Essay Outline

 Week 3 Milestone: OutlineWriting Assignment Weight: 12.5%
Learning Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6DIRECTIONSThis week, you will construct a full outline for your paper including citations and references. First, read “Outlining” in The Norton Field Guide pp. 335-337 and The Little Seagull Handbook W-3 under “Organizing and Drafting.” You may also review the sample outline below. You can construct it yourself or use the template downloadable  

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Click  here to review an annotated example student submission using the downloadable template.Complete your own outline for this week’s writing assignment.

I.  Introduction (Your full intro, revised based on the feedback from the Week 3 Discussion Board)

A.  Opening sentence or hook

B.  Explanatory sentence about topic/problem

C.  Thesis statement

II.  Supporting Paragraph 1:

A.  Topic Sentence: What is the first main point or reason of this paragraph

B.   Source #1: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

C.   Explain how this evidence supports your point. Include some APA in-text citations, i.e. (Ford, 2020, p. 1).

Transitional Phrase

III.  Supporting Paragraph 2:

A.  Topic Sentence:What is the first main point or reason of this paragraph

B.   Source #2: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

C.   Explain how this evidence supports your point. Include some APA in-text citations, i.e. (CDC, 2020, p. 25).

Transitional Phrase

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IV.  Supporting Paragraph 3:

A.  Topic Sentence:What is the first main point or reason of this paragraph

B.   Source #3: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

C.   Explain how this evidence supports your point. Include some APA in-text citations, i.e. (Rousseau et al., 2020, para. 29).

Transitional Phrase

V.  Opposing Point Paragraph 4

A.  What is the first counterargument? Identify a source that presents this objection and cite it, i.e. (Smith & Ruiz, 2019, para. 3).

B.  How do you respond to or rebut the counterargument described above? You may use a source to refute this opposing point as well.

VI.  Conclusion Paragraph

A.  Note the most important point you are making

B.  Reiterate your thesis statement. (Be sure to state your thesis statement differently than you did in the introduction paragraph.)

C.  Reflective sentence or call to action

VII.   References (at least two. Your final paper needs at least four, with three or more coming from the databases.)

Your outline should include the following elements:

  • A fully written introduction (revised from the Week 3 Discussion)
  • A thesis that ends your introduction (revised from Week 2’s assignment and the Week 3 Discussion)
  • Three body paragraphs supporting your point
  • One body paragraph raising an objection and countering it
  • Quotations and citations from two academic journal sources from Keiser’s Library (from Week 2);

    Remember, your final paper requires the use of a total of four sources

  • Transitional Phrases are required. 

    Click here for a YouTube video discussion of transitional phrases.
    Or, click here for a Purdue OWL discussion of transitional phrases.

  • Comments to be included in your conclusion 
  • Two or more APA formatted references in your refeference list


  •  Follow the outline format provided
  • Include APA formatted citations (Last name, YEAR, p. ___ or para. ___)
  • Include APA formatted references in a clear reference list
  • Submit your outline in the assignment area by Sunday, 11:59 PM EST



Legalizing Marijuana Argumentative Essay Proposal

Teresa San Millan

Keiser University


Whether to legalize the use of Marijuana in the United States or not is the main unresolved issue. Many have been in support of legalization citing different reasons as to why it is important to have the product legalized. On the other hand, there are other people that are against the presence and use of marijuana also citing valid and reliable reasons. Marijuana in the United States has been classified as a toxic drug that has negative effects on health of the user hence leading to its banning. It is important for the government to critically review the issue in order to make a decision that would be of most benefit to the society (Mönckeberg, 2014). Consumption of marijuana remains one of the contributing factors to mental health conditions and addictions, causing significant damage to the users’ lives. I feel that the outcome of the drug after its use should be the main determinant of whether or not legalization would take place or illegalization would remain. Hence, this argumentative essay supports illegalization of marijuana critically proving why the highly benefits should not be factors to consider.

Despite the illegalization of marijuana, it has remained accessible to many people and the challenge is that the finances obtained from trading of marijuana do not contribute to the growth of economy since the trade is not officially done. nevertheless, the amount of monies traded in a single day can be millions and hence many claim that legalizing the use of marijuana would help put in place the right systems through which taxing would be done and the generated revenues used in economic growth (Daniller, 2019). Further, others claim that marijuana is abused due to its illegalized state and that once it is legalized; people would not have a reason to abuse the product but would use the recommended dose. However, the supporters of marijuana illegalization can ask “since marijuana is addictive in nature, how sure are the supporters of marijuana that upon its legalization people would not abuse the drug outrightly since they would be addicted to it? Also, those opposing illegalization are likely to ask “why is it that the same government that has declared marijuana illegal allows the product to get into the country and the same people are still negatively affected?” the response to these questions is that legalizing marijuana does not mean people would have self-control and might easily abuse the product. However, the government has a role in ensuring that marijuana is not smuggled or sold as a way of putting to an end its negative effects.

Marijuana has high amount of negative effects as compared to the benefits. It is challenging that the product adversely affects the health of the users and this means other factors should not be considered as long as the health of the people is at risk. It is important for the government to uphold marijuana illegalization and even put in place stricter policies that would seal all routes and channels used to smuggle marijuana.

The target audience is all people who have attained the age of ten years since they can be victims of marijuana. This is also the population that can at least understand what is marijuana and some of its effects. The overall goal of the audience is to keep off marijuana, discourage its use among friends and relatives, and report any detected dealer to law enforcers for law to take its course.

Convincing target audience is important and the best way to convince them is by having clear goals, objectives, and information about marijuana. Additionally, the information should be persuasive, ethical, and logical such that it demonstrates how it connects with their lives.

For this argumentative essay, different peer-reviewed and journals could be used to provide necessary information. The main key terms to look out for include; legalization of marijuana, banning marijuana, effects of marijuana, addiction, and rehabilitation.


Daniller, A. (2019). Two-thirds of Americans support marijuana legalization. Pew Research Center, 14.

Mönckeberg B, F. (2014). Pros and cons of legalizing marijuana. Revista Chilena de Pediatria, 85(2), 229–237.

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