
Assignment: Write a research essay using at least five crediblesources

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Purpose: To prove your thesis with well-supported evidence and analysis

**Only submit your final draft on Canvas using Turnitin**

Requirements: 1,250-1,700 wds including the Works Cited page, a double-spaced typed page, and outside research of fivecredible sources. Two of the sources need to be other than a regular website page (e.g., online periodical, book, journal, newspaper, magazine [can be on a website])

Topic: Develop a solid and strong thesis on any topic of your choice. Use analysis and sources to support the thesis.

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​Introduction Paragraph- last sentence needs to have the thesis (4-6 sents.)

​Body Paragraphs (at least 4 sents.)

Conclusion Paragraph-wrap up and push to a new direction. Do not summarize the essay. (3-5 sents.)

**Pay attention to your topic sentences. A topic sentences statesthe main idea in each paragraph using your own words and ideas.


• typed • placed onto a Microsoft Word document • double-spaced• Times New Roman, 12 pt. font• 1-inch margins• indented paragraphs• creative title centered in the middle with regular font• MLA citation • page numbers on the top right-hand corner. Ex: last name 1• third person only. No I, me, my, we, our, us, you, your• no contractions. Ex: don’t à do not• “header” on the left-hand side

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