Essay Assignment

Essay #5 – In-class Final Exam

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For your last essay, which will be written in class, please respond to only
of the prompts below. The style of this essay will be either cause/effect or argumentative depending on which question you choose. You will have two hours to complete this essay and upload it to Blackboard. This essay must have 550 words minimum. This test is worth 100 points (10% of your final grade).

You are not required to use any sources for this essay. However, you are still held to Prince George’s Academic Integrity standards, which means if you use any outside sources, you must document them in correct MLA citation with in-text citations and a Works Cited page. With the time constraint, it may be easier to write on what you already know about the topic if possible.

Choose one question prompt from below:

1. What are the causes and/or effects of a spoiled child?

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2. What are the reasons for working and going to school at the same time? What are the effects of trying to balance both? (You can answer one or both of these questions).

3. Should gambling be legal in the United States of America?

4. Is it beneficial for couples to live together before getting married?

Essay #5 – Rubric





Possible Points

Points Earned


Formulating a strong thesis statement that includes the main topic, controlling idea, and list of subtopics


Organizing essay content into introduction, body and conclusion with strong topic sentences that connect to the thesis

Writing informatively or argumentatively about the causes/effects of the chosen topic or the arguments for or against the topic, depending on what you choose.

Providing strong examples and evidence for your topic (sources are optional but if you choose not to incorporate a source, you must provide some sort of example that you might know of)

Applying grammar and usage rules. This includes using academic vocabulary (3rd person only) and not casual language.


Correctly formatting the essay and writing at least two pages (double spaced)


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