Essay Katherine

Alasha Moss
Foundation of Literacy
Dr. Adam Maillet

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Octavia Butler claims that “Bloodchild” is in-part a romance or love story. Explore this concept in
your essay: how does Butler depict love and relationships? What can we learn from the

1. “[…] It was an honor to have T’Gatoi in the family, but it was hardly a novelty. T’Gatoi and
my mother had been friends all my mother’s life, and T’Gatoi was not interested in being
honored in the house; she considered her second home. She came in, climbed onto one
of her outstanding couches, and called me over to keep her warm.[…]. ” (Bloodchild 1)

2. “T’Gatoi had even introduced my mother to the man who became my father. My parents,

pleased with each other in spite of their different ages, married as T’Gatoi was going into
her family’s business – politics.” (Bloodchild 3)

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3. “I’m healthy and young,” she said.”I won’t leave you as Lomas was left – alone, N’Tlic. I’ll

take care of you. (Bloodchild 20)

4. “Leave it here!”I repeated.”If we’re not your animals, if these are adult things, accept the
risk. There is risk, Gatoi, in dealing with a partner.” (Bloodchild 17)

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