Essay on plato , the apology

Loose essay about plato the apology

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PHIL201 – Spring Semester 2020
Writing #1 (10%) – Guidelines

Due date of assignment (for UTR): Thursday, February 20, by 11:59pm via only

Choose ONE of the following texts or pairs of texts:

1. Bertrand Russell, The Value of Philosophy
2. Plato, the Apology
3. Plato, the Crito
4. St. Anselm, ‘Ontological Argument’ and St. Thomas Aquinas, ‘The Five Ways’ text (2 texts)

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Then discuss, in the form of a ‘loose essay’ (*), the following:

1. Of the texts we have looked at so far, which one had the most significant impact on your
thinking/outlook and why? (INTRO paragraph)

2. Discuss the portions of the text/s, which you feel were most thought provoking, and then explain what
these portions of the text ‘mean to you’, in your own words.

3. Lastly, what is the biggest ‘lesson’ you have learned from this/these text/s, and how does this lesson
relate to your life right now? (Please be specific and be sure to speak about your life and your

*Writing structure: a ‘loose essay’, which means:

• Please write an INTRODUCTION which answers question #1 above
• Then respond to the remaining questions using at least one BODY paragraph (it’s your choice how

many body paragraphs you include)

Points given for:

• Answering all of the questions given above, while demonstrating a close reading of the text,
engagement with ideas discussed during class time, independence of thought and an ability to relate
the texts to your life (everyday life).

• Use of proper grammar, spelling, and syntax throughout your writing (also, proper citation of any quotes
used in your writing from the main text itself, if you choose to quote anything directly; you don’t have to
quote anything directly, though – careful/detailed paraphrasing is fine – but if you quote, be clear you
are quoting and cite your source/s properly, using MLA, APA or other formal citation style)


• As this is quite a personal paper, you may of course write in the ‘first-person’ and use personal pronouns
such as ‘I, me, and mine’. In fact, to answer the set questions that are quite personal, it would be nearly
impossible to write without using such personal terms!

• Again, this is more of a ‘personal’ paper and NOT a research paper. I do not want to see any ‘outside’
research reflected in the writing of your paper. The most important preparation will be READING the
texts concerned, reviewing your class notes, and thinking for yourself about what you have
read/discussed. This personal reflection and close reading is what is being graded; including research
from outside the text will not be meaningful for this assessment.

• Word length expected: certainly, no less than 2 pages and no more than 3 pages (approx. 800-1200

• Use standard fonts/sizes (11 or 12 pt) and normal margins; no double-spacing (single or 1.5 spacing only)
• When submitting on Turnitin, just make sure your name and class name/section are on page 1; NO title

page is needed.
• Turnitin login details will be shared with you soon via Blackboard! Make sure your account is

active/ready for submission.


Apology: The Trial of Socrates

Socrates in the trial – speaking plainly, daily converse. He is a speaker of the truth, not an accomplished speaker.

Socrates’ accusers:

1. Meletus

2. Anytus

3. Lycon

Why does he fear the early accusers more than the recent ones?

They’re anonymous, they are shadows, rumours brainwashed children of that period are now jurors who will decide his fate, they’re nameless, cannot bring evidence forward. They corrupted mind of jurors.

• Children grew hearing that Socrates is a trouble maker, their minds have been infected since they could not ask any acquisitions.

• They accepted this truth and now deciding his fate with prejudice against him they developed when they were kids. He cannot do anything about the prejudices.

• You cannot argue with phantom, ghosts, cannot address them in a straightforward manner.

He fears them the most, they are formidable, because he exposes them for having a reputation of wisdom while they know little, he broke their façade, exposed their flaws hence they may go to any lengths to take vengeance. He exposed people’s ignorance = made himself a lot of enemies.

They accused him of being a Sophist, bad reputation during his time, teaching people weak arguments, weak ideas for money. Socrates was not a sophist. This is what the early accusers made them believe. Sophists were doubtful of God. The 500 jurors never got to hear Socrates speak, they’re just brainwashed.

Socrates’ Attitude during the trial:

• Kind of saying take it easy on me, old man in court for the first time. “I’m a stranger to the court room, treat me kindly”

• Tries to appeal to their humanness, the jurors.

The story of the oracle (Delphi) – temple of Apollo

Oracle is like a messenger, knowledge she has is provided by the gods. The wisdom was unnatural. One of Socrates followers asked the Oracle who is the wisest, is there wiser than Socrates? The God answered no. Socrates was in disbelief, he knew he was unwise.

So he questioned people and learns that people have a reputation to be wise, yet they know nothing and pretend to know. They continue this charade of wisdom because they’re reputation is built on it. He questioned craftsmen, politicians, poets

In the sight of god: wisdom means nothing, like Socrates, we should not pretend more than we are. True wisdom = not knowing.

“Socrates, the gadfly of Athen”

He was proud of the fact that he was like a fly, an irritant. Gadfly = horse fly. He believes this type of insect is necessary. He compares himself to the gadfly and the horse that the gadfly bites is Athens. Gods put Socrates as a gadfly to wake Athens up. Rousing, reproaching, scolding is a good thing. People do not want to be questioned, be shammed, have their knowledge punctured. He compares this to as though the person who wakes you up, you’d naturally be mad.

Philosophy is dangerous but necessary. Living well is more important than living. Die well is better than to live.

W3 C2 – Plato’s Apology

Accusation: He made weak arguments sound strong, he hasn’t done anything productive, seen as a troublemaker.

P.4 Socrates debate with Meletus

Accused of corrupting the youth and impiety (Does not believe in gods, and gods of the state) – Gods gave politicians their authority. To question the gods of the state is to question the state = treason.

• How can he be both accused of not believing in gods but also creating his own gods?

Death seems to be the best option as a punishment and Socrates seems to support that.

P.8 Socrates, the gadfly

AKA the gadfly is Socrates and the horse it bites is Athens.

• He believes he has been sent by the gods to bite and be an irritant because their success made people complacent, not asking how to live and how to be a good person, they’re sleepily going through their lives.

P.13 Death

Socrates condemned to death and Socrates is in favour.

• End – end to life.

• Beginning – a change, a different type of experience. The true just fair judges who we will meet in the afterlife who are worth something, we should be looking forward to that. He’d be willing to die many times to just have this kind of afterlife. If he gets another life, he could be a philosopher again, he’s willing to die.

P.14 Socrates final public comment

Not just directed at his sons but to everyone.

• Socrates believes and reminds people that a good man cannot be harmed, those who harm him are not harming him but harming themselves. He believes this is his fate. He blames his accusers for wishing him harm.

He says by killing him, he is not harmed, you harm yourself more. A good man can never be harmed. Killing a man unjustly does more harm to the community. He thinks he is God’s gift, this irritated people, he seemed big headed. He thinks he’s very special “you wont find another like me”.

Virtue is what should matter for everyone.

At the end he asks everyone to question and harass his sons, if they care more for money than virtue and if they think much of themselves – scold them. Remind them that they are nothing.

His very last words is that he believes in the gods.

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