
Hello is there anyone that can help me with my essay.  I have multiple essay to write. They must be done separate. They can not be together.  I will have the instruction for them upload with what and how they should be done.

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Directions for Cahpter 2: Lesson 3

Write a one page letter persuading companies to invest in constructing a desalination plant in a foreign country that desperately needs freshwater. Make sure to include pros and cons of investing in this venture. Make sure to research names of desalination plants and foreign countries that would benefit from having a desalination plant.

Directions for Chapter 3: Lesson 2 Review Questions

1. Suppose you are on a ship sailing in the low latitudes. Write a paragraph explaining what might happen as you drift near the Equator?

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2. How can landforms and bodies of water affect climate? (Paragraph)

3. Which of the five factors do you think has the strongest effect on the climate in Charleston and why? (Paragraph)

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