they keep laughing. I suggest more research to be conducted.

Scheel, Tabea. “Humor and Learning in the Workplace.” Humor at Work in Teams, Leadership, Negotiations, Learning and Health. Springer, Cham, 2017. 79-94.

The research shows how humor can be used in learning. It is good, and results show that humor is seen as a form of motivation and development of a positive attitude towards learning. I suggest more research to be conducted.

Schwartz, Jesse W. “Preaching to the Choir: Turning Anger Into Engagement at Urban Community Colleges.” Radical Teacher 111 (2018): 6-11.

The article shows how humor can be used to defuse anger. It is good, and results show that it can help create some form of engagement in something common. I suggest more research to be conducted.

Tay, Benedict TC, et al. “Types of humor that robots can play.” Computers in Human Behavior 60 (2016): 19-28.

This is research on humor that can be performed by both robots and humans. It compares jokes performed by a human and the ones conducted by a robot to determine the one people like most. It is good, and results show that people prefer jokes that can be offensive to be done by a robot. I suggest more research to be conducted.

Last 2

Frist Last





Many researchers from time immemorial have tried to understand the term ‘happiness’ in terms of factors that cause it and its implications on human lives. Happiness can be defined as the affective and cognitive appraisal of one’s own life (check…seems close to original) words?which entails a high level of satisfaction of one’s life just the way it is with the presence of positivity and absence of negativity (Garaigordobil 2). Fully introduce: Full introduce a source the first time you use it

Happiness can be categorized into four characteristics which include; resources where one feels in control of their life or a feeling of contentment, intimacy which entails friendships, relationships, and the ability to enjoy the presence of other people, competence which means the ability to do something successfully, and health which involves the awareness of the best practices for healthy living (Garaigordobil 2). Some researchers have tried to relate happiness with age and the results showed that a high level of happiness is experienced between 20-29 years and after 50 years although these findings are not entirely applicable to every society (Garaigordobil 2). Young toddlers seem to be always happy but as people grow older, they start to settle on spectrum of happiness which may either be extreme happiness or miserably unhappy state (Heap 7). Thesis Trouble: Need to work on thesis. Thesis statement is a clear, concise clam that states your argument—the claim that your essay will prove. Each supporting paragraph and example will connect and prove the thesis or discuss it in sone way. It is often the last sentence of the introduction. See the section in CaRG and/or Little seagull about what is expected in an arguable thesis

Researches have shown that happiness in adolescents and college students is determined by friendships, altruism, social skills, academic excellence, cooperation, and possession of personal attributes like self-esteem and self-confidence (Garaigordobil 2). Happiness is also determined by other factors like levels of income, health, marital status, gender, race, education, age, and life cycle effects to mention but a few (Graham et al. 7). Happiness is considered as a

Usually in our arguments, you should not have any sources in the introduction

psychological state which is deeper than a just a good temporary mood and contributes to the general wellbeing of people (Mehrdadi et al. 1). Some of the general effects of happiness include; positive towards living life, increased sense of self-concept, boosted mental health, and increased performance in physical and social settings to mention but a few (Mehrdadi et al. 2). The college students are mostly people who have undergone adolescence but have not yet become full adults and it’s a very difficult stage which is accompanied by mixed feelings. Students try to balance studies with other life activities like relationships, part-time jobs, and drug and substance abuse to mention but a few. This paper shall look at the factors that influence happiness in college students. Our thesis statements don’t make announcements…our thesis statements directly state the argument: what you’ll prove

Happiness is influenced by almost all the aspects of life surrounding a person or a group of people. Positivity encourages happiness while negativity reduces the level of happiness which can have serious undesirable implications on the person. College students like any other age group have different experiences which either contribute to the development of their happiness or deprivation of the same. One of key discovery by researchers is that students who have money tend to be happier as compared to those who come from poor backgrounds (Lesani et al. p. 3). Financial constraints mean that it is quite a challenge for some students to afford even the basic needs and this feeling can lead to depression. A student may initially have come from a well-to-do family, but in the process of learning, their parents lose their jobs or even die leaving the young adult helpless. The student has to either drop out of college or find some part time job so as to pay for their school fees and also to cater for their other daily needs. This can really affect the happiness level of the student and if not checked upon, it can lead to depression. Adjusting life practices is not always easy for many people. The issue of money can cause some stigma whereby the less fortunate students don’t hang out with the students from rich families because

Now ,you have the opposite problem! You are making many claims without source support and this paragraph tries to cover too much at once

they feel that they don’t fit in or their interests are very different. A student may have been happier when they started college, but after meeting people from different backgrounds, they feel that they do not match with the students they perceive to be better than them and this can affect their level of happiness significantly. Researchers also found out that students who participated in physical activity were in better moods and happier than those that didn’t (Lesani et al. 3). Physical activity and exercise is one of the best therapeutic treatments of depression, and reduced depression means more happiness. Another factor that may interfere with happiness in college students is the need for social approval where studies found that people who have a higher yearning for social approval have cases of social anxiety and this affects their happiness level negatively (Karasar and Baytemir 924). Closing Sentence: Supportting paragraphs should have closing sntences that connect the examples/ sources back to the topic sentence idea also wraps up the topic of the paragraph and connect it to the thesis. Para Form: work on the structure of a traditional supporting paragraph here. A strong supporting paragraph has a topic sentence that is generated by the writer that makes a claim that the paragraph will then go on to prove. Then there should be a sentence or two, maybe more, explaining the topic sentence in more deth ( also called unfolding the topic sentence); then comes the examples and source support to help develop and prove the topic sentence claim. Finally, connect the examples and sources back to the topic sentence and add a closing sentence that connects the reader back to the major ideas of the thesis for the paper. The topic sentence does not have to be the first sentence and there will likely be transitions in the paragraph and either at the beginning or end of the paragraph as well. Underline topic sentences so that I can help make sure we’re on the same page!

The aforementioned factors that determine the level of happiness can affect anyone. However, those are not the only factors that contribute to change in happiness. Generally, if an action or a situation brings negative implications on an individual, then they are likely to be less happy. Some of the causes of unhappiness are manageable and thus, sometimes a person might have to seek some help from other people who can help them become happy once more.

Need source support

The negative implications of unhappiness in college students might lead to poor performance in class work, depression, drug and substance abuse, and even quitting school. It is for these reasons that colleges have platforms which aim at helping students undergoing phases of unhappiness. These include guidance and counselling programs, therapy sessions, and psychiatric evaluations to mention but a few. Happiness should start as a personal initiative where a person focuses on themselves and tries to change what they can and accept what they cannot in order to stay happy.

Happiness is a deep feeling of satisfaction which is contributed by embracing positivity in one’s life. The level of happiness is affected by so many factors which include, age, education, income level, marriage status, health, and gender. College students’ level of happiness is also affected by the previous mentioned factors. Changes in level of income, participation in physical activity and exercise, and social approval are some of the factors which can either increase or decrease the level of happiness in college students. Negative implications of these factors can lead to poor grades, drug and substance abuse, and even depression. It is therefore recommended that students should try and engage in activities that increase their happiness and in case of challenges, they should seek help from the relevant parties.

Conclusion: a conclusion should be more than just the points you covered in your essay. Tie the points together and try to answer “so what?”—why does this argument matter. In other words explain the importance of your argument.

Your citations are not in the newest MLA!

we don’t use “print” anymore in the new MLA….also these means that you held the whole printed journal in your hands from the second floor of the library….i don’t think this is the case…you have to also show the database or website you got the source from. See the Little Seagull

Works Cited




YOU MUST SHOW ALL THE CONTAINERS THAT YOUR SOURCE WAS IN…The only time you don’t mention a database or website and include the url is if you actually held the official print publication in your hands!

Review title capitalization rules, and what titles go in quotation marks and what titles go in italics!

Works Cited

Garaigordobil, Maite. “Predictor Variables of Happiness and its Connection with Risk and Protective Factors for Health.” Frontiers in Psychology, 6.1176 (2015). 1-10. Print.

Graham, Carol et al. “Does Happiness Pay? An Exploration Based on Panel Data from Russia.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, n.d. 1-22. Print.

Heap, Kris. Happiness is a Habit, eBook Web. March 9. 2020.

Karaşar, Burcu, and Baytemir, Kemal. “Need for Social Approval and Happiness in College Students: The Mediation Role of Social Anxiety.” Universal Journal of Educational Research, 6.5 2008). 919-927. Print.

Lesani, Azadesh et al. “Happiness Among College Students: A Cross-Sectional Web-Based Study Among Iranian Medical Students.” Biotech Health Science, 3.2 (2016). 1-6. Print.

Mehrdadi, Amir et al. “Factors Affecting Happiness: A Cross-Sectional Study in the Iranian Youth. “Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 10.5 (2016). 1-3. Print.

You also are missing some required source types see the prompt!

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