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Essay questions  

Directions: Answer ONE of the following questions. Develop a thesis and support it with appropriate historical evidence(1000-2000 words).

1. What should the role of the government be in the economic affairs of the nation?

2. What should the role of the United States be in world affairs?

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3. Should the power of the three branches remain equal, or should the power of the executive branch expand in times of crisis? 

4. What should be the impact of the federal government be on the lives of American citizens

5. Some historians have argued that the development of the West(Westward Movement) profoundly influenced American culture. Support, modify, or refute this contention using specific evidence.

6. Some historians have argued that the reforms played an important role in shaping American society in the Progressive Era. Support, modify, or refute this contention using specific evidence.


1. Your Name and SS ID No. must be on top of the first pager. 

2. Paper:A4; Type size: Times New Roman, 12

3. Type unless your handwriting is clear.

4. Copy, plagiarism: NO!NO!NO!

5. Please hand in before Nov. 4, 2020

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