
This paper will be an argument. This means it will make an arguable claim on a debatable subject. The library guide for this class has readings in every undergraduate major that requires this class, so everyone in the class should be able to find a reading on a subject in their major.If you don’t know what your major will be or are pursuing general studies, you may choose whichever subject interests you. Your job in this paper is to find a research/argument niche. This means you will be responding to the conversation at hand. As we mentioned in the class, most paper will primarily be responding to one  Primary Response Article. This is simply the article you feel you are responding to most directly, but you will likely position your paper in the broader conversation using other articles from the class readings or articles you find in your own research. All the assignments in this class have helped you prepare for the final assignment, so you should have a lot of the work completed already. Now it is time to assemble it all into a coherent whole.

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Citation Style

You will cite your paper in the citation style preferred by the discipline in which you are writing. Include a works cited page in the same citation style. If you are using a rather obscure citation style (not MLA or APA) please let your instructor know which citation style you are using.


Academic writing is a conversation. You final paper must use five credible sources that support your argument or add to the conversation around your main point. Two of your sources must be peer reviewed journals. Two of your sources must be sources not listed on the library guide that you found through your own research.Acceptable credible sources include:

  • Books/ebooks
  • Scholarly or Professional Journals
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers

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