essay about Marxist

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For this 5-7-page essay, you need to choose one of the short stories below to determine to what
degree the main character(s) is/are driven by an economic motive. As we have learned, Marxist
theory claims that “getting and keeping economic power is the motive behind all social and
political activities, including education, philosophy, religion, government, the arts, science,
technology, the media, and so on” (Tyson 50).

For this paper, you will need to research and examine the economic setting in the story. Identify
the time and place of the story. What was happening economically in that region at that time, and
do the

characters in the story seem to reflect these economic conditions?

This is the question I would like you to answer, as it is the central idea upon which Marxist
literary criticism rests. You must research the

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economic setting of the story you choose, and you need to cite your sources. Do explain in
your essay how the economic struggles relate to the theme you identify in the story.

Also, do identify any ironies (verbal, situational, cosmic, or dramatic) that you see as important.
Be sure to define the ironies you identify and explain how your example fits the definition.

You need 5-7 sources for this paper. The critical theory text for the class counts as one source, as
does the original short story or play you are examining. Papers with less sources and/or pages
will not be accepted and will be returned to you ungraded. You need to use and cite every source
listed on your works cited page.

This essay needs to be typed, double-spaced, and follow all correct MLA formats. Reputable
academic sources are required for this assignment. The GWC library’s databases are highly
recommended. You may use both literary resources and historical sources to help you with this
assignment, as long as you cite all sources in your paper and list them correctly on your works
cited page. The library also provides a MLA handout that shows you how to cite library research
correctly. The work cited page is required and is considered a page of your essay, so it counts as
one page and should have a page number on it.

Thus, your paper will identify the theme of the story, the economic situation and economic
struggles of the characters, and any pertinent ironies. In your conclusion, do weigh in on whether
you agree or disagree with Marx’s theory that ALL human activity is motivated by getting or
keeping economic power, and do be sure to support your opinion.

Choose one story in this case to write an essay

“Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather

“The Garden-Party” by Katherine Mansfield

“The Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan

“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

More detail about an essay:

For this 5—7 page essay, you need to choose one of the works listed below to examine how the
characters’ behavior may be explained in terms of struggling “to get and keep economic power”
(Tyson 50). Because the character’s/characters’ setting is a vital part of the story and chosen
deliberately by the author to support the story’s main idea, the characters’ financial struggles are
crucial to the story’s theme. You also need to consider which ironies are present in the story.
Explore this connection in your paper by identifying what you see as a major theme in the story
and how the economic struggles of the character/ characters and ironies contribute to and/or
support the story’s theme.

Source List:
You need 5-7 sources for this paper. The short story needs to be cited, and it counts as one
source. The critical theory book—if cited—counts as another source.

Short story list:
Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather
The Garden-Party” by Katherine Mansfield
“The Rules of the Game” by Amy Tan
“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Sample Approaches and Theses:
Willa Cather’s “Paul’s Case” demonstrates the seductive and cruel siren song of capitalism when
Paul steals and then commits suicide to achieve his version of the American Dream. Both the
setting in the hardscrabble world of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and the ironies in the story
contribute to proving the truth behind the Marxist maxim that “getting and keeping economic
power is the motive behind all social and political activities” (Tyson 50).

Katherine Mansfield illustrates how classism is passed on in upper class families in her 1922
short story “The Garden-Party,” revealing the truth behind the Marxist idea that seemingly
innocent social events involve socio-economic struggles.

While Mama and Maggie in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” refute the Marxist idea that all
human activity is motivated by economics and power by continuing their country lifestyle, Dee
proves the Marxist maxim true in her educational and social activities.

In Amy Tan’s short story “The Rules of the Game,” both Waverly and her mother show how a
children’s game of chess was transformed into a way to gain economic power in a Chinese
immigrant’s family and society in 1950’s America. Ironically, Waverly becomes a pawn in her
mother’s gambit to become the Queen of San Francisco’s Chinatown.

Be sure to research the setting, as that will help inform the societal expectations and economic
influences of the time and socioeconomic class system in the short story you choose. Setting
includes the time and place of the short story, the social classes, gender roles, historical events,
manmade objects, and scenes of nature. For example, you may want to look into the following:

“Everyday Use”: the Black-Is-Beautiful and Black Power Movements in the U.S. in the late
1960s and early 1970s, and the cultural meaning of hair and African dress within the time period
for black Americans. You will want to research how being authentically “African” rather than
“American” meant higher status within the black community at that time.

“Paul’s Case”: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the late 1800’s and early 1900s, the time of “the iron
kings”; Andrew Carnegie, Charles M. Schwab, and the like; NYC in the early 20th century; the
Waldorf hotel where Paul stayed, Tiffany’s, Carnegie Hall, the spending power of the money he
stole, the meaning behind the flowers he wore and their price, etc.

“The Garden-Party”: New Zealand in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the class system in New
Zealand, symbolism of gardens in English culture and New Zealand culture, the gender roles
present in the story (who is working in the home and outside the home?), significance of the
young husband/father’s death, the cost of the flowers, foods, hat, and band in the story.

“Rules of the Game”: Chinese immigrant experience in the 1950’s, symbolism of chess, wind
directions, fish and turtles in the Chinese markets, Tiger Moms in Asian cultures, racism and
sexism in Chinese and 1950s American cultures, and the popularity of chess in 1950s America.

Where to Begin Your Research:

Literature Resource Center library data base online.
Short Stories for Students –reference guide in the GWC LRC’s library both online in Literature
Resource Center and hard copy text.
Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide by Lois Tyson (our theory book online)
Research on the economy of the time period.

Research the setting and figure out how it supports the theme you chose for the story.
Remember, stories may have various themes. As you are looking at this story from a Marxist
view, you will want to focus on the socioeconomic classes in the setting. Are the poor and upper
classes clashing? Is it the middle class against the upper class, or are class conflicts occurring
within one class? How are the boundaries between the classes maintained? Who has the
economic power? Is the person/class fighting to keep the economic upper hand in some
situation? What social, educational, work, art, and/or political activities are occurring in the
story, and how do they support/not support getting and keeping economic power?
Tie these questions to the behavior, thoughts, words, and views of the character or characters you

Find examples in the text of the short story and quote or paraphrase these examples to
support your assertions. Be sure to introduce all quotations one of three ways, and do cite for
all quotations and paraphrases. Be sure to tie your analysis to the theme of the story in every

To include the ironies, you may want to include relevant ironies in each paragraph, as well, or
you may wish to have a separate paragraph or two to discuss the pertinent ironies you discovered
in the story. Be sure to define each of the ironies you use. You should cite the class handout or
any other source you use for the definitions.

Sample Outline for Essay 2

Paragraph 1: Introduce the reader to the basic idea of Marxist Theory (all activities really are

about getting and keeping economic power”) and briefly summarize the short story you chose.


Upon close examination, the social activities in “Short Story Title” by Author’s Full

Name do reveal a strong motivation to [gain/keep] [ economic or social power].

One or Two Paragraphs: While at first glance, the activity of [

playing the piano, playing chess,

traveling to New York, visiting one’s family

] seems innocent and normal, but after looking at the

activity through the Marxist lens, one can see a desire to keep/get more power in the society of

the time.

insert research here on the setting.

–insert quotations and paraphrases.

–insert any ironies here. [You also could put all ironies in one paragraph prior to the conclusion.]

One or Two Paragraphs: Discuss another activity here.

–insert research here on the setting.
–insert quotations and paraphrases.
–insert any ironies here. [You also could put all ironies in one paragraph prior to the conclusion.]
One or Two Paragraphs: Discuss another activity here.
insert research here on the setting.
–insert quotations and paraphrases.
–insert any ironies here. [You also could put all ironies in one paragraph prior to the conclusion.]

Final Paragraph: Explain if you agree or disagree with Marx’s theory that ALL human activity is

motivated by getting or keeping economic power, and do be sure to support your opinion with

your own examples.

Works Cited: Needs to Be Its Own Page, with your last name and page number in the top right.

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